and Jamay Sidberry
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The USS Maine
The USS Maine was an American battleship
fighting against the Spanish that blew up in
1898. We blamed the Spanish because we
wanted to fight with Spain. When the ship
exploded 260 officers and crew members. When
it blew up we chanted "Remember the Maine"
for pay back.
Bria Godshall

Pre-Imperial Attitudes Towards
George Washington, the first president of the United States did
not want to expand America. He did wanted to continue to be
separated from the other countries. The American people, on the
other hand, did want trade with other countries. America
continued to expand trade. They expanded out to Japan. In order
to trade with isolated Japan the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854.
Jamay Sidberry

Acquisition of Alaska
In 1867 William H. Seaward bought Alaska
from Russia. Seaward bought it from
Russia for $7.2 million. That was a good
price for land a lot bigger than Texas.
Many people thought he made a mistake
but in 1890 they found gold.

Failed Expansion Schemes
William H. Seward wanted to connect America with other
countries by using a transcontinental railroad. Seward would
make it possible to communicate with the telegraph. In order to
achieve this Seward purchased Alaska. Americans did not think
this was a good idea.
Jamay Sidberry

Emilio Aguinaldo
Emilio led the Filipino Rebels who
helped get the city of Manila.In
February 1899, his group fought for
freedom for the Philippines. Emilio was
caught in March 1901 and tried to get
other Filipino armies to stop fighting.
Bria Godshall

Economic motives for imperial Expanision
Americans wanted to move America's trade and trade with more
countries. More specifically, Latin American countries. This
would help boost the economy a lot.
Jamay Sidberry

Yellow Journalism
Yellow Journalism is stretching out the
truth to make something more interesting
to get readers attention. Yellow
Journalism played a big role in the
making of before war opinion in the
United States. William Randall Hearst
was the first to publish this type of
Bria Godshall

Strategic motives for imperial
Captain Alfred Thayer wanted America to be able to refuel naval
ships. Americans ships were made to be steam powered instead
of using sails.
Jamay Sidberry

Panama/Panama Canal
Before the United States got the land
we offered to pay $10 million. Once
Panama declared freedom the United
States was given the land to build the
canal. In 1914 the canal was opened.
The canal connected the Pacific and the
Atlantic ocean. They built the canal to
shorten the trip by not having to go
around South America. The first ship to
go thought the canal was called the
Bria Godshall

War With Filipinos
In 1899 the Philippines decided to rebel against the United
States. More than 4,000 Americans were killed. In 1901 many
soldiers began to surrender.

Acquisition of Hawaii
(The buying of Hawaii)
While president Benjamin Harrison was
president he sent the treaty to buy hawaii
to senate but was not approved before he
left office.Once Grover Cleveland became
president the senate approved it but
Grover removed the treaty because most
Hawaiians didn't want Hawaii to become a
part of the United States.When william
McKinley became president congress allowed
him to buy hawaii. In 1900 Hawaii became a
part of the United States.
Bria Godshall

Racial motives for Imperial
Josiah Strong thought that America should spread Christianity
to other countries. He thought that they should try to change
other people in different countries so that they would be more
like them. He figured this would make them more "civilized" or
Jamay Sidberry

Work Cited
"Alaska Map Collection." Map of Alaska. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
"LARGE COLOR MAP." Cuba Large Color Map. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.
"Panama Canal Locks 1994." Wikimedia Commons.
N.p., 5 June 2010. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
"___ Reference Map of Hawaii (HI)." Reference
Map of Hawaii, USA. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb.
"Spanish-American War." WRS Latin American and
the 20th Century /. N.p., 2010. Web. 28 Feb.
"William Randolph Hearst." Hearst Castle. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.

Outcome for the Philipines
The United States gave control over the Philippines to the civilian
government. The leader of the civilian government tried to get
the Philippines independence. The Philippines did not get their
independence until 1946.
Jamay Sidberry

William McKinley, Spain, and Cuba
President William McKinley of the United States sent out a ship
called the Maine in 1898. The ship exploded and blaming the
Spanish, McKinley sent the Spanish a strongly worded note. This
note also asked demands of the Spanish and the Spanish agreed
to some of them. Later that year, Cuba was given its
Jamay Sidberry

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and Jamay Sidberry
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

The USS Maine
The USS Maine was an American battleship
fighting against the Spanish that blew up in
1898. We blamed the Spanish because we
wanted to fight with Spain. When the ship
exploded 260 officers and crew members. When
it blew up we chanted "Remember the Maine"
for pay back.
Bria Godshall

Pre-Imperial Attitudes Towards
George Washington, the first president of the United States did
not want to expand America. He did wanted to continue to be
separated from the other countries. The American people, on the
other hand, did want trade with other countries. America
continued to expand trade. They expanded out to Japan. In order
to trade with isolated Japan the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854.
Jamay Sidberry

Acquisition of Alaska
In 1867 William H. Seaward bought Alaska
from Russia. Seaward bought it from
Russia for $7.2 million. That was a good
price for land a lot bigger than Texas.
Many people thought he made a mistake
but in 1890 they found gold.

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