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Pre-imperial attitudes toward expansion
Before Imperialism started, many Americans wanted to expand
their territory which means to make their space bigger.
However, before that people had the opposite idea about
expanding their territory. For about 100 years Americans didn't
want to make their land bigger at all. The few people who did
want to expand, moved west and south. This expansion drove
American history to change more and more and this was the
end of the American “frontier”.

Failed Expansion Schemes
One of the failed expansion schemes was Dollar Diplomacy,
created by William Taft. It had positive and negative effects. It
was made to help U.S. Investments in Latin America grow.
American Investments were used to help build roads, railroads,
and harbors. This also created a stronger role overseas for
America. If U.S. business interests in Latin America were
threatened then it usually led to war. This created feelings
against the U.S. in Latin America. Another failed expansion
scheme was the Roosevelt Corollary. It was an addition to the
Monroe Doctrine. This helped prevent European intervention in
Latin America. This gave the United States permission to help
the affairs of Latin America. Wilson's Moral Diplomacy was
another failed expansion scheme. It helped teach democracy in
other countries to stop wars. This rule faced a big issue when
Civil War broke out in Mexico.

Acquisition of Alaska
In 1867 Seward moved to Alaska because he had a dream
and wanted to make it happen. He bought Alaska from Russia
for 7.2 million dollars! That's a lot of money! Alaska is twice
the size of Texas! Also, Alaska is very cold and icy so everyone
made fun of Seward and called Alaska a “polar bear garden”
because polar bears like the cold and they live in Alaska. Then,
after everyone made fun of Seward he found gold and became
very rich and everyone was very jealous of Seward. After that,
Alaska became part of the United States and Seward lived
happily ever after.

Acquisition of Hawaii
In the early 1800’s Hawaii was just an independent island in
the middle of the pacific ocean. It was in the perfect place for
America to have a naval base and serve as a stopping place for
American trade ships on their way to China. Hawaii also had
lush environments perfect for farming and fishing. When
American missionaries moved to Hawaii to establish schools in
1820 many Americans started to control the land. Hawaiians
had their own life and didn't want these strangers to change it!
Unfortunately for the Hawaiians, Hawaii became a state of
America in 1900 when William McKinley was elected president.

Economic motives for Imperial Expansion
Money in some countries kept the expansion from
happening because their economies were bad which
meant that they didn’t have enough money to buy more
land and expand. A lot of nations competed for colonies
in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world because they
provided new markets and raw materials. Raw materials
are materials like metal and coal and stuff that people
would use to make machinery. However, when one
European nation expanded, they usually got into a fight
with another country because a lot of countries didn’t
like Europe very much.

Strategic Motives for Imperial Expansion
America tried to buy land and islands that would serve a
purpose. Islands in the Pacific or Atlantic oceans could
be used a naval bases. Islands could also serve as refuel
stops for American ships. This would give America sea
power since they had colonies all across the ocean. The
idea of imperial expansion was more land means more
power. Another reason they favored expansion was to
bring religion to other places in the worlds that were
"Uncivilized". More expansion also created more options
of trade. The more land America got, the more power
they had in the world.

Racial Motives for Imperial Expansion
Ethnocentrism is the belief in the inherent superiority of one's
own ethnic group or culture. This means that wherever you are
from, you believe in the same beliefs as everyone else in that
country. When countries tried to expand their territory, they
had a hard time because they wanted to buy other countries
that had diferent beliefs than them. This made it hard for them
to expand because the two different countries both wanted to
still believe their own beliefs.

Cuban Rebellion against Spain
Cubans has lived under spanish rule for
centuries. Jose' Marti was a big name for
Cuban Independence. He went to the U.S. and
collected troops, weapons, and money. The
rebels burned buildings and fields which
destroyed their sugarcane trying to get the
Spanish to leave. Spanish troops fought back
by separating Cubans into camps. Many
Cubans faced death by disease and starvation.
Later, Cuba was eventually granted full
independence by the United States, in 1901.

Yellow Journalism
Yellow journalism is writing that is very dramatic and exaggerates, which means to
make something sound worse than it actually is. A lot of times the writings weren't
even true! They just made up things to get people to read it and the people who
read it actually believed it. Yellow Journalism also had an effect on the opinion of
the war for many people before the war happened. Yellow Journalism started
because the different newspapers all had the same stories to tell from the war so
they made up very dramatic things that weren't true to make people want to read
it. This wasn't a good thing because people now thought things about the war that
weren't right and they got very confused.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Pre-imperial attitudes toward expansion
Before Imperialism started, many Americans wanted to expand
their territory which means to make their space bigger.
However, before that people had the opposite idea about
expanding their territory. For about 100 years Americans didn't
want to make their land bigger at all. The few people who did
want to expand, moved west and south. This expansion drove
American history to change more and more and this was the
end of the American “frontier”.
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