Diplomacy Books

  • The New Skeld pt 3
    The final installment of "The New Skeld" series...the whole series delves into the new wave of astronauts, who are tasked to make peace around the multiverse. The series is 2…
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  • Quincy's Bargain
    A biography of John Quincy Adams, the 6th president of the United States, covering his early life, education, diplomatic career, presidency, and post-presidential activities.
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  • THE PIG WAR 1859-1872
    The Pig War was a conflict between the US and Britain over a pig shooting. It escalated into a potential war, but was resolved peacefully with German mediation.
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  • The War With France
    The Quasi-War, a conflict between America and France in 1798, is explored, including its causes, major events, and impact on American history.
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  • America's Empire Project
    The story provides a detailed account of various historical events related to American expansion, including the failed expansion schemes, acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii, ec…
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  • Harold Washington in the eyes of my Mom
    A personal reflection on the impact of Harold Washington, a former mayor, and his values of unity, diplomacy, and conviction.
  • I am Akbar the Great
    The story of Akbar the Great, a Mughal emperor who ruled India and expanded his empire through military conquests and diplomatic alliances.
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  • The Evil Hero
    The story of Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who saved thousands of Jewish people during World War II.
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