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Amy the rabbit woke up one Tuesday morning,
and decided to go out for a walk through the
forest. Along the way, she looked at many
flowers, trees, and bushes. Amy was especially
interested in the many rocks she saw.

"Aren't rocks fascinating?" said a voice from above.
Amy gasped as she looked up to see an eagle hovering above her. "Yes,
they are!" she said. "They remind me of how amazing our planet is!"
The eagle nodded. "My name is Edward the Earth Expert Eagle. I love our
planet, too." he said.
"Would you help me learn more about Earth?" asked Amy.
"Why, it would be my pleasure!" said Edward. "Come with me!"

Edward and Amy flew away to a place where Amy could see nothing
but rocks for miles!
"Let's begin with what our planet is made of. First is the crust, which
we live on!" said Edward. "Next comes the oceanic crust, then the
uppermost mantle. All of these layers make up something called the
"Wow!" said Amy.

The mantle is the other section of Earth. It is made of the
asthenosphere, the upper mantle, the lower mantle, the liquid outer
core, and the solid inner core. All of these, plus the uppermost mantle,
make up the mantle!"
"So, the Earth is kind of like a cake!" giggled Amy.
Edward laughed. "I wouldn't eat it, if I were you! The core of Earth and
the layer around it is made completely of iron! The mantle is made of
things called magnesium and iron silicates, which don't taste yummy!"
he said. "The crust is mostly made of silicon and oxygen!"
Amy made a face.
That sure didn't
sound tasty!

"The ground is made of plates that can shift around."
said Edward. "There are three different types of plate boundaries:
divergent, convergent, and transform. At
convergent boundaries, the plates are best friends,
and move together! At divergent boundaries, plates
don't like each other, and scoot away from each other.
At transform boundaries, plates try to fight! They slide
against each other! The movement of plates can
cause earthquakes and volcanoes.
"Tell me more about our planet, Ed!" said Amy.

"One of my favorite topics about Earth is continental drift. It is the idea
that the continents are slowly moving away from each other,
and that they were once together to make one huge super-continent
called Pangaea!"
Amy gasped. "How could scientists ever prove that?"
"Well, they can't prove it for sure. However, there is a lot of evidence to
support the idea. For example, the edges of the continents seem to fit
together like a puzzle. Also, fossils have been found of plants and
animals in places they can't survive. Another piece of evidence to prove
this idea is mountain ranges on different continents match up!"
explained Edward.
"I think that is my favorite idea EVER!" said Amy. "I love learning about
our planet, Edward, but I'm getting kind of hungry after thinking about
how the Earth is like a cake."
"Let's go get something to eat!" said Edward.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Amy the rabbit woke up one Tuesday morning,
and decided to go out for a walk through the
forest. Along the way, she looked at many
flowers, trees, and bushes. Amy was especially
interested in the many rocks she saw.

"Aren't rocks fascinating?" said a voice from above.
Amy gasped as she looked up to see an eagle hovering above her. "Yes,
they are!" she said. "They remind me of how amazing our planet is!"
The eagle nodded. "My name is Edward the Earth Expert Eagle. I love our
planet, too." he said.
"Would you help me learn more about Earth?" asked Amy.
"Why, it would be my pleasure!" said Edward. "Come with me!"

Edward and Amy flew away to a place where Amy could see nothing
but rocks for miles!
"Let's begin with what our planet is made of. First is the crust, which
we live on!" said Edward. "Next comes the oceanic crust, then the
uppermost mantle. All of these layers make up something called the
"Wow!" said Amy.

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