looking. For people that think they don't matter cause
they don't have the new stuff, or the new styles.
Well they are wrong, it doesn't matter if you don't think
your good looking. Or that no one will ever love you.
You have to stay positive, it doesn't matter whats inside,
it only matters whats on the inside. This book is from
The Ugly Duckling.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time, there was a perfect couple. They were made for each other,
everyone would say. She was a fine and fair ginger with a French accent. She
was the most beautiful women in the whole town, Two Rivers was the name, it
was small, but she loved the view of a river or lake. Her hair was red hot and
wavy, and her skin, as white as snow, her eyes, a sparkly green as an emerald.
She wore beautiful silky clothes, and always, she had jewels. Her husband
bought her all sorts of jewels. On her neck, a glorious pearl necklace rested
there, matching her skin perfectly. On her ring finger laid a glorious Topaz
jeweled ring. It matched her just as perfectly as the necklace. The next item,
which was her most prized and beautiful of all the jewels, were her Amethyst
earrings, which sat perfectly near her medium, sized ears. They were the piece
to résistance of her beauty.
The man, he was as charming as a prince. He had perfect dark black hair,
straight, and sort of short-ish, sort of choppy like. It was just… perfect. His skin
was a not so pale white; it was sort of darkish looking but not really. The man,
had eyes like a swimming pool; they were delicate, fragile blue eyes that
sparkled whenever he talked about something he loved. What he loved most,
was his wife. He was a proud owner of a modeling agency which, by the way, his
wife was in. He was rich, so they lived in a big house, with cool gates, and lots of
bedrooms and windows.

He, and his wife, always dreamed of having a daughter or a son, and guess what?
They did. They had two twin sisters. One of the daughters was named Topaz, and the
other, was named Pearl. Each daughter was named after the wife’s most favorite
jewel; they were each also given the jewel that they were named after.
Topaz had beautiful long wavy, black hair, and she had green eyes with snow
white skin. She had a perfect face that fitted a queen. She was a perfect mix of her
mother and father. She was very smart and cunning like her father, also good in
persuasion like her mother. Even though Topaz and Pearl were twins, they looked
nothing alike and did totally different things.
Pearl had long and curly red flaming hair with beautiful blue eyes that a guy
could just swim in. She had the skin and bone structure of her father, but the loving
of jewels like her mother.
One day, the mother and father decided that they wanted to have another
daughter. After their daughter’s’ 16th birthday party, they realized that, having just
two daughters wasn’t enough, they wanted to enjoy a little one like they had their
two teenage daughters. So, they had a daughter.
But, there was a terrible accident during bringing her home from the hospital.

“So Ronald what should we do about the people from the meeting?” Ronald
is the husband and the woman speaking is the wife. The father looked at Primrose
with a frown.
“I’m not sure Primrose, I don’t see why they wouldn’t accept the offer, and I
used my best persuasion skills on them. Honey, make sure the baby is safe in the
infant seat would you?” Ronald asked looking over at the rear-view mirror
worriedly, trying to get a glimpse of his new born baby. Primrose, the wife, looked
over from the front seat of their black Ferrari car to see a little baby sleeping
perfectly in a pink and very girly infant seat. The baby had drool coming down
from her mouth, but none the less, she was still adorable. She had rosy cheeks
that stood out from her way to pale skin. Even though she had not had a single
hair on her head, anyone could tell she was going to be a ginger, just like her
Primrose smiled as she stared at the baby, “She’s so beautiful Ronald,
this was surely the right thing to do,” she swung back so she sat up straight and
tall like the French woman she was then, turned her head to look and her husband,
“I just know it.”
Her husband made the terrible mistake of looking back, and then smiled,
“Of course.” He remarked without a single care in the world.

Then, terror struck. There was a red light up ahead of them, and he couldn’t
take his eyes off of his beautiful wife. He never saw the red light so he didn’t think it
would matter if he just kissed her really quickly on the lips. But it did.
They were going 60 mph; he was excited of his new born daughter so he
wanted to get home as quickly as he could. As soon as he kissed his wife he went a
little faster on his car. He was then going 64 mph. That’s when the crash happened.
The car ran straight into a huge moving truck. Everything happened really fast.
Amethyst was only a few hours old at the time. The time her father died, and they
time she would be scarred for the rest of her life.
When the car hit the truck, there was a loud explosion. There was fire
surrounding Amethyst and Primrose. Ronald head rammed straight into the window,
Amethyst started to cry loudly and flail around. Primrose only banged into the side
window, not as bad as Ronald, his was deathly. She had blood running down her
head while she was struggling to get the seatbelt off of her. Then, there was a huge
explosion near the back of the car were Amethyst was. Glass rained down all upon
Amethyst. Then, the crying stopped, and Amethyst, stopped moving.

Primrose got out from her entrapment and crawled to the back of the car, she was sweating
from the heat of fire all around her. She could hear the police and firemen coming towards her.
She reached her baby. No more was she beautiful. She was bloody and she had fragments of
glass stuck out from one of her eyelids, it seemed that it punctured into her eye and the rest all
over her face and newly bought clothes. Primrose cried as she held on to her baby for dear life.
And she screamed, she screamed in rage that her beautiful baby, just born had been made into
the ugly and scarred being she is. She cried that it was unfair and unjustified that her husband
had died, and her baby was scarred for life. Then she fainted. And just like that, Amethyst, the
most beautiful baby in the entire world, was turned to the ugliest.
Primrose awoke in a hospital bed, a bandage around her head and, no baby in her arms.
She sniffled as she started to regain her memories of the night that just passed. Her baby, she
never even looked into her eyes yet. She started to sob when a doctor came in.
“Mrs. Marian?” That was her last name, Primrose Marian.
“Yes?” She replied as he looked at a few papers on his clipboard.
“I’m glad you’re awake, your baby is just fine. Your husband on the other hand…..”

Then, she snapped, “What about my husband? What do you mean my baby is fine?! I saw the
glass; I saw how it made her look!!! She….. She is grotesque beyond compare!!! And yes, I already
know my husband is dead doctor!! Don’t state the obvious, I just suffered a terrible tragedy, and
my baby…..” She started to sob louder and she put her hands to her eyes. “Oh my sweet, sweet
baby, she was so young and beautiful!”
The doctor flinched at the sound of her voice, and then sat down next to her, “It’s okay, I’m
sorry your husband died, but would you like to see your child? Does it really matter if she is
Then Primrose raised her hands from her face and looked at him in disbelief, “Did you just ask
me…. If it was okay if my child, my precious born from my womb, is okay!!!” She glared at him
then stood up. She got this obnoxiously huge headache then sat down. “How dare you ask me
such a thing? Of course it is okay if she is disfigured she is my child, and I wish to see her right
this instant!”
The doctor stood up then bowed, “Of course, but please don’t scream…. Come with me.” His
shoes made a tap, tap, as he left the room and Primrose followed behind him.
They walked to a huge room that couldn’t be read at the time from the tears from her face.
Primrose looked down at her daughter from a glass window. Her child, her once, beautiful child,
now in a glass case with tubes and doctors and stitches all around her. She didn’t want this for her
first born child.

“This……. My child…. Why did the gods do this to her… to us, why?!” She fell down
and sobbed and screamed as loud as she could. “How could you god?!” And from that
day on, Primrose knew that she would have to hide her daughter, so the outside world
would not look at her face. They would treat her like some type of monster. So from
then on, she locked her daughter from the outside world. She loved her daughter so
very much, but she had to keep her safe. She called in personal doctors and other
such people that did things from there house, so no one would see her. Whenever
Amethyst went out, she had to always be wearing a hood or a mask across her face.
Then 16 years passed with Amethyst living like this.
“Mother I want to go outside!!” Amethyst cried as she stomped up the stairs as
her mother followed her, “I’m not a child anymore!”
Primrose, her mother, followed after her daughter, a worried look in her green eyes,
“Amethyst you know you can’t go out there! It’s too dangerous for you, what if you
get hurt!” Primrose grabbed a hold onto Amethyst’s hand and look up at her grotesque
and disfigured face, scratches, scars, and stitches.
“I’m 16 now mother; I’m not a little baby anymore.” Amethyst looked down at
her mother with her blue and green eyes. “And I’m going out, without the mask!” She
got out of her mother’s gripped and sprinted to the door then slammed it shut with a
click from a lock.

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looking. For people that think they don't matter cause
they don't have the new stuff, or the new styles.
Well they are wrong, it doesn't matter if you don't think
your good looking. Or that no one will ever love you.
You have to stay positive, it doesn't matter whats inside,
it only matters whats on the inside. This book is from
The Ugly Duckling.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time, there was a perfect couple. They were made for each other,
everyone would say. She was a fine and fair ginger with a French accent. She
was the most beautiful women in the whole town, Two Rivers was the name, it
was small, but she loved the view of a river or lake. Her hair was red hot and
wavy, and her skin, as white as snow, her eyes, a sparkly green as an emerald.
She wore beautiful silky clothes, and always, she had jewels. Her husband
bought her all sorts of jewels. On her neck, a glorious pearl necklace rested
there, matching her skin perfectly. On her ring finger laid a glorious Topaz
jeweled ring. It matched her just as perfectly as the necklace. The next item,
which was her most prized and beautiful of all the jewels, were her Amethyst
earrings, which sat perfectly near her medium, sized ears. They were the piece
to résistance of her beauty.
The man, he was as charming as a prince. He had perfect dark black hair,
straight, and sort of short-ish, sort of choppy like. It was just… perfect. His skin
was a not so pale white; it was sort of darkish looking but not really. The man,
had eyes like a swimming pool; they were delicate, fragile blue eyes that
sparkled whenever he talked about something he loved. What he loved most,
was his wife. He was a proud owner of a modeling agency which, by the way, his
wife was in. He was rich, so they lived in a big house, with cool gates, and lots of
bedrooms and windows.

He, and his wife, always dreamed of having a daughter or a son, and guess what?
They did. They had two twin sisters. One of the daughters was named Topaz, and the
other, was named Pearl. Each daughter was named after the wife’s most favorite
jewel; they were each also given the jewel that they were named after.
Topaz had beautiful long wavy, black hair, and she had green eyes with snow
white skin. She had a perfect face that fitted a queen. She was a perfect mix of her
mother and father. She was very smart and cunning like her father, also good in
persuasion like her mother. Even though Topaz and Pearl were twins, they looked
nothing alike and did totally different things.
Pearl had long and curly red flaming hair with beautiful blue eyes that a guy
could just swim in. She had the skin and bone structure of her father, but the loving
of jewels like her mother.
One day, the mother and father decided that they wanted to have another
daughter. After their daughter’s’ 16th birthday party, they realized that, having just
two daughters wasn’t enough, they wanted to enjoy a little one like they had their
two teenage daughters. So, they had a daughter.
But, there was a terrible accident during bringing her home from the hospital.
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