QOD- John Green or Heimler? (Only one right answer)

Once upon a time, in the glorious land of the Holy Roman Empire in the not-so-glorious time of the 16th century, people were united religiously, socially, and politically under the Catholic Church. No one questioned its authority as they often did not under what they were truly following.

Welcome to church! Listen to me!
One man, however, by the name of Martin Luther, saw injustices and abuse within the Catholic Church that he believed were not stated in the Bible. After the publication of his 95 Theses on the church doors, he was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. This caused the newly founded branch of Christianity "Lutherism" to rise in popularity. Shortly after, more branches, such as Calvinism, grew.

This isn't fair!

Get over it or get out!!!


Conflict began in 1546 between the Emperor and the Lutherans, the emperor was initially very successful but France and the pope did not like this (big no-no). The pope was like NO, and snatched the papal troops, the French also helped out and lent money and troops to the Lutheran princes. In 1555, Charles V agreed to the Peace of Augsburg, which states "cuius regno, eius religion", meaning whoever rules decides the official religion) which recognized the Lutherans (but not the Calvinists) and brought peace to the Empire.
In the land of Bohemia, Emporer Ferdinand II was a devout Catholic, making, according to the Peace of Augsburg, the official religion Catholicism. However, this did not rule over well with the Protestant majority. This caused major rebellion amongst the public against the emporer.

Too bad, so sad
Hey! We aren't Catholic!
The protestant citizens became so furious that they committed the act of defenestration(or throwing someone out a window) against Emporer Ferdinand's councilors. Even though they fell almost 21 meters, they survived. The Catholics were convinced that they were saved by angels but the Protestants, however, believed they simply survived because they fell onto a pile of manure. This caused further tensions between the two religions.

We survived!!!

In 1625 the Danish ruler, King Christian IV of Denmark, joined the war against the Holy Roman Empire with England and Scotland. The catholic Ruler Albert of Wallenstein was scoring victories as he made his way North to the Baltic. England stepped in for Denmark and unsuccessfully intervened in this period of conflict by engaging in alliances against France and Spain. The Emperor issued the Edict of Restitution stating that all Catholic properties lost to Protestantism since 1552 were restored, and only Catholics and Lutherans were allowed to practice their faiths.

Edict of Restitution

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QOD- John Green or Heimler? (Only one right answer)

Once upon a time, in the glorious land of the Holy Roman Empire in the not-so-glorious time of the 16th century, people were united religiously, socially, and politically under the Catholic Church. No one questioned its authority as they often did not under what they were truly following.

Welcome to church! Listen to me!
One man, however, by the name of Martin Luther, saw injustices and abuse within the Catholic Church that he believed were not stated in the Bible. After the publication of his 95 Theses on the church doors, he was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. This caused the newly founded branch of Christianity "Lutherism" to rise in popularity. Shortly after, more branches, such as Calvinism, grew.

This isn't fair!

Get over it or get out!!!


Conflict began in 1546 between the Emperor and the Lutherans, the emperor was initially very successful but France and the pope did not like this (big no-no). The pope was like NO, and snatched the papal troops, the French also helped out and lent money and troops to the Lutheran princes. In 1555, Charles V agreed to the Peace of Augsburg, which states "cuius regno, eius religion", meaning whoever rules decides the official religion) which recognized the Lutherans (but not the Calvinists) and brought peace to the Empire.
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