There was once a young girl, who had the thought to try something new. But oh what could it be? That something new would be working out. It would be going to the gym.
Today is the day I am brave to go to the gym.💪

The girl was always so scared to go because she was scared of being judged. She was scared of being weak. She new it was time for change and so she went.
The girl arrived at the gym. She observed all the different areas. The weightlifting area, stretching area, cardio area, and swimming area. In the weightlifting area there was nothing but boys. The girl wanted to be brave. She wanted to be different. So there she went to the weightlifting area, where she would be the only girl...
Little did she know someone would tell her something.

Hey little girl 😡 You can't be here! This area is for boys and you're not strong enough to be here! 😡
You may say that I don't belong here, but I am STRONG!!! I am strong as a girl not a boy. Girl's are strong and capable in their own way! 🫵💪

If you are so strong like you say, show me! Let's deadlift and see who can do more!

Right on! I'll take that challenge!
The boy proceeds to deadlift 325 lbs, however his form and technique is very poor. The girl then deadlifts 185 lbs, but her form was perfect! The technique she had with using all her body muscles and breathing helped her so much.
OUCH!! My back I think I pulled one of my back muscles. 😭 How did you a girl not hurt yourself!?

It's all about your form and technique. You focus too much on lifting heavy weight, that you forget how it should be properly done.

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There was once a young girl, who had the thought to try something new. But oh what could it be? That something new would be working out. It would be going to the gym.
Today is the day I am brave to go to the gym.💪

The girl was always so scared to go because she was scared of being judged. She was scared of being weak. She new it was time for change and so she went.
The girl arrived at the gym. She observed all the different areas. The weightlifting area, stretching area, cardio area, and swimming area. In the weightlifting area there was nothing but boys. The girl wanted to be brave. She wanted to be different. So there she went to the weightlifting area, where she would be the only girl...
Little did she know someone would tell her something.
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