I would like to thank my ELA teacher Mrs Bark for always encouraging me to write more and also my wonderful family for being there for me when I needed it.

You may think that this book is about the warm and fluffy breakfast food pancakes, but this is a story about John and his career on the Missouri Rhinos.

The Rhinos were a minor league team in the M.F.L also known as the Midwestern Football League. The Rhinos had won there league's trophy 4 times in the franchise's existence. They were a stand out team in the M.F.L.

John was a 6 foot 5, 289 pound, 23 year old from Iowa. He was drafted number 30 in the 2023 minor league draft. He could only dream about going to the NFL. John remembers the exact moment that his manager Mike Rodriguez told him that he got a call and said "You are going to Missouri."

We love you John!
Before he knew it, it was already week one of the season. But let's talk about his preseason first. John was a stand out rookie, he had 0 allowed sacks and 7 pancakes. Then he saw the text from Mike Rodriguez.

Nike had wanted a deal with John because of his amazing stats in the preseason. And the text went a little like this,"Dear John, we saw how good you were and you would be a great partner for us. We are offering a 9 million dollar deal." He was only getting paid 790 thousand dollars for two years at the time he
got the message.

Then it was game day,and John was getting ready in the locker room. They would be going against the Illinois Tigers. Time flew and then it was already kickoff. 1st quarter 7-3 Rhinos, 2nd quarter 10-10, then the 3rd 24-24 and finally the 4th quarter 31-27 Tigers. The Rhinos had started with a loss.
Even though the team was bad you could not say the same thing about John. John had 0 allowed sacks and 3 pancakes. That was a lot considering his coach had him as a back up. But that did not stay like that because when he got home he got his first paycheck and got a text saying he will be a starter.

It was a 1 million dollar check. John went to go cash in his check at the bank but then the unthinkable happened. John got kidnapped! And then when he woke up he was in a dark room, he did not know where he was. John was so scared.

John got lucky and escaped the ropes. But when he got outside he realized he was in his rival state, Colorado.The Bobcat fans were yelling stuff like, "Go home!" and "You are bad!" They were so rude to John.

John had to get home to Missouri in 24 hours for his game against Iowa. 24 hours later...
"It is game day here in Missouri," the referee said. Then kickoff Iowa made it to the 30 yard line. 1st quarter 21-10 Missouri, 2nd 28-17, 3rd quarter 31-27 Rhinos and then the 4th 31-31. It is going to overtime. The Rhinos get the ball and they score!

6 weeks later...
John was still doing an outstanding job with his 0 allowed sacks and 40 pancakes, which is about 5 per game. John's running back also loved John because he was always a great lead blocker. John was so exited when he got the text from Brett Veach telling John that the Chiefs were scouting him.

This week was a bye week for John, so he went to the gym to train. John was so strong, he squatted 500 pounds and dead lifted 550 and if you thought that was it you are wrong! He bench pressed 400 and ran a 4.8, 40 yard dash. If you could not guess by now his coach and team were shocked. So shocked that at the end of the year he would switch to Defensive lineman.

Then Mike Rodriguez texted John that he was in the voting for offensive rookie of the year. That is a huge deal for John because offensive lineman barely get the award. Their next game was against the Minnesota Mangoes which will be the hardest game of the year or even career.

It is kickoff here in Minnesota. If the Mangoes lose the Rhinos will be the 1 seed. 1st quarter 17-14 Mango's, 2nd 20-21 Missouri, 3rd 27-28 Rhinos and the 4th quarter 35-30. Missouri wins!
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I would like to thank my ELA teacher Mrs Bark for always encouraging me to write more and also my wonderful family for being there for me when I needed it.

You may think that this book is about the warm and fluffy breakfast food pancakes, but this is a story about John and his career on the Missouri Rhinos.

The Rhinos were a minor league team in the M.F.L also known as the Midwestern Football League. The Rhinos had won there league's trophy 4 times in the franchise's existence. They were a stand out team in the M.F.L.

John was a 6 foot 5, 289 pound, 23 year old from Iowa. He was drafted number 30 in the 2023 minor league draft. He could only dream about going to the NFL. John remembers the exact moment that his manager Mike Rodriguez told him that he got a call and said "You are going to Missouri."
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