To any child filled with curiosity of the three religions: Hinduisim,
Harmony: Peace

Once upon a time in a magical village named Tiki, there were creatures of all shapes and sizes who lived in peace. Laya, a curious girl who was as brave as a lion, was the adventurous young explorer of the village. Laya's town survived on the magical waters of the Fountain. The fountain was made of magic that kept the creatures of the village together.

One day, the fountain's waters mysteriously disappeared, leaving Tiki Village ready to collapse. Laya set out on a quest to fix the mystery and bring peace back to her village. Her plan was to travel to The System of Harmony and figure out what the problem was!

As Laya makes her way through Fright Forest, she stumbles upon a huge lake. She needed to get across since her next destination was on the lands across.

When Laya was looking around for something to help her get across, she saw a little crab on the sand. She went down to see if it was alive. The crab jumped up in fear but then realized it was just a person! "Hi, I'm Laya! Do you know how I can get to the other side of the lake?" The crab replied, "Yes! I am actually a tour guide, but I can take you on my boat for free if you'd like? Also, my name is Crab by the way." Laya in joy said, "Yes! Thank you so much Crab!"

Crab, with his tiny claws, looked at Laya and said, "Can I tell you a little about my religion? I haven't had someone to talk about to in years!" Laya said, "Yes, I would love to hear about it and tell my village when I get back!" Crab begins, "In Christianity, we believe in forgiveness. Forgiveness is like the ocean waves that always wash over the shore, cleansing it of trash. Jesus, who is super important in Christianity, taught us to forgive others even when it's hard. It's like giving someone a big hug with your heart!" (Fairchild).

Once the boat arrived at the other side of the lake, Laya smiled and thanked Crab for sharing his religions' belief of forgiveness before continuing on her adventure to The System of Harmony.

After six hours of walking, Laya ran into a small town. She ran into a man who called himself Master Li. Laya spoke shaking from the cold weather, "Do you have warm soup to help me continue my journey to the System of Harmony? I cannot go for much longer without some rest. I need to restore the water in our villages' fountain so we can return to our normal lives!" Master Li responds, "Yes, of course, follow me poor girl."

Master Li gave Laya warm soup and a blanket to help her keep warm. "I haven't slept in two days! Do you mind if I have some rest?" asked Laya. Master Li replied, "Yes, I have a bed in the other room if you'd like to follow me." Laya then follows Master Li into the bedroom. As walking, Master Li asks if she would like to hear a story to help her fall asleep. Laya replies with a yes!

Master Li tucked Laya into bed and started a story about a sweet girl named Mei in a quiet village. Master Li began, "Mei wondered why people felt sad sometimes. One day, Mei met a wise monk who told her about something called the Four Noble Truths. He said, 'Life can be tough, but if we understand our feelings, let go of what makes us sad, and be kind, we can be truly happy.' (Brown). Mei learned that by being kind and brave, she could find happiness inside herself." Laya listened with a smile, feeling cozy and ready for dreams full of magic.

When morning came, Laya woke up fully rested and ready to go on with her journey. Laya was so thankful for the shelter, food, and knowledge that Master Li had provided Laya with. She was so excited to tell her village about Mei and her story!

Days and days pass as Laya makes her way through the magical land. She sees Guru Sanjay, the old personal spiritual teacher.
"I can't find my way to the System of harmony! I give up." shrugs Laya.

"Now now, everything will be okay. Shall I show you how I harmonize my mind, body and spirit? It will help you calm down and maybe even help you find your way. It from my religion, Hinduism." suggests Guru.

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To any child filled with curiosity of the three religions: Hinduisim,
Harmony: Peace

Once upon a time in a magical village named Tiki, there were creatures of all shapes and sizes who lived in peace. Laya, a curious girl who was as brave as a lion, was the adventurous young explorer of the village. Laya's town survived on the magical waters of the Fountain. The fountain was made of magic that kept the creatures of the village together.

One day, the fountain's waters mysteriously disappeared, leaving Tiki Village ready to collapse. Laya set out on a quest to fix the mystery and bring peace back to her village. Her plan was to travel to The System of Harmony and figure out what the problem was!

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