We sincerely thank Silver Oaks International School (Hyderabad, India) and Modern American School (Amman, Jordan) for partnering with Ilmesters (Karachi, Pakistan) on the collaborative story-writing project. The creativity and effort of the learners were key to the project's success, and their valuable contributions made it all possible.

It started as an ordinary day. Everyone was chatting when suddenly the lights flickered, and the room began to hum.
"Is the clock… spinning?" asked Aria, pointing to the classroom clock. It was whirling faster and faster!
Before anyone could move, the walls glowed with strange symbols, and a booming voice echoed, "Welcome, time travellers! Your classroom is now a time machine. You will visit different moments in history to solve challenges. First stop... Ancient Egypt!"
In a flash, the classroom vanished. Suddenly, the group found themselves in the middle of a hot desert, towering pyramids in the distance.
"Are we really in Ancient Egypt?" asked Leo, eyes wide.

A man appeared, introducing himself as Cramblo, the pyramid caretaker. "Yes, and we urgently need your help to protect the Great Pyramid. If it’s damaged, history will be changed forever!"

"Then let’s get to work!" said Mia, grinning. They hurried after Cramblo to the pyramids, which showed dark spots and cracks.
Gathering around to brainstorm, Leo guessed, "Maybe rocks are falling from the sky and hitting the pyramids!"

"Or perhaps the camels are causing damage," Mia added.
Cramblo shook his head. "Camels have lived here peacefully for ages," he said.
Aria looked thoughtful. "I think the blazing sun is causing the damage."

That makes sense!” said Mia. They researched quickly on a laptop, searching for a solution.
After some time, Leo exclaimed, "This is it!" They ran to Cramblo, excited. "The sun’s rays are causing harm because of a weakened ozone layer. Planting trees can help shield the pyramids," explained Aria.
"Trees? How will that help?" Cramblo asked, puzzled

"Trees absorb carbon, helping restore the ozone layer and protect the land," Mia explained.
With Cramblo’s help and local support, they planted 100 trees around the area. "You’re true history savers!" Cramblo exclaimed, rewarding them with delicious treats.
Bidding farewell, they stepped into the time machine again. Instead of being at home, they found themselves in an entirely new place.

Emerging from the time machine, they saw a man running. "What’s your name, and why are you running?" Mia called out.
"I’m Jordan! A cyclone is approaching, and people are stranded," he shouted.
The group exchanged determined glances. "We need to help," said Aria.

In the nearby city, Mia spotted familiar faces. "Look! Pixie and Ana, our friends who moved here last year!"
Pixie was in tears. "We’re forced to leave but don’t know how, and we only have minutes!"
"We’ll find a way," said Leo. They quickly searched for evacuation options, spotting nearby trucks online. Soon, they made announcements over loudspeakers and radios.

People gathered to board, but Pixie’s sister Ava was missing. They frantically searched, finally finding her hiding under a bed. Hugging her tightly, Pixie joined the others, and they escaped the cyclone safely to America

"Pixie, do you want to join our next adventure?" asked Mia.
Pixie shook her head. "I need to stay with my family."
The group said goodbye, re-entered the time machine, and awaited their next destination.

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We sincerely thank Silver Oaks International School (Hyderabad, India) and Modern American School (Amman, Jordan) for partnering with Ilmesters (Karachi, Pakistan) on the collaborative story-writing project. The creativity and effort of the learners were key to the project's success, and their valuable contributions made it all possible.

It started as an ordinary day. Everyone was chatting when suddenly the lights flickered, and the room began to hum.
"Is the clock… spinning?" asked Aria, pointing to the classroom clock. It was whirling faster and faster!
Before anyone could move, the walls glowed with strange symbols, and a booming voice echoed, "Welcome, time travellers! Your classroom is now a time machine. You will visit different moments in history to solve challenges. First stop... Ancient Egypt!"
In a flash, the classroom vanished. Suddenly, the group found themselves in the middle of a hot desert, towering pyramids in the distance.
"Are we really in Ancient Egypt?" asked Leo, eyes wide.

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