there who are forced to work all day, everyday for their family.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Children deserve a life! They shouldn't’t be stuck in a room
working for over seven hours a day, every day. They
shouldn't’t be treated like this. We all have rights! But why do
some children don’t? Most children don’t know how lucky they
are. Some children are forced to work everyday spending lots
of time away from their family. Many children around the
world are forced into child labor. Child labor is when children
are forced to work for many hours a day as slaves. This is a
huge problem. But, every problem can be solved! Canada
helps stop child labor in many different countries. Child labor
is illegal in most countries like Canada and the U.S.A but, in
countries with not many laws like Iraq and China many
children are sent to work as slaves. Poverty is the main cause
of child labor. If you are poor you are usually forced to get a job
to support your family. Just like every place in the world
Canada helps with big issues like child labor. Canada helps
promote fair trade. Fair trade is giving the employees the right
amount of money they should be making. Nobody should be put
through working as slaves at such a young age. This needs to stop and,
by just donating or volunteering you can be helping the world just like many
other Canadians.

Canada has company's like goodweave that have
special labels that say child labor free.

Many people donate money to fundraisers.

Canada works with the International Labor
Organization (ILO) to try to educate the poor.

Some Canadian products earnings go to the poor.

Canadian schools and organizers have food drives
during the holidays so the poor can have food.

Canada is part of the UN (United Nations) who
started the International program on the
Elimination of child labor in 1992.

Canada try's not to trade goods or products with
child labor countries.
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there who are forced to work all day, everyday for their family.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Children deserve a life! They shouldn't’t be stuck in a room
working for over seven hours a day, every day. They
shouldn't’t be treated like this. We all have rights! But why do
some children don’t? Most children don’t know how lucky they
are. Some children are forced to work everyday spending lots
of time away from their family. Many children around the
world are forced into child labor. Child labor is when children
are forced to work for many hours a day as slaves. This is a
huge problem. But, every problem can be solved! Canada
helps stop child labor in many different countries. Child labor
is illegal in most countries like Canada and the U.S.A but, in
countries with not many laws like Iraq and China many
children are sent to work as slaves. Poverty is the main cause
of child labor. If you are poor you are usually forced to get a job
to support your family. Just like every place in the world
Canada helps with big issues like child labor. Canada helps
promote fair trade. Fair trade is giving the employees the right
amount of money they should be making. Nobody should be put
through working as slaves at such a young age. This needs to stop and,
by just donating or volunteering you can be helping the world just like many
other Canadians.

Canada has company's like goodweave that have
special labels that say child labor free.
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