By Jaron Manning
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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In the year of 2000 a set of twins were born to a pair of
loving, hardworking, and wise parents. The father, Jay, was
said to be so called "The Wizard" and in what aspect no one
certainly knows, he came up with the name himself. Both
had very respectable values, worked hard within all they did
and passed those values to their children.Trying to teach
them the aspects in which they have been prosperous. They
taught the principle of investment and hard work. They
wanted the best for their children and to pass on all the
knowledge they could. Through the book called Rich Dad
Poor Dad they were taught by their mother and shown
through the example of

their father. Their father owns the business of assisted
living and through his years of experience and trials he
developed in his knowledge. Anyhow, as Jaron, Caden, and
their mother read Rich Dad Poor Dad they began to
understand the process and mindset of investments and
investors. They began to think of investment ideas and new
possibilities. As they thought, they ended up deciding and
planning to buy, rehab and put up for rent, a house as their
investment. And so with this goal and plan the journey

In most depressive matters the Manning twins couldn't
fully commit to the investment plan because the
imprisonment of the school. They knew the importance of
education in which held them back from escaping the
schools hold on the twins. However, the chains of school
could only withhold the Mannings' so much longer, for
school had a moment of weakness. There was a time called
summer in which demanded their release without
punishment or loss, and school had no other choice but to
allow the Manning twins, along with all other students,
their freedom!

After being freed from the imprisonment of school, the
two began to work for their father in order to save enough
money for the investment. The twins would clean and
wash windows for each assisted living home that their
father owned and for each home they earned
one-hundred dollars. In total, Jaron and Caden needed to
raise up to six-thousand dollars for the house in which they
planned to invest. Doing windows for each home required
them to do some homes that were called "Memory Loss".
Each one of these memory loss homes provided living
for those who had short term memory. Those who visited
or worked at these homes bring back some of
the strangest experiences.
enter text here

After working at the memory loss for several weeks,
the same old people would come up to them every day
they worked and talk about the same thing over and over
again. Sadly some only had enough memory to
remember the last fifteen minutes so the twins would
have the same conversation over and over within the same
day. One of the strangest things about
these conversations was what the old people talked
about. Some would share there experience of going to the
bathroom or how to go to the bathroom. Although the
experience was weird it was a memory of laughter
and one they would never forget.

As the days passed in their efforts to achieve the six-thousand
dollars towards the investment, the twins and their mother
continued to study the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. They thought
it was interesting how Robert Kiyosaki, the author, was
mentored. He learned very valuable experiences from his rich
dad of how investments work. The author later explained that
his Rich Dad became the most wealthy man in the state of
Hawaii. Although his mentor had passed, Jaron and Caden
thought it would be cool to have the chance to be mentored by
this man and ask him their own questions of investment.

Although the twins would never get the experience of meeting
Rich Dad or Robert Kiyosaki, they still had the teachings and
experiences that Kiyosaki had put within his best seller book.
One of the most important principles that Rich Dad never let
Robert forget was that the rich make money work for them, and
the poor work for money. What he means by this is that the poor
are only poor for one reason, they put their money towards
liabilities and do not invest their money with assets. Anyhow,
the twins and their mother felt it important to continue reading
and learning from the principles and concepts of Robert
Kiyosaki and his Rich Dad. With this, they hoped their small
investment might be a success.

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By Jaron Manning
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

In the year of 2000 a set of twins were born to a pair of
loving, hardworking, and wise parents. The father, Jay, was
said to be so called "The Wizard" and in what aspect no one
certainly knows, he came up with the name himself. Both
had very respectable values, worked hard within all they did
and passed those values to their children.Trying to teach
them the aspects in which they have been prosperous. They
taught the principle of investment and hard work. They
wanted the best for their children and to pass on all the
knowledge they could. Through the book called Rich Dad
Poor Dad they were taught by their mother and shown
through the example of

their father. Their father owns the business of assisted
living and through his years of experience and trials he
developed in his knowledge. Anyhow, as Jaron, Caden, and
their mother read Rich Dad Poor Dad they began to
understand the process and mindset of investments and
investors. They began to think of investment ideas and new
possibilities. As they thought, they ended up deciding and
planning to buy, rehab and put up for rent, a house as their
investment. And so with this goal and plan the journey

In most depressive matters the Manning twins couldn't
fully commit to the investment plan because the
imprisonment of the school. They knew the importance of
education in which held them back from escaping the
schools hold on the twins. However, the chains of school
could only withhold the Mannings' so much longer, for
school had a moment of weakness. There was a time called
summer in which demanded their release without
punishment or loss, and school had no other choice but to
allow the Manning twins, along with all other students,
their freedom!
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