I dedicate this book to my best friend Laura. Without her,
I would not have been able to complete this story!
I love you Laura!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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There once was a town called Smartsville. It was a
small town, with a single school smack dab in the center.
There were houses all alike in shape and size, and a sea at
the edge of town. On all accounts, Smartsville was a simple,
ordinary town with simple, ordinary people. Well, everyone
except Ms. Geraldine.
Ms. Geraldine was as complicated and extraordinary
as one could be. She was, what most of the town called her,
a Super-Teacher! When problems arose, Super-Teacher was
there to save the day. Luckily, Smartsville had been calm
for many months now and Ms. Geraldine was able to put all
of her focus on her wonderful class of third graders.

One day, Ms. Geraldine took her class to the library so
that they could pick out new books to read. When they got
there, something was very wrong. The library was full of
books, but the books were NOT full of words! It seemed
that all of the pages in the books were completely blank!
"What is going on?!" Ms. Geraldine asked the
librarian. "The books are all blank! What are we going to
Just then, one of her students noticed something,
"Look! Peter Pan still has all of the words in it..so does
Treasure Island and Pirates of the Caribbean!"
"It's a clue! Class, if the only books in the library with
words in them are books about pirates, what does this
mean?" Ms. Geraldine inquired.

One little girl had an idea.
"Maybe the person who did this really likes pirates and
thinks that their books are not read enough."
"Or maybe, they ARE a pirate!!" suggested another
The class thought and thought, until someone saw a
scroll underneath one of the tables. There was one simple
word on it: "Arr". Pirate speak; he must be a pirate (or at
least he thinks he is).
"The sea!" Ms. Geraldine suddenly blurted out. "Maybe
all the letters are on a ship! Can anyone see from that
The whole class crowded around the window to see if
they could spy a pirate ship on the water.
"I see a ship! And I think I see the words 'hunt' and
'cake' floating near it, those must be from the books!" said
one student.

The class quickly followed Ms. Geraldine out of the
school and toward to sea (she told the front office that
they were going to save the day!). When they reached the
ship, a squeaky man said to them,
"You found me! Arr, what am I to do now? I just
wanted people to learn about pirates instead of princesses
and werewolves."
"That's all fine and dandy," Ms. Geraldine said calmly
"But we need those words back because we want to learn
about ALL subjects, not just pirates. If you return the
words to their books, I promise that I will read a pirate
book of your choice to my class!"
The man agreed (he picked Treasure Island), but he
just put the words on the sandy beach before sailing away.
"Okay class, let's get these words to the library and
get them back into the correct books!"
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I dedicate this book to my best friend Laura. Without her,
I would not have been able to complete this story!
I love you Laura!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

There once was a town called Smartsville. It was a
small town, with a single school smack dab in the center.
There were houses all alike in shape and size, and a sea at
the edge of town. On all accounts, Smartsville was a simple,
ordinary town with simple, ordinary people. Well, everyone
except Ms. Geraldine.
Ms. Geraldine was as complicated and extraordinary
as one could be. She was, what most of the town called her,
a Super-Teacher! When problems arose, Super-Teacher was
there to save the day. Luckily, Smartsville had been calm
for many months now and Ms. Geraldine was able to put all
of her focus on her wonderful class of third graders.

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