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There were two friends who were born and raised
in the town of Los Angeles named Leisha and Jeffry.

While in elementary school, the two loved learning
about the Legislative Branch in school. They loved
learning about how members of the Legislative Branch
proposed bills that could eventually become laws.

There are 435 people who make up the House of
Representatives and 100 who make up the Senate. The
friends’ favorite part of this branch, and they both always had
dreams of becoming a part of the House of Representatives, so
one day they each decided to run for this position.

A previous member of the House of Representatives, John Dingell,
served for almost 30 times the usual term. How many years did he
How Long is A Term?
President: 4 years
Senate: 6 years
House of Representatives: 2 years
Governor: 4 years
Mayor: 4 years

Leisha and Jeffry proved to be very popular with the
citizens of the state. We found out that of all the voters
in California ranging from ages 18-35, 5/8 of those voters
cast their ballot for Leisha or Jeffry. Out of all voters,
3/7 of the votes were for Leisha, and 3/8 of the votes
were for Jeffry.

If Leisha got 3/7 of the votes and Jeffry got 3/8 of the votes,
who got more votes within the state of California, Leisha or

Once the voting process was over, the best
friends found that they both earned a seat
in the House and were going to become a
part of the Congress!

Unfortunately once on the House of Representatives Jeffry was
only able to serve ¾ of the full term, but he still enjoyed every
moment he had with the branch. Leisha was able to serve her full
2 years.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

There were two friends who were born and raised
in the town of Los Angeles named Leisha and Jeffry.

While in elementary school, the two loved learning
about the Legislative Branch in school. They loved
learning about how members of the Legislative Branch
proposed bills that could eventually become laws.

There are 435 people who make up the House of
Representatives and 100 who make up the Senate. The
friends’ favorite part of this branch, and they both always had
dreams of becoming a part of the House of Representatives, so
one day they each decided to run for this position.
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