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After visiting her grandparents,
Sarah was driving back home
with her family. During the car
ride, Sarah observed her
surroundings to pass the time.

She looked at all the trees,
birds, and animals that she
could find. She remembered
that these were all organisms,
or individual life forms.

All of a sudden, Sarah saw a large
building with thick, gray smoke
coming out of tubes on its roof. She
was immediately alarmed by it.

Sarah also began to notice how a
similar gray smoke was coming
out of the back of other cars. She
desperately wanted to know more
about what this smoke is and
what it does, but refrained from
asking until she had gotten home.

Upon her arrival, Sarah couldn't
hold in her curiosity any longer, so
she asked her mother about the
smoke she saw earlier.

What was
that smoke?
What does it

Her mother responded telling her
that the power plant and cars
release carbon dioxide, a poisonous
gas, into the atmosphere.

She explained that this was a major source of
pollution: the introduction of harmful
substances into the environment.

To find out more, Sarah researched pollution on her
computer. She learned about the catastrophic effects
of pollution, such as acid rain, dirty air, and worst of
all, climate change. These effects could change life on
Earth forever.

Pollution= :C

Sarah also discovered that there are three major forms
of pollution. Air pollution, which her mother told her
about earlier, water pollution, and land pollution.

Land Pollution
Water Pollution
Air Pollution

That night, Sarah had trouble sleeping.
Her mind was flooded with thoughts
about pollution and climate change, but
one clear picture formed.

She did not want pollution to continue in her
community. She wanted to help save the planet.

Right before school started
the next day, Sarah decided
to convince her best friends,
Lilly and Jake, to go green
with her.

After Sarah told them that pollution can cause ocean
levels to rise due to global warming, and that it can
cause them to be knee deep in trash, they agreed. The
three friends decided to ask their science teacher how
they can help take care of the planet.

They were finally able to do so when
science class, their last class of they day,
ended. Sarah didn't hesitate to walk up to
her science teacher, Mr.Carter, and ask him
if there was anything she could do to help
reverse pollution and climate change.

Mr.Carter was surprised to
hear this question from a
4th grader, but Sarah's
eagerness to help the
environment impressed
him. He told her that she
will need help from others,
but that with her
determination, she could
make a big difference.

Wow! What a
thought provoking

Then he began listing ways she could help. He explained
to her that by walking or riding a bike, she can limit
carbon dioxide emissions and as a result help prevent
climate change. He also told her that by recycling, or
making items suitable for reuse, she can limit the
amount of garbage dumped into landfills or in the




Sarah now knew the little steps she could take to help
the environment, and wanted her family to know about
them too. She thanked Mr.Carter and left, ready to
begin a greener life.

Bye Mr.Carter!
Thank You!


When her mother came to pick her up,
Sarah asked if she could ride her bike or
walk to school starting the next day.
Sarah also asked if her family could start
reusing old items and recycling instead of
dumping all of their waste into landfills.

Her mother was quite intrigued
by how much Sarah cared about
helping the environment. She
told Sarah that there will be a
family meeting that day, where
her requests will be discussed.

Those are good
We'll discuss them

After the family meeting, Sarah's parents agreed that
her ideas are good for the environment and are
manageable. Her plans went into effect immediately.

New House


Lilly and Jake's parents also let them use environmentally
friendly forms of transportation, so the three friends all
walked to school the next week. They enjoyed it so much
that they didn't even miss their cars!

In addition, Sarah convinced her parents to bring home
four recycling bins. One was for paper, one was for glass,
one was for metal, and one was for plastic.

Every Saturday, Sarah and her family drove to a
recycling center in a neighboring town. A recycling
center is a site where waste is collected and sorted for
processing. It upset Sarah that she couldn't get to a
recycling center without using a car.

On the way back, Sarah noticed an empty lot only a
few blocks away from her house. She thought about
how great it would be to build a recycling center
there; that way the city's residents would be able to
recycle without creating pollution.

After they returned home, Sarah proposed the idea to
start a recycling center within the city. Her father told her
that if she gets enough signatures from the city's
residents, the local government might fund her project.

= Recycling

However, Sarah's father warned her that thousands of
signatures may be necessary for her idea to be approved.
Sarah knew this would be a very difficult task, but she
was up for the challenge.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

After visiting her grandparents,
Sarah was driving back home
with her family. During the car
ride, Sarah observed her
surroundings to pass the time.

She looked at all the trees,
birds, and animals that she
could find. She remembered
that these were all organisms,
or individual life forms.

All of a sudden, Sarah saw a large
building with thick, gray smoke
coming out of tubes on its roof. She
was immediately alarmed by it.

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