to become not only a teacher, but a great one.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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By: Gia Jelatis
Miami, FL

A is for Adventure 6-7
B is for Boat 8-9
C is for Christopher Columbus 10-11
D is for Discovery 12-13
E is for Europeans 14-15
F is for Florida 16-17
G is for Gold 18-19
H is for Hernando De Soto 20-21
I is for Indians 22-23
J is for Juan Ponce De León 24-25
K is for Knot 26-27
L is for Lewis and Clark 28-29
M is for Magellan 30-31

N is for North Star 32-33
O is for Ocean 34-35
P is for Portugal 36-37
Q is for Queen Isabella 38-39
R is for Religion 40-41
S is for Spain 42-43
T is for Treaty 44-45
U is for Unknown 46-47
V is for Vespucci 48-49
W is for Western Hemisphere 50-51
X is for eXplorer 52-53
Y is for Yams 54-55
Z is for Zig Zag 56-57
Index 58
Glossary 59-60

An adventure is an exciting and unusual experience.
This is how we start our story.
If you're ready say yes and away we go!

A boat is a wooden form of transportation that is used to
get from one place to another on water.
Explorers used boats to find new lands, like the ones we
live on today!

Christopher Columbus was an explorer from Italy.
He was born in 1451 and died in 1506.
He found America in 1492.
Every year we celebrate him finding America on Columbus
Day which is October 12!

Discovery means to find something while searching.
Explorers discovered new places and new people when
they went on shore!

Europeans are people who come from Europe.
Many explorers sailed from Europe to find new lands
for their countries.

Florida was first explored by the Spanish in 1513!
It is the southeastern most state in the United States.
The Spanish name is La Florida which means "the
flowery" because the explorers found it in the

Gold is a type of precious metal that was used for
money and trading.
It was found in the lands of the New World and
brought back to Europe.
More explorers would make the journey to the New
World to find riches!

Hernando De Soto was an explorer from Spain.
He was born in 1496 and died in 1592.
He is said to be the first explorer to have crossed the
Mississippi River!
He also explored modern-day Florida, Georgia and

Indians are groups of people who are native to these
Christopher Columbus was the first to call the people
Indians-he thought he had landed in India!
Tribes of Indians are located all over the country.

Juan Ponce De León was an explorer from Spain.
He was born in 1460 and died in 1521.
He found Florida and gave the land it's name.
He was looking for gold and some think he was looking
for the Fountain of Youth!

A knot is a unit of speed used when boating.
It got it name from sailors throwing a rope overboard
and counting how many knots would go over the side
of boat.
A knot is equal to 1.15 miles per hour or one nautical
mile per hour.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were explorers
from America!
Lewis was born in 1774 and died in 1809.
Clark was born in 1770 and died in 1838.
They were sent by President Thomas Jefferson to explore
the West.
They were helped by an Indian woman named Sacajawea.
It is also known as the Corps of Discovery!

Ferdinand Magellan was an explorer from Portugal.
He was born in 1480 and died in 1521.
He is the first man to sail around the world.
He also named the Pacific Ocean because it was
peaceful when he sailed on it.

The North Star is located almost due North.
It is also known as Polaris.
The North Star is the handle of the Little Dipper.
Sailors would look for the North Star when they got
lost at sea, so they knew where North was.

Oceans are large bodies of salt water that cover 71% of
the Earth's surface!
There are four main oceans: the Atlantic, the Pacific,
the Indian and the Arctic.
Oceans were what the explorers sailed on to get to the
new lands they discovered!

Portugal is a country located in Europe that borders with
The capital city is Lisbon and they speak Portuguese.
The Pirate's Code was created in Portugal.
Famous explorers from Portugal are Ferdinand Magellan
and Vasco De Gama among others.

Queen Isabella I was from Spain.
She was born in 1451 and died in 1504.
She was married to King Ferdinand of Aragon.
Queen Isabella and her husband funded and supported
Christopher Columbus and his expedition to the New World.

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to become not only a teacher, but a great one.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

By: Gia Jelatis
Miami, FL

A is for Adventure 6-7
B is for Boat 8-9
C is for Christopher Columbus 10-11
D is for Discovery 12-13
E is for Europeans 14-15
F is for Florida 16-17
G is for Gold 18-19
H is for Hernando De Soto 20-21
I is for Indians 22-23
J is for Juan Ponce De León 24-25
K is for Knot 26-27
L is for Lewis and Clark 28-29
M is for Magellan 30-31
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