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Welcome to our journey through the cell. In our journey
we will be explaining important parts of the cell and
comparing them to different people, rooms, and things in
a hospital. In this story we will be following Alexander. His
class has been learning all about cells in school and he
was going to the hospital to visit his grandmother. While
he was there he realized how much cells and hospitals are

comes in and out of the cell
Alexander was at the hospital to visit his
grandmother. As he was walking up to the front
door, there was something that he noticed. The
front door allows certain things to come in and
out of the hospital. A cell membrane does the
exact same thing.

dead/bad parts of the cell
Alexander walked into the hospital and saw a
janitor cleaning up a puddle in the waiting room.
The lysosome in a cell also cleans up and takes
care of bad things. Like this janitor that was
taking care of something someone could slip and
get hurt on.

materials to the cell
Alexander walked into the room where his
grandmother was staying. A nurse was in the
room with her giving her medicine. The Golgi
body does the same job the nurse was doing.

transports materials
around the cell
Alexander was able to talk with his grandmother.
A couple minutes later, a doctor walked in and
introduced himself. He then explaining
everything that was going on with Alexander's
grandma and left to the next patient. The doctor
reminded Alexander of an Endoplasmic
Reticulum. Making rounds around the hospital.

Ribosome makes proteins
Alexander later started to get hungry so
went down to the cafeteria where there
was a whole lot of food. This reminded
Alexander of Ribosomes that makes
proteins for the cell. After walking around
the cafeteria, Alexander saw a big freezer
that held lots of food for the hospital, and
it's patients. It reminded him of the
vacuole that stores things.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Welcome to our journey through the cell. In our journey
we will be explaining important parts of the cell and
comparing them to different people, rooms, and things in
a hospital. In this story we will be following Alexander. His
class has been learning all about cells in school and he
was going to the hospital to visit his grandmother. While
he was there he realized how much cells and hospitals are

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