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What I think I know about this topic...

Integrating the Internet Safely and Ethically
When using the work of others, I must give the creator credit. I try to give credit any time I use
someone else’s work, for instance, when completing a paper or power point, I include a list of
references. However, I have learned that I have fallen short of this commitment, as I didn’t
realize that the pictures online are someone else’s work. Thus, I must give credit to them. I
believe that giving credit or attribution is a very important topic that needs to be discussed
with all students. To me, this is an issue that may be known by few but not very many. Mot of
the time, we are only taught about citing texts and other online resources, but not pictures.
We could be unintentionally plagiarizing.
Integrating the Internet Safely and Ethically
Students can use aliases on the internet. My thinking is that there no personal information
should be included on the internet. These days, a lot of people use aliases and fake pictures in
meeting people in chat rooms, blind dates, social media just to kidnap their victims. One could
say that it is in the name of safety for themselves, but is this ethical? Students should be
taught to use aliases with caution or if they don’t feel safe using their real name and photo
then they shouldn’t be using those services. Sometimes using alias can hurt as opposed to

Digital Footprints
We can unknowingly leave a trail on the internet, which makes up our footprint. Anything
done on the internet is always there, just because one deletes it doesn’t mean that it’s
gone. In fact, one can trace it and everything anyone has place on the internet. This is
our digital footprint, and in today’s society what we post can hurt us. I know that when
search for jobs, employers check social media for the truth about the person that they
are seeking to hire. Today, students post everything on the internet, and I believe that
some things can cause them to not get the job that they want. So I try to tell students
especially to be careful of what they post because it does matter; it can end their
careers before they begin.
Integrating the Internet Safely and Ethically
I think that I now know that digital etiquette is like all other etiquette.
I’ve used and learned about etiquette before but when eating a meal. There are rules
for etiquette when eating for acceptable eating, just like there are rules for etiquette on
the computer for proper use. These rules can be found in the district’s acceptable use
policy. This policy tells users what they can and cannot do while using the technology. To
me, these are the boundaries that users can’t cross without consequences. All users
should become familiar with the acceptable use policy of the technology, as these are
also ways that users can be safe while using. Many people aren’t aware that schools
and districts have these policies, but the teachers should stress them to students: they
are rules meant to be followed.

What puzzles I have...

Guidelines for Using Media in Projects
The content talked about “…For text material, you can use 10% or up to 1000
words.” (http://www.cyberbee.com/cb_copyright.swf). The topic was along the
lines of copyright infringement. The understanding that I’ve gained is that it’s
not good to copy anyone else’s work, without giving them credit. However, it
seems that this site is telling me that it is okay to copy one’s information up to a
certain limit. I am confused because I don’t know if I should always give credit or
not? This module seems to be contradictory in nature and misleading, thus it
would be hard for me to explain this to my students.
Integrating the Internet Safely and Ethically
On a website, where is the copyright symbol usually found? This is the first time
that I am finding out about a copyright symbol. To my knowledge, this symbol is
there to remind users not to copy work without giving credit to the creator.
However, I believe that the only place that I have seen this symbol was in
textbooks, not on the internet.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

What I think I know about this topic...

Integrating the Internet Safely and Ethically
When using the work of others, I must give the creator credit. I try to give credit any time I use
someone else’s work, for instance, when completing a paper or power point, I include a list of
references. However, I have learned that I have fallen short of this commitment, as I didn’t
realize that the pictures online are someone else’s work. Thus, I must give credit to them. I
believe that giving credit or attribution is a very important topic that needs to be discussed
with all students. To me, this is an issue that may be known by few but not very many. Mot of
the time, we are only taught about citing texts and other online resources, but not pictures.
We could be unintentionally plagiarizing.
Integrating the Internet Safely and Ethically
Students can use aliases on the internet. My thinking is that there no personal information
should be included on the internet. These days, a lot of people use aliases and fake pictures in
meeting people in chat rooms, blind dates, social media just to kidnap their victims. One could
say that it is in the name of safety for themselves, but is this ethical? Students should be
taught to use aliases with caution or if they don’t feel safe using their real name and photo
then they shouldn’t be using those services. Sometimes using alias can hurt as opposed to
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