Internet Books

  • Think, Puzzle, Explore
    The story is a reflective piece on internet safety, ethics, and digital footprints. It discusses the importance of giving credit for online content, using aliases for safety,…
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  • Using Google
    Ally provides tips on using Google effectively, including knowing what you want, being clear in your query, keeping it short, using the microphone, paying attention to displa…
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  • Drake's Memeworthy Moments: A Journey Through mInternet Culture
    This book tells the story of how a music video by Drake became a viral meme sensation, its spread across the internet, and its impact on pop culture.
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  • How the Internet has affected our lives
    The book explores the impact of the Internet on various aspects of our lives, including business, education, and politics. It discusses the benefits and risks associated with…
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    An informative book about the history, types, characteristics, and uses of the Internet, along with its advantages and disadvantages.
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  • How to Find Something in World Wide Web?
    Roobte, a librarian for the World Wide Web, explains his job and how he helps people find information. He uses an example of searching for why robots never smile.
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  • Internet Safety For Kids
    Paul teaches Hank about internet safety, including being careful with pictures, avoiding ads, and not talking to strangers. Hank learns and decides to be safe on the internet.
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    The story discusses internet safety and provides tips for secure internet use. It includes conversations between students and teachers about passwords, secure browsing, and a…
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