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Once upon a time, Snow White and her
Seven Dwarf friends; Dopey, Bashful, Happy,
Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, and Doc lived in a
small cottage home in the forest. Snow White
had been living with the Dwarfs for a while
now, but for the past couple of years, she had
started to become very ungrateful and bossy.
The Dwarfs did not appreciate her attitude.
Chapter 1
Where did the Sweet Snow White go?

Snow White was definitely not the sweet and
kind girl she was before. She had stopped
cooking meals for the Dwarfs, and also
stopped cleaning the bedrooms and
bathrooms. "Clean up after yourself!" she
would tell them. Every time Sneezy would ask
for a tissue, she would snap back with, "You
have two legs, get it yourself!"

The Dwarfs did not want to put up with Snow
White anymore. They could no longer put up
with her attitude. Why did we invite her in the
first place?" Grumpy would ask over and over
again. "Because she was kindhearted and
sweet, but not anymore!" Doc would reply. The
Dwarfs were angry. "She acts like she owns us,
but we were the ones who practically own her!"
said Happy.

After a long day at the mine, the Dwarfs traveled back to
the cottage. They weren't surprised when they came
home. Snow White had not cleaned up the house. There
were dirty dishes in the sink and spider webs on the
ceiling. The furniture was dusty, and the beds were not
made. But where was Snow? They only had to ask
themselves that question once because they found her
lying in Grumpy's bed, asleep. "That's it! I'm sick and
tired of Snow thinking she owns this place!" screamed
Grumpy "Lets make a plan to get her out of here!"
replied Bashfull.

Chapter 2
The Calling of The Evil Queen
Instead of going to the mine like a
usual week day would go, the Dwarfs
decided to visit someone who could
help them defeat Snow White; the Evil
Queen. Nobody else in the entire
kingdom shared as much hatred
towards Snow White than the Queen,
so why not get her in on the plan!

The Dwarfs had arrived at the Queen's castle at
about three in the afternoon. "Snow will just think
that we were staying at the mine late." said Dopey.
To their surprise, the queen was already waiting for
them at the entrance of the castle. "I've been
expecting you." The Queen spoke sternly. "That's
creepy." added Doc. "Let us get right to work."
spoke the Queen. She led the Dwarfs into a room
with an over sized chair, and a huge mirror. "You all
know how I hate Snow White, well because all seven
of you Dwarfs are trying to rebel against her, I can
help you," said the Queen, "I can do all the magic,
while it looks like you Dwarfs are more powerful than
you really are."

The Queen led them into another room, that almost
looked like a kitchen, accept that it had millions of little
bottles and a huge pot in the middle. "I will make a
potion to convert all of you into bigger and stronger
Dwarfs. Then you can carry and take Snow White to
my castle. Make sure she is still alive though." "As
long as we can get her out of our business and our life,
she's all yours." Said Doc. "What will you do with her?"
said Dopey. "Oh you won't have to worry about that,
just focus on your responsibility." said the Queen.

Doc carried the potion and told all of the other Dwarfs
to not say a word near or to Snow White. As the Dwarfs
were approaching the cottage, They each took a sip of
the potion. All of a sudden, they each transformed into
huge and strong men! "Now that we are strong, we can
demand that Snow White take care of us and not be so
bossy!" said Doc "Yeah!" shouted Grumpy. So the
Seven dwarfs marched into the cottage to see Snow
White eating on the couch. Doc said,"Snow White, on
the behalf of us Seven Dwarfs, we demand you to stop
acting like the world revolves around you, and start
acting the way you were two months ago; kind, caring,
and sweet." "You can't tell me what to do!" yelled Snow
White as she ran out of the cottage.
Demanding Snow to Leave

By dusk, Snow returned to the cottage. The Dwarfs
were awaiting her arrival. They decided that they were
going to write up a letter telling Snow White what the
Dwarfs expected and wanted Snow to do for them,
including house work and Snow being kind. So the
Dwarfs approached Snow White calmly, and asked her
to carefully read the letter, and that they would really
appreciate her to accept it and sign it. If not, they
would officially kick her out, and send her to the Evil
Queen. "Why would I want to do all of these things for
you, when half of you are rude and ungrateful!" said
Snow, "I don't agree, and I am not signing this paper."
"You're the ungrateful one, and you have been for the
past couple months. We all have no idea what has
gotten into you." said Grumpy.

Chapter 3
The Abolishment Of Snow
The Dwarfs had no choice but to carry Snow
White out of the cottage, and take her to
the Queen. The potion hadn't entirely warn
off yet, so the Dwarfs had the strength.
They finally arrived at the castle, and yet
again the Queen said "I have been waiting
for you." and Snow White screamed, "Let
me go! Let me go!" but the Dwarfs did not
care at this point how Snow felt. She had
corrupted their lives with her anger and
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time, Snow White and her
Seven Dwarf friends; Dopey, Bashful, Happy,
Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, and Doc lived in a
small cottage home in the forest. Snow White
had been living with the Dwarfs for a while
now, but for the past couple of years, she had
started to become very ungrateful and bossy.
The Dwarfs did not appreciate her attitude.
Chapter 1
Where did the Sweet Snow White go?

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