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Far, far out in the middle of the ocean there is an
island. Wild horses are the only things that live there
besides plants. This island is not on any map yet, so to
learn of it you might want to continue reading.
This island is called Spotted Island, because all
the horses are spotted. That is, all except one. That
would be Johnny. He didn't have a single spot. The
others called him "Few spot" and other things like that.
They told Johnny that if he wanted to live on the
island, he couldn't live with them. There were, in fact,
some other things about Johnny. He was very small. He
was old enough to be an adult, but he wasn't grown!
He miserably headed to the forest.

Johnny wandered aimlessly through the forest. This was
not a very exciting forest. None of the forests were on
the islands. The other horses often amused themselves
be playing around and making up games. Johnny didn't
have anyone to play with, however, and he continued
walking about. It was eerily quiet. There was plenty of
grass, and Johnny could see a stream not far off. This
place could certainly support life, but Johnny found it
hard to believe that he was going to be the life this place
supported. Johnny felt very, very sad. He didn't want to
be a lone horse. Horses were herd animals, after all. He
instinctively longed for companionship.

Johnny stopped in a meadow to think over his horrible
life. He was a herd animal without a herd. There was
not a soul on the island who wanted him. He couldn't
swim away, and no one ever visited the island. Even the
seabirds rarely landed, and there hadn't been any
sighted in months. He thought he saw some bushes
rustle out of the corner of one of his large eyes. "Hmm"
thought Johnny, "Must be the wind. If I'm lucky it will be
a lost foal. If I bring it back, maybe the others will like
me". But Johnny knew it wasn't a lost foal. His luck
wasn't that good. Besides, the other horses would only
accuse him of stealing and send him away.

"My child" crooned a soft voice, "I've missed
"Who's there?" asked Johnny. A phoenix stepped out
from behind a tree. Johnny jumped. The fiery bird was
a strange sight on the quiet island.
"Come with me," it said, "I'll show you who you really
are. Suddenly the sky began to swirl. It turned purple,
blue, and gold. "Now Johnny" the phoenix called,
"Close your eyes". Johnny obeyed. It was the hardest
things he had ever done. Johnny desperately longed to
see what was happening, but he kept his eyes tightly
shut. He heard sounds like waterfalls and rain, like
grass swaying, or jewels tinkling. "Johnny," said the
Phoenix, "open your eyes".
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Far, far out in the middle of the ocean there is an
island. Wild horses are the only things that live there
besides plants. This island is not on any map yet, so to
learn of it you might want to continue reading.
This island is called Spotted Island, because all
the horses are spotted. That is, all except one. That
would be Johnny. He didn't have a single spot. The
others called him "Few spot" and other things like that.
They told Johnny that if he wanted to live on the
island, he couldn't live with them. There were, in fact,
some other things about Johnny. He was very small. He
was old enough to be an adult, but he wasn't grown!
He miserably headed to the forest.

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