This book is dedicated to Mrs. Lee
My AP Psychology teacher

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
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Section One: Prenatal Development (#1)
I was my mom’s first pregnancy. She found out she was pregnant with me in December of 1998 and my due date was suppose to be September 6, 1999. The first and second trimester of my mom’s pregnancy went well. She had a lot of morning sickness the first few weeks that were later faced out during the second trimester. My mom experienced a lot of difficulties during her last trimester of her pregnancy with me. My mom went into preterm labor at 28 weeks of pregnancy. She started having contractions and was admitted to the hospital to stop the contraction and labor.
She was given potassium to stop the contractions and also given steroid shots so that my lungs would develop in case I came early. She was in the hospital for about a week and then was then sent home on bed rest for the remaining of her pregnancy. She went on short term disability at work and was not allowed to do anything but lay in bed. She would get up to shower and eat and back to bed or the coach. She was closely monitored by her doctor and having visits almost every week. On August 17, 1999, my mom started having contractions again and ended up in the hospital again.
Section One: My Prenatal Development Cont. (#1/#2/#3)
The doctor tried to stop contractions but was unsuccessful because my heart rate was not doing well. I came into the world on Wednesday morning, August 18, 1999. Because I was born premature and not eating well, I was sent to the NICU for a full week.
My name is Anthony Moises Martinez. My mom picked my first name because she had always loved that name since she was a little girl. She was also a fan of Anthony Hopkins, so she always knew that she wanted Anthony as the name for her son. My middle name “Moises” was given to me in honor of my mom’s brother. He was the youngest sibling in my mom’s family and my mom always had a special bond for him. So, she named me after him.
The only other middle name that my mom considered was Tristan. If I would have been a girl, my mom was going to name me Priscila because she has always loved that name. In fact, my little sister’s name is Priscila.

Section Two: My Physical Development (#4/5/6,7)
My mom was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 with preterm labor. She was having contractions. Her doctor attempted to stop labor since I was still six weeks away from my due date but my heart rate was not doing well. On Wednesday morning, my mother’s labor was induced while she was at the hospital. She was in labor from 7 a.m. until I was born at 11:37 a.m. at St. Paul Hospital in Dallas (now Southwestern Medical). My mom had an epidural at around 10:00 a.m. to help with labor pains. My grandmother and my mom’s aunt were in the delivery room with her. My mom’s labor was not very long but she, the family, and her doctor were worried because I was not being born full term.
I was born at 5 lbs and 5 ounces and 15 inches long
My first tooth came in at about my first birthday

Section Two: My Physical Development Cont. (#9/10/11)
Because I was premature, I did have some development delays. I did not take my first step by myself until I was about 14 months old. My first tooth came in at about three months. This is a chart of average brain development.

Puberty is the time in life that a child reaches sexual maturity. Adolescence does not come at a fixed age, puberty occurs at different ages, for girls it's anywhere from ages 10 to 14, for boys it's anywhere from 12 to 16.
This picture of be around the
time I hit puberty

Section Three: My Language Development (#13/14/15/16/17/18/19)
My first word was “agua” which means water in spanish and I said this at around my first birthday.
My parents do not recall any funny, unusual sounds or phrases I would use, however they did say I use to use hand motions rather than words for sometime.
Telegraphic speech, is the two-word stage of language acquisition in children. Overextension, are words like doggie, kitty,etc. Over generalization is the process of extending the application of a rule to items that are excluded from it in the language norm, example are I "goed," I "rided."
When I was little I used Overextension to describe by dog referring to him as "doggie" and I also used generalization saying, "that hurted" or I"rided"
From when I learned to talk to about kindergardern I had a major speech problem. I need to take speech clases during school, and had a speech therapist come to my house once a week.

Section Four: My Social-Emotional Development (#20/21/22/23/25)
I became potty trained at about 2-3 years of age. Because my mother potty trained me, when I went to the restroom I would pull my pants all the way to the ground. I also enjoyed peeing siting down.
I was attached to my mother when I was young mostly because I spent most of my time with her and she provided the feeling of being safe and love
Imprinting is the process of animals forming string attachment during early stages in life or the critical period. This theory explains my attachment to my mother because I spent most of my time with her in the early part of my life
When I was little I would always want to dress myself and pick out my own clothes. My parents said I would pick clothes that never went together and looked awful, one morning my mom got frustrated and scolded me for picking out a terrible outfit and picked out something for me to where. For a while after that incident I never wanted to choose my outfits and doubted that my parents would ever approve what I wanted to wear. This demonstrates Erikson’s issue of autonomy vs shame

Section Four: My Social-Emotional Development (#26)
A trait that has consisted from when I was little I is that I enjoy to make people laugh and to joke around. This can hinder me in the future because I could get into trouble making jokes others may not find funny, but this can have a positive effect because it can allow me to socialize and make new friends.
Dear Anthony,
This is your 16 year old self writing to you from the past helping you reflect on the stages of Erikson's stages you’ve already been through. During infancy you went through the Trust vs. Mistrust stage. You developed a sense of trust and the ability to trust others. While a toddler you faced Autonomy vs. Shame where you learned and desired to things for yourself. When in preschool you went into Initiative vs. Guilt where you learned start task and to carry out plans rather than feeling guilty about being independent. During your elementary years you developed the feeling of satisfaction after completing task and plans (Competence vs. inferiority).
Section Four: Letter to Future Me (#27)
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This book is dedicated to Mrs. Lee
My AP Psychology teacher

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources:
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Section One: Prenatal Development (#1)
I was my mom’s first pregnancy. She found out she was pregnant with me in December of 1998 and my due date was suppose to be September 6, 1999. The first and second trimester of my mom’s pregnancy went well. She had a lot of morning sickness the first few weeks that were later faced out during the second trimester. My mom experienced a lot of difficulties during her last trimester of her pregnancy with me. My mom went into preterm labor at 28 weeks of pregnancy. She started having contractions and was admitted to the hospital to stop the contraction and labor.
She was given potassium to stop the contractions and also given steroid shots so that my lungs would develop in case I came early. She was in the hospital for about a week and then was then sent home on bed rest for the remaining of her pregnancy. She went on short term disability at work and was not allowed to do anything but lay in bed. She would get up to shower and eat and back to bed or the coach. She was closely monitored by her doctor and having visits almost every week. On August 17, 1999, my mom started having contractions again and ended up in the hospital again.
Section One: My Prenatal Development Cont. (#1/#2/#3)
The doctor tried to stop contractions but was unsuccessful because my heart rate was not doing well. I came into the world on Wednesday morning, August 18, 1999. Because I was born premature and not eating well, I was sent to the NICU for a full week.
My name is Anthony Moises Martinez. My mom picked my first name because she had always loved that name since she was a little girl. She was also a fan of Anthony Hopkins, so she always knew that she wanted Anthony as the name for her son. My middle name “Moises” was given to me in honor of my mom’s brother. He was the youngest sibling in my mom’s family and my mom always had a special bond for him. So, she named me after him.
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"My Baby Book"
This is a detailed account of Anthony Moises Martinez's life, from prenatal development to adolescence. It covers physical, cognitive, language, social-emotional, and moral development.
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