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I want to learn
about the rock
cycle... HMMM
where should I

Timmy, ask me, Rocky
the Rock, for some
help. I know
everything there is to
know about the rock
cycle, because I'm a

Alright, Rocky.
What stage of the
rock cycle are you
at right now?

Well, Timmy, right now I am an
igneous rock. One day awhile ago,
that volcano over there just erupted
and spewed out hot magma in an
avalanche of lava! I formed when the
lava cooled. Magma is the hot liquid
under the volcano, and lava is what
it's called when it reaches the surface.
Pretty cool right?

Well, from here one of three things could happen.
First, I could melt and turn back into lava.
Second, with weathering and erosion, I could turn
into sediment. Third, with the combination of heat
and high pressure, I could turn into metamorphic

Hold up there
Rocky the
Rock. What's
and erosion?
Oh, sorry there, Timmy. I forgot for
a second that you're new to the
rock cycle. Weathering is the
breaking down of rocks, and
erosion is the transportation and
wearing away of rocks. Here I'll
show you.... See look at me now!
I'm sediment. I have been
weathered and can be moved by
water or wind erosion. Any kind of
rock, including metamorphic and
sedimentary can do this.

Oh, I did not explain sedimentary rocks, yet, either. It will
be better to show you.... Get ready. Look at me now.
With sediment compacting and cementing together, it can
turn into sedimentary rock. Sediment can be carried by
ice erosion or by wind erosion and be deposited into the
ocean from rivers and streams. The mountain where my
volcano resides has a snowy, cold climate in the winter
season. Ice erosion happens when the snow melts or
gravity pulls me down the mountainside, kind of like

sometimes it is so fast that it
is scary!

What happens in the ocean?

Once in the ocean, the sediment can stack up and
compact, like I am now. From here, besides weathering
back into sediment, the only thing I can do is undergo
high pressure and heat to turn into metamorphic rock.

other climates, Rocky?

Let me tell you about my

My brother Sandy the Grain lives in the Mojave
Desert, a place with a dry, hot climate. He gets
carried around by wind erosion. He doesn't much
care for being banged and scraped against rocks, but
the sand dunes are very pretty. He hopes someday
to get transported by the wind and rain to Utah so
that he can help create an arch, but that seems like a
long way to travel to me.

and trees around!

because of the little rainfall and hot

My other brother, Lime the Stone, is a
sedimentary rock, who lives in California Cavern
in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. When the
rainwater is absorbed into the ground there, the
acid it gathers from the air and soil erodes him
and his friends into beautiful crystals, called
stalactites and stalagmites.

Can I visit these caves?

no matter how hot it gets outside, the
cave is always 55 degrees inside!

Back to the rock life cycle....As I was saying,
with the compacting and cementing that
happened in the ocean, I am a sedimentary
rock, like I am now, I can turn into a
metamorphic rock with pressure and heat.

look like as a metamorphic
rock, please, Rocky?

As a metamorphic rock, I am ready to be buried.
Other layers of metamorphic rock will land on top of
me over time. Then, I can melt back into magma,
and, finally, crystallize back to igneous rock!

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

I want to learn
about the rock
cycle... HMMM
where should I

Timmy, ask me, Rocky
the Rock, for some
help. I know
everything there is to
know about the rock
cycle, because I'm a

Alright, Rocky.
What stage of the
rock cycle are you
at right now?

Well, Timmy, right now I am an
igneous rock. One day awhile ago,
that volcano over there just erupted
and spewed out hot magma in an
avalanche of lava! I formed when the
lava cooled. Magma is the hot liquid
under the volcano, and lava is what
it's called when it reaches the surface.
Pretty cool right?

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