You may not know it, but if you want to find out how much something cost or trying to figure out a hard equation, fractions can be very useful and might make it easier to solve the problem. It is important to know fractions because in the real world if you wanted to know something, fractions might come in handy.
There are 4 types of fraction equations. ( adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing ) There are 3 steps to adding fractions. 1, Make sure the bottom numbers are the same. 2, add the top numbers put the answer over the denominator. 3, simplify if needed .Most people add fractions in the real world to see if there is enough of something for everyone.
Subtracting fractions is very similar to the way you add fractions. 1, make sure the bottom numbers are the same. 2, subtract the top numbers. Put the answer over the denominator. 3, simplify if needed. Subtracting fractions in the real world is usually used to figure out how much more of something did the other person get.
There are 3 steps to be able to multiply fractions. 1, simplify the fractions if not in the lowest terms. 2, multiply numerators of the fractions to get the new numerator. 3, multiply the denominator of the fractions to get the new denominator. Multiplying fractions in the real world is usually used to figure out how people can get the exact amount of something that is told.
There are three steps to dividing fractions. 1, find the reciprocal of the fraction on the right. 2, then multiply the two fractions too get your new answer, and 3, simplify if needed. Most people divide fractions to do equations where you are trying to get a equal amount of something. For example, if you had a something and wanted to split it between a certain amount of people I would divide the pizza by the number of people there.

For example
This orange
can be divided
into 13 pieces
so each slice
is 1/13
A real world situation with adding fractions is...
Adam had 5/8 of an orange. His brother gave him 1/4 of an orange. How much of the orange did Adam have in the end?
answer 5/8 + 1/4 = 5/8 + 2/8 = 7/8
A real world situation with subtracting fractions is...
Bob had 5/9 of an apple.His brother had 1/3 of an apple. How much more did bob have than his brother.
answer 5/9 - 1/3 = 5/9 - 3/9 = 2/9
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You may not know it, but if you want to find out how much something cost or trying to figure out a hard equation, fractions can be very useful and might make it easier to solve the problem. It is important to know fractions because in the real world if you wanted to know something, fractions might come in handy.
There are 4 types of fraction equations. ( adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing ) There are 3 steps to adding fractions. 1, Make sure the bottom numbers are the same. 2, add the top numbers put the answer over the denominator. 3, simplify if needed .Most people add fractions in the real world to see if there is enough of something for everyone.
Subtracting fractions is very similar to the way you add fractions. 1, make sure the bottom numbers are the same. 2, subtract the top numbers. Put the answer over the denominator. 3, simplify if needed. Subtracting fractions in the real world is usually used to figure out how much more of something did the other person get.
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