Dear Parents,
This book is for you.
Just remember its the smiles, the hugs, the laughter, the tickles, the mess, the singing, and everything in between that counts.
Your child loves you already, everything else will fall into place.

Play is the universal medium for children. It is innate to them, and it something that does not need to be taught to them. Through play, they will learn about the world and how to deal with this environment of objects, time, space, structure and people.
During play, the child will learn about themselves, what they can do, how to relate to situation and things, and how to adapt themselves to the demands this world demands of them.
PLay is the work of the child. In play children continually practice the complicated, stressful process of living, communicating, and achieving satisfactory relationship with other people.
Appropriate play for the child's developmental stage must incorporate timely fine and gross motor skills, language skills, and social and cognitive skills.
So, yeah, no pressure.
We'll be going through your son or daughter's childhood as they discover play. We'll break it down in stages and understand why your little princess chposes one toy over another, or why playing cops and robbers just isnt their thing today.
Remember though that your child is unique and will do things simply because it brings her joy and enjoyment. And that, too, is the goal of play.

Your Newborn Baby
Your newborn is most likely doing a lot of sleeping, feeding and a lot of reflexive actions. Jerky, mostly uncontrolled motions such as waving of arms, kicking of legs, wiggling and squirming are seen. At this time, your precious child cannot focus clearly and sees best at 8 to 10 inches.
But it's all worthwhile because she begins to smiles spontaneously and unselectively. Your baby begins to distinguish the human voice from other sounds and is more sensitive to high-pitched voices, especially the mother’s voice.She will be best calmed by a soft, rhythmic voice.

Your Newborn Baby
As a parent, you wont have a lot of play opportunities at this time. The baby will be sleeping 17-20 hours, and will be alert maybe 2-3 hours in the day. Soothing mobiles will help them fall asleep.
During this stage, parents are also fascinated by how strong and automatic the baby's grasp is. Colorful mittens will also provide stimulation.
But the best advice for new parents is to grab as much rest as they could while the baby naps too.

2 week-2 month old

You will notice your child's movements are grtadually becoming smoother and more controlled. Your baby may start following moving objects with eyes. He or she will begin exploring their surroundings with their eyes and turning in the direction of sounds.
Your baby will start Making eye contact, quieting down in response to human face. Smiles are more frequent and are prompted by at familiar faces and voices, especially the mother’s voice. Corollary to this, baby May cry when left alone, and usually stops only when picked up.

2 week-2 month old

Colorful toys suck as rattles, plastic keys and plushy toys are good choices during this stage. It draws their attention. if these toys make sounds, even better. It draws their curiosity.
Playing peek-a-boo also brings about a lot of laughter and smile during this period. In part due to the baby's attachment to the parent as well as because the baby still is unable to grasp the concept of object permanence.
It may be a good idea to buy toys that are easily cleaned, for toys at this stage always have one end point destination-- in the mouth.

2 - 4 month old
Your baby will begin to smile, gurgle and coo, particularly when talked to. He or she will start to show a greater variety of emotions: distress, excitement, delight. Crying gradually becomes less frequent. Your baby will, at this time, show more distress when an adult leaves. This is because they do not think things exist if they cannot be seen, touched, or tasted.
Your baby will start to focus better, but still no more than 12 inches. Your baby will be following objects by moving head from side to side and will show preference for things that are brightly colored.

2 - 4 month old

Her/his most fascinating toy would be his fingers and toes-- if they're not sucking their fingers they will be swatting at dangling colorful objects. Their grasp is a little bit more developed and controlled, thus toys that can be grasped such as soft alphabet cubes, soft colorful balls.
Car rides may also be improved by giving the baby something to swing at thats suspended over him in the car seat, similar to dangling attractions in a bouncer or gyms.

6-8 month old

At this time your child may recognize their own name. He or she will babble and squeal using single syllables. Boy, do they love to jabber. The baby will usually start teething, and show preference for some foods more than to others. Your child will have so much fun playing with his food.
Some of the things you will observe your child to be doing includes: Resting on elbows, sitting alone, sits in high chair, moves from sitting to up-on-all-fours, bouncing when held in the standing position, and reaches with one hand for offered toys.

6-8 month old

Babies this age loves playing with rattles and squeaky toys, looking at themselves on shiny little mirrors. Its important to get them toys that are durable and will withstand both vigorous shaking during play as well as washing. Shiny non-breakable reflective surfaces will also give a lot of enjoyment.
Your growing child will love games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake, as well as playing with other children as they begin to distinguish between children and adults.

9 month old Baby

This heralds the babies period of increased mobility as they move from sitting to crawling to trying to stand, and even trying to move their feet in rudimentary walking. The long awaited "mama" and "dada" may be heard. Babies at this age loves to repeat sounds again and again.
Your baby will continues to enjoy banging and waving toys, throwing and shaking objects. Often they get absorbed in their toys and games.
9 month old Baby

The baby will love showing off for family audience. So teach them short nursery rhymes that includes simple actions such as "Itsy Bitsy spider" and let them perform.
Resists doing what he does not want to do, including diaper changes. So make it fun, sing a song, play peak-a-boo so their resistance wont escalate.
Object permanence is still not achieved and baby may cry when parent leaves the room.
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Dear Parents,
This book is for you.
Just remember its the smiles, the hugs, the laughter, the tickles, the mess, the singing, and everything in between that counts.
Your child loves you already, everything else will fall into place.

Play is the universal medium for children. It is innate to them, and it something that does not need to be taught to them. Through play, they will learn about the world and how to deal with this environment of objects, time, space, structure and people.
During play, the child will learn about themselves, what they can do, how to relate to situation and things, and how to adapt themselves to the demands this world demands of them.
PLay is the work of the child. In play children continually practice the complicated, stressful process of living, communicating, and achieving satisfactory relationship with other people.
Appropriate play for the child's developmental stage must incorporate timely fine and gross motor skills, language skills, and social and cognitive skills.
So, yeah, no pressure.
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