To Olivia: My very own Smallitie.😘

There was an island of great beauty called Strala. It was home to the Smallities; a kind and resourceful community of small tree-like people. The Smallities loved living in Strala, and Strala loved them living there. The grass smelt like spring and was crisp underfoot. They had an endless supply of the shu-shu fruit which tasted like honey. They only took what they needed from the island and looked after their home very well.

On the day of the Smallitie festival everyone was on the beach singing, dancing and laughing all day and at night they all stopped to see the most beautiful sunset of the year. The sun had become a black ball against the colour-soaked sky. The warriors all sat and told the saplings of their adventures and stories of the past.

look over there!
They were all sitting relaxing on the beach with full tummies when one of the elders gasped and pointed at the horizon. Everyone stopped and stared at the dot bobbing towards them. It was much too big to be one of their canoes and too fast as well.

Everyone sat and watched as the dot grew closer and closer. They could see it clearly, but didn’t know what it was. It was huge and smelled like rotting fish and sweat. They could hear people cackling and yelling like witches. It was gliding through the crashing waves like a hot knife through butter. Soon it hit the beach where they were sitting. Everyone ran and hid behind the trees.
At first the Smallities thought that they might be fellow Smallities lost at sea, looking for help, but these people were no Smallities. They were Biggities. Huge people, at least the size of 300 Smallities, jumped off the enormous canoe. As they stepped the ground shook and leaves were shaken off all the trees. The Smallities had nowhere to hide. One of the Smallitie warriors came forward and held out his hand for the Biggities to shake.
ha ha ha

The Biggities just laughed, and as they did spit flew out of their mouths' and polluted the lakes and rivers. The Smallities didn't know what to do. They just waited for the Biggities to leave........
but they didn't.
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To Olivia: My very own Smallitie.😘

There was an island of great beauty called Strala. It was home to the Smallities; a kind and resourceful community of small tree-like people. The Smallities loved living in Strala, and Strala loved them living there. The grass smelt like spring and was crisp underfoot. They had an endless supply of the shu-shu fruit which tasted like honey. They only took what they needed from the island and looked after their home very well.

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