This story book is dedicated to all children...
Our Mandate:
To investigate best and promising practices with respect to reducing childhood obesity Ontario. To make revisions and recommendations for implementation in Ontario.

nutritIon teAM:
Amanda De Filippo
Michael Demmink
Leeauna Duchesne
Christine Hooper
Anna Lisa Malinine
Hilda O'Connor

Childhood Obesity: A Public Health Concern-
-The increasing prevalence of obesity in children and youth is a serious public health problem requiring immediate action
-Obesity rates among children and youth have nearly tripled in the last 30 years
-Almost one third of Canadian children and youth were overweight and obese in 2009-2011
(Health Canada, 2016; PHO, 2013; Statistics Canada, 2015)
Obese children are more likely to develop:
· high blood pressure · heart disease
· type 2 diabetes · sleep apnea
·abnormal menstrual cycles
·bone and joint problems
·low self esteem leading to depression
And are more likely to become obese adults with increased risk of:
· chronic disease
· premature mortality
· lowered social, educational and economic prospects
(PHO, 2013)
Direct health care $$$
2011 – 7 billion dollars
2021 – 8.8 billion dollars
(Bancej et al., 2015]
Overview of nutritIon teAM's Apple Schools Intervention:
Vision: Healthy Kids in Healthy Schools.
Mission: Apple Schools will inspire and empower school communities to lead, and choose to be healthy by recommending and supporting measurable and sustainable changes.

Extremely Promising Results:
-Apple Schools Students: ate 10% more fruits and vegetables and consumed 237 fewer calories per day
-Students were 40% less likely to be obese than children in comparison schools.
-Educational outcomes improved and physical activity increased.
-Researchers also concluded that for every $1 spent on the program, there will be a $13 savings in future healthcare costs, which is an excellent return on the initial investment.
[Fung et al 2012; Tran, Ohinmaa, Kuhle, Johnson & Veugelers 2014; Vander Ploeg, McGavock, Maximova, Davis, & Veugelers 2014]

A Comprehensive Approach:
Ryerson’s 2017 PMDip in Dietetics graduates; ideal candidates for School Health Facilitator role:

"Model Schools for inner cities"
-Ensures students grow up with only positive choices and opportunities needed to thrive: achievement enhances self-esteem which, in turn, fuels achievement!
-Focus: needs of children; equitable outcomes for all children.
-Collaboration with stakeholders such as families, staff, communities and governments.

Learning Opportunities Index (LOI)
-Ranking on measures of external challenges affecting students' academic success.
-All schools have some external challenges, even those low on the LOI.
-Toronto District School Board (TDSB) uses this Index to ensure that all students have equitable opportunities to succeed.
Learning Opportunities Index (LOI)
Variables combined into a single index:
-Median income
-% of families receiving social assistance
-Lone parent families

Gateway Public School, Flemingdon Park, North York.

Proven Effective Interventions:
-Target healthy eating
-Involve parents
-Designs that are culturally sensitive
-Effective staff training
-Participatory activities
-Involve modified food environments in schools
-Longer in duration
-Integrate into school curriculum

Apple Schools Intervention: Successes
-Model for mental health support in action
-Reducing financial impacts
-Best practices in the making
-Research proving efficacy of intervention (in & outside the class)
-Future plans for expansion
[Fung et al., 2012]
Apple Schools Intervention: Challenges
1. Facilitator training
2.Teachers’ concerns with program sustainability and time limitations
3. Weight bias
[Puhl & Heuer, 2009; Storey, Montemurro, Schwartz, Farmer, & Veugelers, 2015]

nutritIon teAM's Innovative Solutions:
1: Suggest that School Health Facilitators (SHF) be Registered Dietitians (RD's) with practice-based experience in health promotion.
2: Implement a longer duration for the intervention; 5 years (at least) instead of the original 3 year plan.
3: Work to reduce weight bias and stigmatization by focusing on the qualitative (mental, emotional) assessment of the children's well being rather than purely anthropomorphic measures.
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This story book is dedicated to all children...
Our Mandate:
To investigate best and promising practices with respect to reducing childhood obesity Ontario. To make revisions and recommendations for implementation in Ontario.

nutritIon teAM:
Amanda De Filippo
Michael Demmink
Leeauna Duchesne
Christine Hooper
Anna Lisa Malinine
Hilda O'Connor

Childhood Obesity: A Public Health Concern-
-The increasing prevalence of obesity in children and youth is a serious public health problem requiring immediate action
-Obesity rates among children and youth have nearly tripled in the last 30 years
-Almost one third of Canadian children and youth were overweight and obese in 2009-2011
(Health Canada, 2016; PHO, 2013; Statistics Canada, 2015)
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