A similarity between the two is that they are monotheistic,there are a lot of deities in Hinduism but they are viewed as on spirit not many. Hinduism believe there is one true God, called Brahman, they believe that Brahman is in every person as a spirit or soul. There sacred literature is called the Vedas which refers to 4 other texts, Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. A sacred person in Hinduism is Ramanuja, he taught people that they should worship one God, Vishnu and also said that the world is the lords body. A place of worship is the Armarnath temple, a shrine in a cave. An important festival is Pongal, celebrated ever year in the middle of January and last 4 days, this is for the beginning of Uttarayana, suns journey northwards.
Buddhism relates to Christianity in a way because both stress on ethical living, and showing love to one and another. In Buddhism they do not believe in a God but they respect and look up and worship Buddha. The sacred literature for Buddhism is the Trpitaka, the Mahayana sutras, and the Tibetan. An impotant person in buddhism is Siddhartha Gautama, he was a spiritual teacher and the founder of Buddhism. A place of worship is Mahabodi temple. One major festival is Buddhist new years, this is celebrated for 3 days and starts on the first full moon day in April, the differs from each country tho.
Sikhism is related to Christianity on how everyone is equal, men and women are treated equally. The idea of God is that they believe in one God. The Guru granth sahib is the collection and writings for Sikhism. An important person in Sikhism is Guru Nanak which was the founder of Sikhism. A sacred place is the Gurdwara where Sikhism services are held in Sunday morning. An important major festival is the Vaisakhi, it is the sikhism new year festivals and is celebrated April 13-14.
Judaism relates to Christianity because both religions agree God is transcendent and within. In Judaism they believe in one God and especially make praise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The primary Jewish sacred texts is the Tanach or the Jewish bible, Tanach is an acronym for 3 books. An important person in Judaism is Moses, which was the main founder of Judaism. An important place of worship is The western wall temple mount, Jew who don't live there try to visit it through Isreal. An important festilval in judaism is The Passover.
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A similarity between the two is that they are monotheistic,there are a lot of deities in Hinduism but they are viewed as on spirit not many. Hinduism believe there is one true God, called Brahman, they believe that Brahman is in every person as a spirit or soul. There sacred literature is called the Vedas which refers to 4 other texts, Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. A sacred person in Hinduism is Ramanuja, he taught people that they should worship one God, Vishnu and also said that the world is the lords body. A place of worship is the Armarnath temple, a shrine in a cave. An important festival is Pongal, celebrated ever year in the middle of January and last 4 days, this is for the beginning of Uttarayana, suns journey northwards.
Buddhism relates to Christianity in a way because both stress on ethical living, and showing love to one and another. In Buddhism they do not believe in a God but they respect and look up and worship Buddha. The sacred literature for Buddhism is the Trpitaka, the Mahayana sutras, and the Tibetan. An impotant person in buddhism is Siddhartha Gautama, he was a spiritual teacher and the founder of Buddhism. A place of worship is Mahabodi temple. One major festival is Buddhist new years, this is celebrated for 3 days and starts on the first full moon day in April, the differs from each country tho.
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