Aboriginal Spirituality Books

  • Pebbles Isn't Gone
    Little Johnny's beloved dog, Pebbles, passes away. His family members, each following different religions, explain their beliefs about what happens after death. This helps Jo…
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  • Christianity, Judaism, and Canadian Aboriginal Spirituality Exploring the Nature of Evil Ages 10 - 14
    The story explores the concept of evil in different world religions and cultures, including Christianity, Judaism, and Aboriginal Spirituality.
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  • The World to All Religions
    The book 'Exploring Religions with Traveler David! Come learn with me!' by Ben Banyameen is an informative guide about various religions including Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism,…
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  • World Religions RST
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of various world religions including Aboriginal Spirituality, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. It ex…
    This is an informative guide to various world religions, including Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Native Spirituality, and Judaism. The book provides a basic understandi…
  • Franklin goes on a religious adventure !
    Franklin embarks on an adventure to learn about world religions, with the help of his parents and friends. They explore Aboriginal Spirituality, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and…
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  • Religion book
    A brief overview of six different religions, highlighting their key beliefs, sacred texts, important figures, places of worship, and festivals.
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  • Captain Worldwide Explains World Religions
    Captain Worldwide takes readers on a global adventure to explore the world's major religions, providing basic information about each one.
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