This book is dedicated to Mrs. Keene and her first grade students at Legend Elementary School (2017-2018). You have taught me more than I ever could have imagined learning in my second semester of college. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

C'mon, turn the page already!
The Chameleon that went to the Moon
By: Morgan Gregg
Illustrated and published by: StoryJumper

Hello everybody! I am Rex, the brave and ambitious chameleon!

There was once a very brave and ambitious chameleon named Rex.

Rex lived in a grassy meadow with all sorts of different animals from around the globe. Rex's home was not a typical home...

...but despite their differences, Rex and all of the other animals lived together in perfect harmony.

It's nice to live in such a beautiful meadow, don't you think?
I second that!


The animals could all agree on one thing: they LOVED their home in the grassy meadow.

As much as Rex loved the grassy meadow, he always dreamed of going to the moon.

It's my dream to visit the moon someday!

One day, while Rex was taking an afternoon stroll through the meadow with Tiana the giraffe, he told her about his dream to someday visit the moon.

Tiana could not believe that Rex would ever consider leaving the grassy meadow. Deep down, she was very upset. Rex was her very best friend and she couldn't imagine what her home would be like without him.
Rex, that is SO awesome! You should totally go to the moon!

Thank you, Tiana!

Although she was feeling down, she decided to support Rex, as every best friend should.
I have HUGE news... I am going to visit the moon!

Tiana's encouragement made Rex feel so good that he decided to tell all of his other friends in the grassy meadow about his plan to visit the moon.


How are YOU going to get to the moon?

All of Rex's friends were in shock; there was no way Rex was going to get to the moon! Marty the lion laughed at Rex and Linus the cat taunted him while the others remained quiet. They were all in complete disbelief.

Rex was distraught. He had expected all of his friends to react just like Tiana had. Rather than getting upset, Rex decided to take a walk and calm down.

Don't listen to them, Rex. This is your dream! And I have an idea...

Tiana had sensed Rex's anguish and ran to catch up with him. She encouraged him to follow his dream and even came up with a genius idea of how he could get to the moon.
Balloons! You could float to the moon, Rex!

Yes, that's it! Thank you, Tiana!

The next day, Tiana explained her genius idea to Rex and they began to gather the necessary materials.

Rex and Tiana gathered the balloons and string and they began to prepare for Rex's launch.

Could you use an extra hand? Or should I say, an extra trunk?

Having observed them all morning, Eloise the elephant had grown curious and offered to help Tiana and Rex with their plan.

Finally, the time had come. Rex climbed all the way up Tiana's long neck and Eloise tied the string of the balloons around Rex's body.
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This book is dedicated to Mrs. Keene and her first grade students at Legend Elementary School (2017-2018). You have taught me more than I ever could have imagined learning in my second semester of college. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

C'mon, turn the page already!
The Chameleon that went to the Moon
By: Morgan Gregg
Illustrated and published by: StoryJumper

Hello everybody! I am Rex, the brave and ambitious chameleon!

There was once a very brave and ambitious chameleon named Rex.
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