Dedicated to Mr.Galbraith because I have to

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Government................................................4
Chapter Two: Exploration..................................................8
Chapter Three: Colonization...........................................12
Chapter Four: Scientific Revolution................................16
Chapter Five: Enlightenment..........................................20
Chapter Six: American Revolution..................................24
Chapter Seven: French Revolution and Napoleon.......28
Chapter Eight: Latin American Revolutions..................32
Chapter Nine: Industrialism............................................36
Chapter Ten: Imperialism................................................40
Chapter Eleven: World War I...........................................44
Chapter Twelve: World War II.........................................48
Chapter Thirteen: Cold War................................................52
Chapter Fourteen: Modern World......................................56
Chapter One: Government
Limited government is when the government has limited power, and the unlimited government has unlimited power. Europe during the 1600s absolute monarchy would be classified as unlimited governments. The monarchs based their power on the idea of divine right. The decisions made by them were not questioned.
Governments in France and Russia both created absolutist system. Rights and freedoms were limited and those that existed could be cast aside by the monarch. Many of the changes and ideas that were built upon the English tradition that began when King John signed the Magna Carta. The king was not above the law anymore.
King John signed the Magna Carta. That was important because the king had less power. He signed it in 1215. Absolutist system was created.

King John was a famous person during this time. He was born on December 24, 1166 and died October 1216. He signed the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215. One interesting fact about him is he is only 5ft and 5in

Chapter Two: Exploration
England, France and Spain’s explorers/conquistadors; where they laid claim to the land; new technologies for Exploration (caravel, sextant [used for latitude], astrolabe, compass) and from the Scientific Revolution (telescope, heliocentric theory, microscope, etc.); Colombian Exchange.

Christopher Columbus sailed and first to reached the new world. It was important because gave Europeans new raw materials. He did this in 1402. Ferdinand and Isabella gave him money to take the journey. The compass was invented at the time. Later he created the Colombian Exchange.

Ferdinand Magellan was a very important person during this time. He circumnavigated the Earth on September 20, 1519.

The astrolabe is an instrument formerly used to make astronomical measurements, typically of the altitudes of celestial bodies, and in navigation for calculating latitude, before the development of the sextant. In its basic form (known from classical times), it consists of a disk with the edge marked in degrees and a pivoted pointer.

Chapter Three: Colonization
Colonization is the concept of mercantilism for the mother country; policies to control trade between Asia (Silk Road), Africa and Americas; beginnings of capitalism; rise of the middle class; triangular trade and middle passage.

Triangular Trade was an important event that happened during colonization. Europe gave manufactured goods from europe the coast of west africa. Slaves from africa to the american colonies. Raw materials back europe.

Cortes was an import during colonization. He took over the Aztecs in Aug 13, 1521.

The seed drill was an inventions during this time. I made it easier to get seeds out of the cotton.

Chapter Four: Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution changed authority and political beliefs; how it led to and influenced the Enlightenment philosophers; how this challenged the Catholic Church; and famous people.

The trial of Galileo was an important event during the Scientific Revolution. He was tried because he was going against the church. He out under house arrest.

Isaac Newton was a very important person during this time. He discovered the laws of gravity.

The telescope was invented by Galileo during the scientific Revolution. It is an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified.

Chapter Five: Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was when the Glorious Revolution and Age of Absolutism famous thinkers. English Civil War to Oliver Cromwell to Glorious Revolution with William and Mary. How the concept spread to America and France and led to the rise of constitutions, individual rights, and separation of powers.

The Glorious Revolution was known as the bloodless revolution. The Glorious Revolution was when William of Orange took the English throne from James II in 1688. The event brought a permanent realignment of power within the English constitution.

John Locke was a very important person during this time. He believed that everyone had three natural rights, life liberty, and property. He is known as the "Father of Classical Liberalism."

The flying shuttle was an inventions made during the
Enlightenment. It made is easier to thread bigger things faster.

Chapter Six: American Revolution
The American Revolution is how Enlightenment ideas influenced the American Revolution. How this led to the creation of new governments and changed the relationship between citizens and the government. The role of a constitution, personal rights, shared powers between branches, and the idea of promoting a common good.

The Revolutionary war was a very important event. This was good because it made gave America independence.

George washington was very important during the Revolutionary war. He was the general during the war. He became the first president.

The telegraph was something invented during the American Revolution. It sent messages through a line.

Chapter Seven: French Revolution and Napoleon
The French Revolution and Napoleon is how Enlightenment ideas influenced the French Revolution. Key events of the French Revolution. Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen. Maximilian Robespierre. The rise of Napoleon, the Napoleonic Wars to conquer Europe and how nationalism played a role the Congress of Vienna. Unification of Germany and Italy.

A very important event during the French Revolution was the storming of the Bastille. The Bastille was a armory and prison. Louis XVI banned the 3rd estate to meet with the Estates-General. He started to gather troops to defend himself. Paris exploded in rebellion. A large crowd gathered around the Bastille. News of the Bastille spread and peasants started to rebel against the nobles.

Napoleon had a big role during this time. He was a French general. His victories against the other nations made him a hero. He used his popularity and military power to lead a coup d'etat. He appointed government officials, controlled the army, directed lawmaking, oversaw foreign policies. Napoleon declared himself emperor of France

The guillotine was an invention created during the French Revolution. It was used for execution. It was used on King Louie.

Chapter Eight: Latin American Revolution
Latin American Revolutions how Enlightenment ideas and Nationalism inspired Latin American Revolutions. Revolutions in Haiti, Mexico, and South America.

A major event that happened during the Latin American Revolutions is the independence of Haiti. Enslaved workers had been producing wealth in sugar and tea. France owned the colony but were tied up in their own revolution. 500,000 of 560,000 people were enslaved. Under the leadership of Toussaint-L'Ouverture, the slaves would establish their own government.

Simon Bolivar was a very important person during the Latin American Revolutions. He led revolts in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. He joins San Martin in Peru to crush the Spanish Army. By the end of 1824, nearly all of South America had successfully proclaimed their independence.

Chapter Nine: Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution led to changes to economic, cultural, political systems, and new inventions.

One major event during the Industrial Revolution is the spread of industrialism. It got to the US by Samuel Slater comes from England. Germany gets it by buying British machines in early 1800's. Finally Japan got it by Matthew Perry arriving with a fleet of steam-powered warships.

Matthew Perry was very important to the Industrial Revolution. He spread industrialism to Japan. He arrived with a fleet of steam-powered warships.

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Dedicated to Mr.Galbraith because I have to

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Government................................................4
Chapter Two: Exploration..................................................8
Chapter Three: Colonization...........................................12
Chapter Four: Scientific Revolution................................16
Chapter Five: Enlightenment..........................................20
Chapter Six: American Revolution..................................24
Chapter Seven: French Revolution and Napoleon.......28
Chapter Eight: Latin American Revolutions..................32
Chapter Nine: Industrialism............................................36
Chapter Ten: Imperialism................................................40
Chapter Eleven: World War I...........................................44
Chapter Twelve: World War II.........................................48
Chapter Thirteen: Cold War................................................52
Chapter Fourteen: Modern World......................................56
Chapter One: Government
Limited government is when the government has limited power, and the unlimited government has unlimited power. Europe during the 1600s absolute monarchy would be classified as unlimited governments. The monarchs based their power on the idea of divine right. The decisions made by them were not questioned.
Governments in France and Russia both created absolutist system. Rights and freedoms were limited and those that existed could be cast aside by the monarch. Many of the changes and ideas that were built upon the English tradition that began when King John signed the Magna Carta. The king was not above the law anymore.
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