Chronology Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • ABC's of Martin Luther King Jr.
    A brief biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his activism, achievements, and impact on civil rights in America.
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  • Timeline of Stone Age
    A brief overview of the Earth's age, the concept of BC and AD, and a timeline of events in the Stone Age.
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  • U.S History! (:
    A list of historical events and concepts in chronological order, with some details and explanations.
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  • U.S. History Time Line Project
    The story provides a chronological account of significant events in American history, from the colonization era to the Reconstruction era. It includes details about various l…
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  • The Final Project
    This is a historical book covering major world events from the 1600s to the modern era. Each chapter focuses on a different period, discussing key figures, events, and invent…
  • U.S. History Timeline Project
    The story provides a chronological account of significant events in American history, from the Magna Carta to the end of the Civil War.
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  • U.S. History Timeline Project
    A chronological list of important events in American history, from the Magna Carta to the end of the Civil War.
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