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Magna Carta gave citizens basic civil
rights such as the freedom to not have
their property seized by the king, they
could not be taxed unless a council of
prominent men agreed, they could not
be put on trial by the word of an official
without witnesses, and their jury that
decides if they are guilty or innocent
them would be one that consists of their

Jamestown was the first permanent British colony
in North America, it struggled because of disease,
but it later thrived by using tobacco as a cash crop.

The House of Burgesses was the first
representative government assembly in the
American Colonies.

The Mayflower Compact was the document outlining
the principles of self government for the first settlers
in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

The New England colonies consisted of
Massachustts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and
Connecticut. Their lives were centered around
religion and they were ranked by classes. They
fished, hunted, traded, and built ships to make

The middle colonies consisted of New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. They
were skilled craftsmen, they mined, and they
Farmed (oats, wheat, and barley). They were
colony called the "melting pot" because of their
diversity. They had no public schools, but their
private schools were run by churches.

The Southern colonies consisted of Virginia,
Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and
Georgia. They farmed for a living (tobacco, rice,
and indigo). They had no public schools, very few
private schools, but if the parents had money they
would hire a tutor.

The French and Indian war was a conflict in North
America that was part of the worldwide struggle
between France and Britain (in this particular war
they claimed the same land as their own and fought
over who the land truly belonged to). The allies
were France and the Indians on one side and
Britain and the colonists on the other. Britain won.

The Treaty of Paris was the treaty that ended
The French and Indian War, Britain gained all of
North America East of the Mississippi River.

The Proclamation of 1763 was an order in which
Britain prohibited the colonists from settling West
of the Appalachian Mountains (because the of the
conflicts between the Native Americans and the

The Sugar Act was an act passed by Parliament
that stated that a tax would be placed on sugar,
molasses, and other products. It also called for
harsh punishment on smugglers.

The Quartering Act was an act passed by
Parliament that stated that the colonies were
required to house and supply British soldiers.

The Stamp Act was an act created by Parliament
that stated that all legal and commercial
documents were required to carry an official
stamp showing that a tax had been paid.

The Townshend Acts were s series of laws
passed by Parliament that suspended New
York's assembly and established taxes on goods
brought into the colonies.

The Boston Massacre was a clash between British
soldiers and the American colonists in which five
colonists were killed. (The Sons of Liberty later
called it the Boston Massacre).

The Boston Tea party was a protest that the
colonists made against the tax on tea by
dumping 342 chests of tea into the Boston

The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws
passed by Parliament made to punish
Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party.

Lexington and Concord were the sites of the
first battles of the American Revolution. The
British went to Lexington to capture patriot
leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock. The
British also went to Concord to capture guns
and ammunition from the patriots. The British
won, but at a heavy cost.

The Declaration of Independence was a
document written in 1776 in which the colonies
declared independence from Britain.

The Battle of Saratoga was a series of battles
between the British soldiers and the
Continental Army. It was a turning point in the
Revolution because America started winning.

The Battle of Yorktown was the last major
battle of the American Revolution. Britain
surrendered to America. George Washington
was the commander and chief of the
Continental Army .

The Articles of Confederation was a document
that was adopted in 1777 but was approved in
1781. It was the first attempt at government
for the new United States.

The Treaty of Paris was the Treaty that ended
the Revolutionary War and confirmed America's

The Northwest Ordinance stated how the
northwest territory would be settled in and

The Great Compromise was the Constitutional
Convention's agreement to establish a 2 house
legislature, with all of the states having equal
representation in one house and representation
based on the state's population in the other.

The 3/5ths Compromise stated that 3/5ths of
the slave population would be counted when
setting direct taxes on the states and 3/5ths of
the slave population would be used to
determine the representation of the state in

Popular sovereignty is when the people rule;
the power of the government comes from the

Republicism is when the government is run by
elected representatives.

Individual rights state that people have basic
rights that the government cannot take away.

Limited Government is when the government is
not all powerful; members of the government
must follow the law.

Federalism is when the powers of the
government are divided between the national
(federal) and state governments.

Separation of Powers is when the power of the
national (federal) government is separated into
legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Checks and Balances are when each branch of
the national (federal) government can limit or
control the other two branches (to prevent any
one branch from becoming too powerful).

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Magna Carta gave citizens basic civil
rights such as the freedom to not have
their property seized by the king, they
could not be taxed unless a council of
prominent men agreed, they could not
be put on trial by the word of an official
without witnesses, and their jury that
decides if they are guilty or innocent
them would be one that consists of their

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