Table of Contents
Native spirituality pages 3-5
Hinduism pages 6-8
Buddhism pages 9-11
Sikhism pages 12-14
Judaism pages 15-17
Islam pages 18-20

Cinderella asks Fairy Godmother to take her to her friends to learn about the different religions around the world.
I want to learn about Native Spirituality. Take me to Princess Pocahontas!

Hi Pocahontas, I would like to learn about your religion! Will you teach me?
Well of course Cinderella!

As a native I worship the great Creator. We believe humans are created to live in harmony with the world. Gratitude to Mother Earth is a very important part of aboriginal spirituality. Our beliefs are shared as part of an oral tradition. We are called to thank the Creator for the gifts of values and traditions. Some values being wisdom, love, respect, and bravery, and traditions such as sacred medicine wheel ceremonies, powwows, smudging, and chanting. We also believe in the idea of reincarnation, which is the rebirth of a soul taking a new form. Native Spirituality is all about nurturing the soul,loving the spirit of nature, and taking care of it all.

Thank you Pocahontas! , I would like to learn about Hinduism now. Take me to see Princess Jasmine!
My pleasure, Cinderella!

Hi Jasmine, I want to learn about you religion! Will you teach me ?
Sure thing Cinderella!

As a Hindu I worship the one true god Brahman. We believe in supreme beings and in certain concepts such as truth, dharma, and karma. Hindu's put belief into the Vedas which is our sacred scriptures. Our three main gods are Brahma who created the universe, Vishnu who preserves the universe, and Shiva who destroys the
universe. Our place of worship is at a temple. Reincarnation is a huge aspect of our religion and it is karma and dharma that determine it. Karma and dharma is belief that one's actions determines their fate in the next life and the moral force of the universe. Overall, living a good and truthful life will bring goodness in the next life.

Thank you Jasmine, I want to learn about Buddhism now. Take me to Princess Mulan!
Any time Cinderella!

Hi Mulan, I want to learn more about your religion! Will you teach me?
I would love to!

As a Buddhist I believe that life is endless and open to suffering and uncertainty. We believe life is endless as people are reincarnated over and over again suffering through many lives. There are two types of Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. We do not believe in a personal god. Our place of worship is called a stupa.
The path to Enlightenment of morality, meditation, and wisdom. we have Nobel Truths and 5 Precepts which are ways to living a moral life. Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that focuses on personal spiritual growth.

Thank you Mulan! Now I would like to learn about Sikhism take me to Princess Rapunzel!
Its always a pleasure.

Hi Rapunzel! I want to learn more about your religion. Will you teach me?
Yes I will!

As a Sikh I believe in one true and eternal god. We believe in the sacred scripture Guru Granth Sahib, equality, and selfless services. Sikhism is based on the spiritual teachings of Guru Nanak. Our place of worship is the Gurdwara. We follow the Khalsa which is the 5 k's. (kesh, kangha, kara, kachera, and kirpan). These show our devotion and love for god. One of our popular festivals are Diwali which is a celebration of freedom. We do not believe that our religion is the only right religion we just believe this is one of the ways to show love to god. Overall our religion is full of love for god and others.

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Table of Contents
Native spirituality pages 3-5
Hinduism pages 6-8
Buddhism pages 9-11
Sikhism pages 12-14
Judaism pages 15-17
Islam pages 18-20

Cinderella asks Fairy Godmother to take her to her friends to learn about the different religions around the world.
I want to learn about Native Spirituality. Take me to Princess Pocahontas!

Hi Pocahontas, I would like to learn about your religion! Will you teach me?
Well of course Cinderella!

As a native I worship the great Creator. We believe humans are created to live in harmony with the world. Gratitude to Mother Earth is a very important part of aboriginal spirituality. Our beliefs are shared as part of an oral tradition. We are called to thank the Creator for the gifts of values and traditions. Some values being wisdom, love, respect, and bravery, and traditions such as sacred medicine wheel ceremonies, powwows, smudging, and chanting. We also believe in the idea of reincarnation, which is the rebirth of a soul taking a new form. Native Spirituality is all about nurturing the soul,loving the spirit of nature, and taking care of it all.

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