this is to my friend lily about how this story went on this day.

This story takes place in a bathroom. this bathroom is a girls bathroom that happens to be at a school. let me start the story. I t was the middle of class but I was done with my work. I needed to go to the bathroom so I ask my teacher. then I did the bathroom sigh and my teacher said "yes" so I walked to get the girls bathroom pass. I got it then I put it on my desk and I left the room thinking that it was going to be normal even though it was not going to be a normal day or even more weird I did not know that something weird was going to happen I the bathroom.
I got to the bathroom and there were like 5-8 people in the bathroom. wow I was not the only 3rd grader in the bathroom. this was because there was only like I don't know maybe 1. Eney way there was not many 2nd graders in the bathroom. not that that madders but just so you get the pitcher. nobdy came in after me so when I got in the stall you would think that I would be the only one but then my friend lily came into the bathroom. good I was not the only one in the bathroom. but what I have to idmite is the...
the thing is that well I don't like to be in the bathroom alone because it can be creepy! Do you know why? of course you don't. Well I don't because in this grade there is a stall that is creepy. this stall is creepy because the most big stall has all bad things happen in it. these are the things that have happen so fare:
- -it has over flowed 1 time
- -clogged more than 1 time
- -teepee 1 time
- -woodcipes scatted across its floor
- -bad words written on the wall
this one is the worst one I think yet. well I'm not going to tell you yet. so were I left off. lily is now in the bathroom she does not want to use the creepy stall and the other stall is clogged so she whats for me to get out of the stall. I love to talk BTW or by the way. So I was done so I got out and went to wash my hands. my friend lily asks me.
" can you stay?"
of crouse she would be sckard I anser was this.
"sorry but I'm in the middle of a subject."
then all of a sudden lily says:
" what was that that just flew over my stall?" she sounded tolltly tariffed.
"well I don't know." I said back to her.
I looked some more still not seeing the thing. I don't know why I did not see it but I still had not seen it. I said that I had to go or else my teacher would get worried or confused. so I said
"buy." and she said
"buy." back to me.
then I was just about to go out the door when I ...
saw what it was... oh my gosh! this was not eney kind of creacher you would think it would be it was a
so I quickly said to lily.
"lily there is a wasp in the girls bathroom we need to get out!"
her answer was"really?" and I said
"really!" back to her.
oh and did I tell you. It was making a nest! would we get stung. it was a big! like a big big one. what would happen-us? I was scard. also that you were probly as supprised as I was and lily was to the wasp.
Lliy got super scard because then she new what had flon over her stall... The wasp! so lily unlocked her stall ( she was in the middle of going to the bathroom.) and ran right out of the bathroom so I followed her exept that I did not run in case the wasp was going to follow and then sting me. So when I was out Lily was going back in to see the big huge wasp when she saw it I was shore that she might of scremed.
so insted of screaming she said
"you were right, there is a wasp in the girls bathroom."
So we fast walked out of the bathroom and we were about to get to the turning point when a girl stop us. or we stoped her. we both desied to tell her.
" there is a wosp in the girls bathroom so do not go in there it cuold sting you."
I think that she was scard because she said
" OK then."
and left.
then she walked away. Lily and I looked at each other and said
"good thing we were there to stop her or else that would be bad if we did not stop her she could of been stung and that would not of been good to happen."
we knew that we needed to hury up be for somone got stung and we wrn't there to say
" don't go in the girls bathroom there is a Wasp in it!"
so we knew fast walking would be the be the best way of doing it.
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this is to my friend lily about how this story went on this day.

This story takes place in a bathroom. this bathroom is a girls bathroom that happens to be at a school. let me start the story. I t was the middle of class but I was done with my work. I needed to go to the bathroom so I ask my teacher. then I did the bathroom sigh and my teacher said "yes" so I walked to get the girls bathroom pass. I got it then I put it on my desk and I left the room thinking that it was going to be normal even though it was not going to be a normal day or even more weird I did not know that something weird was going to happen I the bathroom.
I got to the bathroom and there were like 5-8 people in the bathroom. wow I was not the only 3rd grader in the bathroom. this was because there was only like I don't know maybe 1. Eney way there was not many 2nd graders in the bathroom. not that that madders but just so you get the pitcher. nobdy came in after me so when I got in the stall you would think that I would be the only one but then my friend lily came into the bathroom. good I was not the only one in the bathroom. but what I have to idmite is the...
the thing is that well I don't like to be in the bathroom alone because it can be creepy! Do you know why? of course you don't. Well I don't because in this grade there is a stall that is creepy. this stall is creepy because the most big stall has all bad things happen in it. these are the things that have happen so fare:
- -it has over flowed 1 time
- -clogged more than 1 time
- -teepee 1 time
- -woodcipes scatted across its floor
- -bad words written on the wall
- END >
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