To those who are fans of kirby.
` This is all Fiction

One day a astronaut from NASA named Emma Ross got trapped in a black when she was going to the moon.
She was on a weird planet she didn't know. Soon She would be famous.
One day on planet Pop Star the mighty hero Kirby slept right through a attack and didn't save the princess of plant Pop Star.
Kirby thought to himself who would do such a thing? Then it hit him wispy woods! He looked out the window and seen his planet almost destroyed! He knew he had to save his planet.

"Where am I?" Emma asked herself."I'm not on any of the planets I know."
" Are you ok?" asked a round pink figure.
"I'm fine." she explained.

"Where am I?"
"Your on planet Pop Star."
"Who is in Charge here?"
" Kirby our hero."
" Can you take me to him?"
"Yes I can mam."
At the castle Kirby was getting ready to go to the dark planet when... BOOM! A bomb went off! But where? Then the castle doors flew open.When Kirby turned around to see who it was another bomb went off. Kirby was wondering where the bombs came from.
Kirby seen Emma for the first time. The pink figure talked with Kirby and left. Kirby faced Emma
" I can help you get home, if you could help me save my planet."
"I will do any thing to get home."
"You'll need to pack up on weapons."
"Ok, I think I'm ready." Emma said wearily.
"This is what you will need," Kirby exclaimed "Armor, a robot suit, a sword, and some of my magic so you can suck enemies up and copy there powers."

"Here are my friends Meta Knight and King Dedede they will be traveling with us to the dark planet."
"Hi Meta Knight hi King Dedede."Emma said nicely.
"Just call them Meta and him Dedede."Kirby advised "Ok got it." Emma noted.
"We can take my star ship to the dark planet." Kirby suggested.
"How about we each take our own star ship Kirby Emma can take one home as a token of helping us save the princess." Meta replied.
"Great idea Meta, Emma can also keep the powers!"
"The place wispy woods lives in is unpredictable and has super scary things in it." Meta said bravely. "What if we get eaten!" Dedede worried.
"Then we will move on with out the person who got ate, oh and were here." Meta joked.
"What!?!" Dedede wept.
"Just kidding." Meta explained
On the dark planet Kirby, Meta,Dedede,and Neli went inside Wispy Woods castle.
"Man it's dark in here." Dedede cried.
"I think it's pretty cool in here." Emma said in awe.
"Isnt Wispy Woods In there?" Dedede said scarily.
"We'll just have to find out." Meta said bravely. "Lets enter the castle." said Emma.
When the hero's went in the chamber they got trapped by Wispy Woods. Then they herd him say
"You walked right into my trap you fools, whoa who the person in the white?" "None of your business," Emma barked
"no one is going to tell you who I am!"
Meta then struck the cage with his mighty sword and broke out him and his friends.Then Wispy Woods realized and blew Meta and Dedede out of the castle.
"Why, do you do what you do you don't have to be a villain you can be good." Kirby tried to convince Wispy Woods.
"NO, being a villain is fun!" Wispy Woods screamed.
"Just give the princess back and we'll leave you be." Emma exclaimed.
"No you'll have to fight me if you want the princess back!" Wispy Woods challenged Kirby and Emma.

First Kirby hit Wispy Woods with his fire and gave the him time to find a place to hide and then do a sneak attack. Emma didn't hide he went to where the princess was at then she walked out with the princess behind him. Just then Wispy Woods caught Emma and the princess off guard. Emma yelled
"Get away!"

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To those who are fans of kirby.
` This is all Fiction

One day a astronaut from NASA named Emma Ross got trapped in a black when she was going to the moon.
She was on a weird planet she didn't know. Soon She would be famous.
One day on planet Pop Star the mighty hero Kirby slept right through a attack and didn't save the princess of plant Pop Star.
- END >
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