This storybook is dedicated to conserving the environment and reducing emissions on a global scale. Hopefully this story inspires climate conservation among the young generation.

Brother and Sister Bear are walking to school together. They walk past a power plant emitting smoke from a large metal cylinder. "Is that where clouds come from?" Sister Bear asks Brother Bear.
Brother Bear thinks about it for a moment. "I don't know, Sister Bear." He never thought about where the clouds come from.

Brother Bear and Sister Bear arrive at school. They are on time, as usual. Brother Bear gives Sister Bear a hug. "Meet me here when the last bell rings," he tells her.

Brother Bear finds his seat in science class. Science is Brother Bear's favorite subject. "Hello class," Mrs. Koala says. "Today we are talking about climate change."

Mrs. Koala passes out a worksheet to each student. The worksheet contains a list of actions: turn the lights out when I leave the room, brush teeth with the water off, carpool with other students, walk to school, Recycle at home, etc. The students must check off the actions they have done.
Brother Bear is ashamed to admit that he can only check off one thing: walking to school. He never considered the other actions on the list to be important.

On the way home from school, Brother Bear tries explaining to Sister Bear about climate change. "Hey, I figured out what those cloud machines are. They are harmful chemicals being released into the environment! And it is up to us to save it." Sister Bear looks confused.

"Don't worry, Sister Bear. It's easy. We are already helping by walking to school. We just have to start turning out the lights every time we leave a room. And I have to talk to mom about air drying our clothing from now on," Brother Bear said.
Brother Bear and Sister Bear arrive at home. "Mom, Dad! I need to talk to you," Brother Bear yells. "Okay," says his mother. "But first we have an announcement."

"Do you kids remember Uncle Peter? You only met him once when you were both much younger. Uncle Peter is a polar bear living in the Arctic. He lost his home today. It melted away, and he is coming to stay with us for a while. Make sure you are friendly and welcoming," said Mother Bear.
"That's right children", said Father Bear. Peter is going through some tough times. This winter has been much warmer than expected, just like last year, and he lost his habitat."

"Now what was it you wanted to talk to us about Brother Bear?", said Mother Bear. "Well," said Brother Bear, "I am sorry to hear about Uncle Peter, but I am not surprised. Our environment is in trouble!"
"Mrs Koala was telling us today in science class. Burning fossil fuels raises the global temperatures. When the temperature rises, the ice caps melt into the sea. That is what happened to Uncle Peter's home," says Brother Bear.

"Wow, Brother Bear!" "You sound so smart. This must be something you really care about," said Father Bear. Brother Bear's parents felt proud of their son.

Brother Bear raised his hand the next day in Mrs. Koala's class. "Mrs. Koala, is the melting arctic a sign of global warming?"

"Yes, Brother Bear. Good observation! When the arctic gets warm the ice melts into the sea, causing sea levels to rise."

Uncle Peter was at the tree home when Brother and Sister Bear arrived home from school. "Hey everybody. Wow, you kids got big!"

"Hey Uncle Peter!" "How are you," Brother Bear said. Sister Bear ran up to Uncle Peter and gave him a hug. Brother Bear shook his paw.
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This storybook is dedicated to conserving the environment and reducing emissions on a global scale. Hopefully this story inspires climate conservation among the young generation.

Brother and Sister Bear are walking to school together. They walk past a power plant emitting smoke from a large metal cylinder. "Is that where clouds come from?" Sister Bear asks Brother Bear.
Brother Bear thinks about it for a moment. "I don't know, Sister Bear." He never thought about where the clouds come from.

Brother Bear and Sister Bear arrive at school. They are on time, as usual. Brother Bear gives Sister Bear a hug. "Meet me here when the last bell rings," he tells her.

- END >
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