Chapter 1
It was May 3rd, 2018. All of the guidance counselors at Willville High School were calling all of the seniors down to the office to talk about what career they wanted to study in college. Most of the students did not know what they wanted to do in the future, but that was not the case for 18 year old Mark Williams. Mark is a gamer. He has been gaming ever since he was 2 years old. He loves gaming so much he wants to make it into a career.
Mark wants to be a professional gamer. Walking to his first period class knowing that he is going to have to talk to his counselor today, he knows that his counselor, Miss Jones will be very supportive of his decision. The bell rings and Mark takes his seat. Two minutes in to class, the intercom rings. “Hi can we have Mark Williams come down to the office please?”
Sure! He’s coming now.” Marks teacher Mr. Nick responds.
As Mark is walking down to the office, he feels really excited to tell Miss Jones his career choice. Once he got to the office he sat down and they talked. “So Mark what have you chose as a career to study?” Miss Jones asked. “I want to become a professional gamer.” Mark said confidently. “No really what do you want to study?’
No really I want to become a professional gamer.” Mark was a little confused on why she didn’t believe him. “Well Mark I know that is something you really want to do but you can’t study that in college. Why don’t you go home and think about something else you want to do and we can meet tomorrow before school.”
“Ok. Thank you.” Mark walked out disappointed. His parents want him to go to college and since he can’t study gaming, he has to study something else.
Chapter 2
The day went by slow for Mark. He just can’t decide what he wants to do for a career. Mark doesn't even know if he wants to go to college or not but his parents are forcing him to go to college. Mark doesn't want to give up his dream on being a gamer. Soon as Mark got home he started to talk to his parents about what they think he should do. “So how did the meeting go with your counselor?” Mark’s mom asked. “She didn’t think my career was a actual career.”
“Well what did you tell her?” Mark's mom asked. “I told her I want to become a professional gamer.”
“Well that is not a real career.”
“Well that’s what I want to do!” Mark shouted. “Don’t you want to do something more successful?”
“Professional gaming is successful. They get paid a lot of money.”
“But not as much as a lawyer or a doctor.”
“But that's what I want to do and if you don’t like it then to bad.” Mark started to get angry with his mom. Mark doesn't understand why no one believes in him. “Well your money from me son. On the first day of summer I am kicking you out. So go find a place to live and call me when your successful.” Mark’s mom said. Mark is extremely confused on why this is happening to him. Is this a way of his mom saying figure it out on your own? If it is then Mark better get moving.
Chapter 3
The next day Mark couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday. He couldn’t believe his mom is kicking him out of the house. As he was walking to school he told his friend, James what happened. “Did you tell your mom what you chose to do?” James asked. “Yeah and there's something that I have to tell you.”
“What is it?” James asked. “My mom is kicking me out of the house on the first day of summer so I have to find a place to live.”
“Well you can live in my guest house until I leave for college.” James recommended.
“Yeah that sounds good because that can give me time to get some money and find a apartment.” Mark said. “Is it ok with your parents?” Mark asked. “Yes they should be ok with it.” James said. Mark was really happy that he has a place to stay for a little bit so he can start his gaming career. They got to school earlier than usual because Mark was going to meet with Miss Jones that morning. Mark walked into the office.
“So Mark did you think of a career choice?” Miss Jones asked. “Well I really don’t want to go to college because I want to do gaming professionally.”
“Well what does your mom think of this?”
“Well she told me to figure it out on my own and get out of the house.” Mark explained. “Well I don’t blame her. I would say that to my son as well.” Miss Jones said. “Do you know where you're going to stay?” Miss Jones asked. “Yes I do.” Mark said. “Well I wish you good luck with your career and hope you have a good summer.” Miss Jones said. Mark felt really confident in his decision but he only wished that people around him supported him.
Chapter 4
It is now June 20th, 2018 and it is the last day of school. Mark only has one more day to get out of his house. Mark kind of regrets his decision of not wanting to go to college because all of his friends are talking about what college there going to and Mark feels left out of there conversations. But Mark knows this is what he wants to do and he will not let anyone get to him anymore.
When Mark got home he packed the rest of his stuff and waited for James to come and help him move. “Are you ready to live on your own?” James asked. “Yes I am!”
“How are you going to get your first few dollars?”
“Well my mom realized that I don’t have much so she gave me $100 to use for equipment and stuff.” Mark said. After talking for a little bit they finally started the move to Mark’s new place.
Chapter 5
The next day was the official first day of summer vacation and Mark is in his new place. Mark got up and started to set up his equipment he had from his old house. He spent about 2 hours setting up everything. After he was done he started to make a YouTube channel. He was having a hard time making a gaming name.
He eventually decided on the name MarkBeastGaming. He chose that name because he is a beast at gaming. Now he had to decide what game he was going to play for his first video. He decided to start a Minecraft gameplay. So he put his capture card in and started up the recording. Once he said the words “What's up guys MarkBeastGaming here” he knew there was no going back and that this was his career. He was really excited to start his career.
Chapter 6
After he edited and uploaded his first video he left to go hang out with James and tell him the good news. “So did you upload the video?” James asked. “Yes I did.” Mark said proudly. He was really excited about it. “I wonder how many views it got so far.” Mark wondered. Mark checked on his phone. When he checked the views and likes his jaw dropped.
“Oh my look at this James.” Mark said. They looked and they were both in shock. Mark got 10,000 views and 1,000 likes. He also gained 10.000 subscribers and 500 comments. It also says that he gains $300 per video and he will get the money on Friday. Once he saw that he immediately went to go make another video.
Mark did not know how he was going to make the video even better. He eventually decided to make another Minecraft video and he was going edit it so he can upload it the next day. He was very happy that his first video did great.
Chapter 7
It was now Friday and Mark’s first paycheck comes in today. Mark was very excited to see his first $300. The paycheck comes in the mail so it will not be here until 5 o'clock pm. All day Mark was waiting very patiently for the mail to come but since he was still excited, the day went by very slow for him. It was not 3 o'clock pm and Mark only had two more hours until the mail came to his house. He started to watch all of the big YouTubers and he saw how rich they can get. He was looking at all of the things they buy and he wants to be like this.
“Hey James look at this. This is going to be me.” Mark said showing James the videos he found. “Yeah it could be if you keep getting paid $300 each week.” James said. “What if there scamming me and I don’t get paid anything.”
“YouTube seems really reliable and I haven’t read anything about them scamming anyone so I think you should be ok.” James said. Mark knew James was right and that he wouldn’t get scammed, 5 o clock hit and the mail came and Mark was ready to open his check.
He opened the mail box and saw it and opened it. When he opened it there was nothing inside. “What the hell is this.” Mark said confusingly. Mark was extremely confused. Mark knew that he was going to get scammed and he was right. “I knew it James I knew it.”
“Well maybe there was a little bit of a mixup. Maybe sent it to the wrong house.”
“Im going to call YouTube and figure this out.” Mark knew he is old enough to figure this out on his own. So he went back and called the company and asked ‘Where is my money?”
“Well your channel is not eligible enough for monetization yet.”
“Well your stupid women because it said I was but I guess you're just going to lie to your channels.”
Mark was very angry with the lady because she was lying and Mark does not like liars. “Goodbye sir we don’t have the time to deal with selfish people like you.” The women said. Mark got so angry he went to go make another Minecraft video so he can tell his experience so far. So he made the video, edited it and uploaded it and went on with his day.
Chapter 8
The next day Mark woke up to a phone call from YouTube and he was kind of scared knowing that he made a video about his experience with the money. Mark answered the phone and the things he heard was not very good. “Your YouTube channel has been terminated. We do not condone any behavior of a person who talks bad about our company.
Thank you for your creations on our platform.” The voice said. Mark was not happy. He tried to make another channel but the blocked the make a new account feature on his internet browser. Mark knew he should have gone to college but it is too late now.
All schools are starting in a week and he has no money to use to get a apartment because he has to get out of the guest house next week. Mark doesn't know what to do he has to figure out a plan quickly.
Chapter 9
It was the next day and mark did not know what to do. He sent many emails to YouTube support but he go no response from them. “Yo dude I don’t know what to do. I really messed up.” Mark said to James. “I don’t know what you can do.” James said. Mark was thinking about how he can make some money. He looked in the news paper to see what jobs he can work for.
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Chapter 1
It was May 3rd, 2018. All of the guidance counselors at Willville High School were calling all of the seniors down to the office to talk about what career they wanted to study in college. Most of the students did not know what they wanted to do in the future, but that was not the case for 18 year old Mark Williams. Mark is a gamer. He has been gaming ever since he was 2 years old. He loves gaming so much he wants to make it into a career.
Mark wants to be a professional gamer. Walking to his first period class knowing that he is going to have to talk to his counselor today, he knows that his counselor, Miss Jones will be very supportive of his decision. The bell rings and Mark takes his seat. Two minutes in to class, the intercom rings. “Hi can we have Mark Williams come down to the office please?”
Sure! He’s coming now.” Marks teacher Mr. Nick responds.
As Mark is walking down to the office, he feels really excited to tell Miss Jones his career choice. Once he got to the office he sat down and they talked. “So Mark what have you chose as a career to study?” Miss Jones asked. “I want to become a professional gamer.” Mark said confidently. “No really what do you want to study?’
- END >
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