Dedicated to Sea Level Rise
One of our biggest threats yet an enemy of our own invention. You threaten our coastal cities, weather patterns, and our very way of life. Yet we cannot blame you for our own actions.
Greenhouse gases, pollution, denying that we have done wrong. All of this is what caused you to rise so now we have to fix it.

is for Alpine Glaciers
Alpine Glaciers will disappear and melt first. Alpine glaciers help contribute to the most sea level rise today.

is for Biodiversity
If flooding occurs in coastal areas, the biodiversity, or variety of life, will be decreased.

is for Climate Change

The planet is warming up fast—faster than at any time scientists know about from their studies of Earth's entire history. Since water expands as it heats, it will lead to more flooding.

is for Destruction

Sea level rise could cause many problems. Many buildings and businesses would be destroyed leaving towns and cities in economic ruins.

is for Environmental Impacts

Just some of these impacts include:
- Destroying habitats
- Loss of beaches
- Loss of soil
is for Flooding

With the rise of sea level comes the possibility for flooding especially in areas with land below sea level.

is for Greenhouse Gases

These are released when humans pollute the air and this pollution puts holes in the atmosphere causing the sun to have a more direct effect on the oceans.

is for Human Caused

We are part of the problem, yet we can also be apart of the solution.
is for Internal Migration

Land is lost to rising sea levels and flooding. This makes people have to leave their homes and move toward the mid west.

is for Jetty

These are human made structures made to protect shorelines from the effects of currents, erosion and deposition.

is for Kilmanjaro

This majestic mountain is losing all of its snowy caps. All this melted water is flooding the ocean and making it rise.

is for Less Fresh Water

All the saltwater is invading the fresh water. When the saltwater mixes with the fresh water we lose another source of fresh water!
is for Melting Polar Icecaps

The Earth is getting warmer! This is making all the ice caps melt! As they melt they fill the sea with more water and release lots of gases that make the earth even warmer.

is for Non-renewable

The use and burning of resources that can't be replaced within a reasonable amount of time cause climate change which causes the glaciers to melt. The melting of these glaciers are one of the main reasons why flooding occurs around the world.
is for Occuring Quickly

The sea doesn't rise at the same speed everywhere. It is occurring most quickly on the east coast. It could be one of the first places to go underwater.

is for Permafrost

This is melting and releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.

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Dedicated to Sea Level Rise
One of our biggest threats yet an enemy of our own invention. You threaten our coastal cities, weather patterns, and our very way of life. Yet we cannot blame you for our own actions.
Greenhouse gases, pollution, denying that we have done wrong. All of this is what caused you to rise so now we have to fix it.

is for Alpine Glaciers
Alpine Glaciers will disappear and melt first. Alpine glaciers help contribute to the most sea level rise today.

is for Biodiversity
If flooding occurs in coastal areas, the biodiversity, or variety of life, will be decreased.

is for Climate Change

The planet is warming up fast—faster than at any time scientists know about from their studies of Earth's entire history. Since water expands as it heats, it will lead to more flooding.

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