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Upon a mystical island in times long past,
there was a town of people who lived under
the ground in an ancient volcano. They were
no ordinary people, however, they were made
of magma. Their hair and skin was fashioned
from blazing hot liquid rock.

All of the Magmesians, as they were called,
were happy with the way life in the volcano
went. They enjoyed eating fire burgers,
teaching their magma hounds new tricks, and
attending ground-shaking earthquake balls.

One person stood out as different though,
her name was Ella. Ella dreamed of a world
outside of the volcano. She had grown tired of
the same old things again and again. She
wanted to taste things other than fire foods
and know what lay above the Magmesians on
the surface of the Earth. She decided to gather
as much information as possible about what
happened to the others who left the volcano.

She began her quest at McFryers, the best place in town for all
things spicy.
Along the bar, old man Louie sat, as still as always. Everyday he
came in for two hours and ate a slice of fire-apple pie and read the
town’s paper. Ella knew that his son had gone above the surface and
that he might know a thing or two about the outside world.
Cautiously, she walked up to him.
“Hello, Mr.Louie” she interrupted nervously, “may I ask you about
the above the surface?”
Old Man louie set his paper down forcefully and sat up stick
straight. “No”, he said” There’s nothing out there but darkness and
dragons. Everyone who has ever left has been a fool to. Fools, I tell
you!’ With that statement he snatched up his paper and stomped out
the door.

Ella stood looking at her shoes, ashamed that she had wanted to ever go
to the surface. Just as she turned to leave, she heard a voice whisper to her
from the corner booth.
“Psst…Hey ella,” the voice said quietly. She peeked into the booth and saw
her sister’s friend Thomas.
“I can’t talk right now Thomas, I just want to go home. I’m sorry” mumbled
Ella as she started to shuffle towards the door. “
Wait!,” cried Thomas,” I know about above the surface.”
Surprised Ella spun around, “And what do you know that Mr.Louie doesn’t?,
she asked.
“I found a book hidden in my attic,” replied Thomas with a smile. “If you give
me a couple of minutes I can run to my house and come back with it.”
“A book?” cried Ella, her heart swelling with hope, “I’ll stay right here while
you go get it.”

Thomas came back with the book. It was old
and ragged and had many pages missing. From
what they could make out, the creatures who lived
on Earth were very different from them and they all
made weird noises. Ella yearned to see the world for
now she knew that there had to be more to it than
darkness and dragons.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Upon a mystical island in times long past,
there was a town of people who lived under
the ground in an ancient volcano. They were
no ordinary people, however, they were made
of magma. Their hair and skin was fashioned
from blazing hot liquid rock.

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