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Marty Muscle!


here to tell you about my Cruise to the
Western Caribbean, while I teach you
about some muscles I learned about!

Marty Muscle and his family went on their first
Cruise this summer. They did lots of physical activity
while on vacation and used muscles in different parts
of the body! He had a lot of fun, but also experienced
a few small injuries. Through all of it he learned
some new information about muscles throughout his


Non-chewing Facial Muscle
My family bought plane tickets to Florida in order to board the cruise ship. Little
did we know until we were sitting in the airport that an incoming storm would
delay our flight. This upset me and caused me to flare my nostrils, expressing my
anger. Since I had plenty of time to waste until the next flight, I got out my smart-
phone and searched to find the muscle I used to flare my nostrils. The Musculus
Nasalis is a muscle found in your nose that allows you to do this. The origin is on
the maxilla (two bones that form the upper jaw). I found out that the insertion of
the Nasalis is on the nasal bone. I learned the name of this muscle comes from
the Latin word "nassus", meaning nose. I discovered that the nerve supply for this
muscle is the facial nerve. Muscle fibers in this muscle work together to open and
close the nostrils: for example, to flare the nostrils. This muscle is a prime mover.

Front Trunk Muscle
While I was trying to impress the ladies by doing handstands on the beach, my shoulder started
to hurt. I know what causes you to be able to raise your arm (to answer questions in class) plus
flex and extend it. It is your Deltoid (Deltoideus) Muscle; the muscle around the shoulder. I went
online to find out even more about this muscle. I learned the muscle received its name from the
Greek letter delta because it looks like a triangle. The Deltoid passes up and over the shoulder
joint and is attached to the scapula, clavicle, and half way down the humerus. That is where my
body was hurting! The website said he origin is at the anterior surface of the lateral clavicle, and
the insertion is the deltoid elevation of the humerus. This is a fixator muscle. Now I can impress
the ladies with my new knowledge instead!


Back Trunk Muscle
After eating all the delicious foods on the ship, I wanted to make sure that I was staying in
shape and keeping my muscles super toned! I woke up early each morning and went to
the pool on the top deck to swim the freestyle stroke for a half hour. Muscles that helped
me to do this are the Latissimus dorsi. An informational pamphlet on back pain taught
me that this is a triangular muscle found in my shoulder and the back. It explained the
meaning of the name comes from the Latin root word "lattus", meaning wide or broad. The
Latissimus dorsi originates at the lower back and the top of the hip. I learned that the
insertion of this muscle is into the proximal end of the humerus (armpit area). The nerve
supply for the muscle is from the Thoracodorsal nerve. I found out the Latissimus dorsi is
responsible for rotation, extension behind the back, and the adduction of the arm (lifting it).
This muscle is a synergist muscle.

Antagonist Leg Muscle
To stand, walk, run, or jump, you need 2 very important muscles. On vacation I was doing
these activities a lot to stay in shape, but still enjoying my vacation. One muscle needed to
do these activities is the Gastrocemius; a superficial muscle that is in the back part of the
lower leg. This runs from 2 heads above the knee to the heel. This muscle is called the
stomach of the leg. Weird but "Gastro" which means stomach and "cemius" means shin and
somehow translates into stomach of the leg. One time I got a spasm in my Gastrocemius
from not stretching before my intense exercise. It hurt really bad! The function of this
muscle is plantar flexing the foot at ankle joint and flexing the leg at the knee joint. The
origin is superior to articular surfaces of lateral and medial femur and the insertion is Achilles
Tendon into mid-posterior Calcaneous. This is an antagonist muscle. When I got the spasm,
I got scared and went to my dad and he told me about these muscles.

Antagonist Leg Muscle
The other muscle you need for these activities is the Tibialis muscle. This muscle is in the
upper two-thirds of the lateral surface of the tibia. Tibialis gets its name from its location
which is by the Tibia. The origin of this muscle is the body of the tibia and the insertion is
the medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bones of the foot. I learned the nerve supply is
from the Deep peroneal nerve. This is an antagonist mover just like the Gastrocemius, and
you can flex it just like the Gastrocemius. Now i know to stretch these muscles before
doing intense activity. I am so glad I searched this muscle pair on the internet so I know
how important it is to stretch!

Antagonist Arm Muscle
My huge suitcase had to be moved from the middle of our room and into to
the closet. To move the suitcase, I was forced to use my Biceps Brachii.
My dad seemed to know a lot about this muscle pair so I had him teach me
what he knew. I learned that these are the muscles located on the upper arm
between the elbow and the shoulder that allow you to lift things. The name
comes from the Latin word for two, "bi" and the Greek "brachion", meaning
arm. Dad said the origin of this muscle is at the top of the scapula (shoulder
blade) while the insertion is at the deltoid (muscle around the rounded part of
the shoulder). The nerve supply is from the Musculocutaneous nerve and
this is a prime mover (for flexion in the forearm).

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Marty Muscle!


here to tell you about my Cruise to the
Western Caribbean, while I teach you
about some muscles I learned about!

Marty Muscle and his family went on their first
Cruise this summer. They did lots of physical activity
while on vacation and used muscles in different parts
of the body! He had a lot of fun, but also experienced
a few small injuries. Through all of it he learned
some new information about muscles throughout his


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