At any job you may have, you will need to understand how to calculate the total amount of money you will make per hour for your total number of hours each pay period. This is a picture of one of my paycheck summaries at work. This is an example of the math part of STEM.
Math in the Workplace

Science in Theatre
This picture was taken in New York City at the Broadway play, Wicked. This stage had several moving components to it and the lighting was different for every scene. This also falls into the engineering part of STEM.
This picture was taken on a snow day when I was in first grade at Quinton Heights Hill. Sledding involved so much physics that we don't even think about because it just seems like fun! In sledding, gravity, friction, speed, and more all play a part.

The Science of Sledding

Science for Toddlers
This picture of my toddler class, was taken this past summer at the Koi pond on Washburn's campus. We went on a nature walk and stopped at the pond to talk about fish, turtles, lily pads, and other areas of life science.

This is a picture of an insect that I took at Old Prarie Town on one of the buildings. This picture shows both math and science since it is a living organism and because of the symmetry shown.
Symmetry in Nature

Geysers and Hot Springs
Both of these pictures were taken in Yellowstone National Park this past summer. While in Yellowstone, some of the easiest things to find are geysers and hot springs. Earth science and geology are both areas of science that deal with how these natural phenomenons occur and why.

Breast Milk and Science
The picture in the top left corner is of breast milk that had been left out at my job last week. When breast milk is left out is separates into a cream and a liquid layer due to density.
The chart in the bottom right corner shows the different colors that breast milk can be due to different scientific reasons, such as medication or diet.

This picture is of a cuckoo clock in my house. I chose this picture because this was the clock that my grandma used to teach me to tell time on analog clock. She chose a cuckoo clock instead of a regular analog clock because of the sound it makes to help me learn quicker. Telling time is an important aspect of math in the early primary grades. This unique design also falls into the engineering part of STEM.
The Importance of Telling Time
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At any job you may have, you will need to understand how to calculate the total amount of money you will make per hour for your total number of hours each pay period. This is a picture of one of my paycheck summaries at work. This is an example of the math part of STEM.
Math in the Workplace

Science in Theatre
This picture was taken in New York City at the Broadway play, Wicked. This stage had several moving components to it and the lighting was different for every scene. This also falls into the engineering part of STEM.
This picture was taken on a snow day when I was in first grade at Quinton Heights Hill. Sledding involved so much physics that we don't even think about because it just seems like fun! In sledding, gravity, friction, speed, and more all play a part.

The Science of Sledding
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