The municipality is located in western Nigdezemski and is part of the statistical region. It is across the surface between municipalities
ranks 36th (155 km2). There are 35 settlements in the municipality.
The territory of the municipality belongs almost entirely to the LEND river basin, only a small part belongs to the Kokra river basin. The northern part
the municipalities occupy central Kola, towards the south the province descends into the hills, and the southernmost part of the municipality
they represent balances called Dobrena, which belong to the northern part of the basin. Mountainous part of the municipality
interrupting larger and smaller valleys.
Most of the municipality's land is covered by forest land (73.7% of the municipality's area), followed by agricultural land
(18.3%). The built - up land in the municipality represents 3.6% of the municipality 's area (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Forestry)
nutrition, actual land use data). The actual land use is shown in Cartographic Annex B
In the middle of 2012, the municipality had about 15,150 inhabitants (about 7,500 men and 7,650 women). By number
It was ranked 34th among Slovene municipalities. It is located per square kilometer of the municipality
an average of 98 people lived; therefore, the population density was lower than in the whole country (101 inhabitants per 1 km)
Consumption of energy and energy products includes the use of heat and the use of electricity. Purpose of use
heat is divided into three segments: heat for space heating, heat for hot water preparation and heat
for technological processes. On average, in residential buildings a larger proportion is used for the purpose of space heating and
a smaller proportion for the preparation of hot water
In non-residential consumption we are talking about heat consumption for
technological processes and in a smaller proportion for heating.
For ease of understanding of the treatment below, definitions of some of the terms need to be presented:
- primary energy is the energy of primary energy carriers, these carriers have been obtained through the exploitation of natural ones
energy sources and are not exposed to any technical changes
secondary energy is the energy available from the primary energy at the point of change (heat at the threshold
boilers, chopped firewood in the store),
- the final energy is that available to the consumer at the point of use before the last technical conversion,
it is usually secondary energy, but it can also be primary energy such as coal or natural gas for heating,
useful energy is that part of the final energy that benefits the consumer and aims at its use (heating
rooms, room cooling, cooking, hot water preparation)
Housing energy use
According to the Census of Population, Households and Housing, in 2002 there were in the municipality / hereinafter referred to as the Census
population 2002 / (SORS, 2002) 5,643 dwellings with an average floor area of 73.1 m2
. 81% of the dwellings were heated
through a central combustion plant for one building and 17% via common boiler rooms for several buildings.
The main energy source for home heating is Extra Light Fuel Oil (ELKO). It is followed by wood. Also on
The gasified area of the municipality is still heavily fueled.
- Extra light fuel oil (ELKO) is the dominant source of heating for the data for which data were obtained
(45.6%), renewables (wood) are represented by 37.7%,
Energy use in industry and services
Questionnaires were sent to 55 companies. Data were obtained for 49 companies, including 37 companies
concrete data.
Most companies used heating oil for heating and technological processes. Three municipalities were larger in the municipality
consumers of natural gas / ZP / (Lepenka d.d., Peko d.d.,) Tokos d.o.o.
used heating oil for its heating and technological process.
It's wood
played a very small role in the energy supply of the surveyed companies (supplementary energy). He played a rather small role
also liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), both by the number of companies using that energy and by consumption
kWh of energy. In total, the surveyed companies consumed about 28.8 GWh of energy (excluding electricity).
Electricity consumption
The other part of the municipality 's electricity consumption was represented by eligible customers (all other users except
households). In 2006, they consumed about 9.2 GWh of electricity. Electricity consumption at
of eligible customers increased by 3.8% compared to 2000. Average annual growth rate of consumption
of electricity in the group of eligible customers amounted to 1% during this period.
About 858 MWh of electricity were consumed in the municipality in 2006. Consumption
of electricity for public lighting in 2006 was 48% higher than in 2000. Average annual
the growth rate of electricity consumption for public lighting in this period was 7.3%.
The total electricity consumption in the municipality in 2006 was approximately 39,755 MWh. Average annual
the growth rate of electricity consumption in the period 2000 to 2006 was 3.3%. The largest share of electrical consumption
Energy was represented by tariff customers (households) in 2006, ie 75%. They were followed by eligible customers
with 23% and public lighting with 2%.
Production of electricity
In the municipality, some scattered are also included in Elektra's distribution network
resources (RV). The following types of RVs appear:
- hydro power plants (HPP),
solar power plants (SFE) and
- cogeneration (CHP).
Most of the boiler rooms in the municipality were operated by Domplan d.o.o. There were 17 boiler rooms and 25 in total
boilers. Four boilers were gas fired, the rest were ELKO. The average age of the boiler was 11.5 years. Most boilers
has heated one building and six boiler rooms have several buildings. A total of 718 apartments and 76 other premises were heated from the total larger boiler rooms.
Guidelines for future energy supply
Energy management in a municipality must be integrated in a holistic manner and thus integrate such natural geographical features
areas, the current state of energy infrastructure as the intended development of the area and activities for all consumers,
potential in the area and contribute as much as possible to sustainable development.
The municipality's energy policy should lead towards the use of environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, while at the same time maximizing
reduced energy consumption or energy savings. In this context, it makes sense to replace the individual ones
larger group systems and promote cogeneration of heat and electricity. Where is the density of settlement
high, it is necessary to provide organized integrated supply.
In planning the future energy supply, the municipality must consider in particular:
- Provision of EE (replacement of obsolete boilers, repair of joinery, insulation, etc.) and accelerated
the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy (RES),
- make full use of the potential of renewable energy sources present in the municipality and thus
reduce energy dependency,
- promotion of cogeneration of heat and electricity (and cold),
- proactive implementation of RES and RES measures on public infrastructure to achieve dissemination effect,
- incorporation of EEU and RES provisions into municipal regulations.
Designation of spatial areas suitable for RES power plants
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The municipality is located in western Nigdezemski and is part of the statistical region. It is across the surface between municipalities
ranks 36th (155 km2). There are 35 settlements in the municipality.
The territory of the municipality belongs almost entirely to the LEND river basin, only a small part belongs to the Kokra river basin. The northern part
the municipalities occupy central Kola, towards the south the province descends into the hills, and the southernmost part of the municipality
they represent balances called Dobrena, which belong to the northern part of the basin. Mountainous part of the municipality
interrupting larger and smaller valleys.
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