What is classism?
That we hold prejudice against a social rank
That we judge those who have more or less
That we submit bias with who is valued from a societal standpoint
What are its origins?
Society in older times ranked others
Society painted the lifestyle of different classes
Society judges those who have less
How do we stop classism?
There is no end to classism
There are no ways to break these values held high
There will always be social barricades
There is no changing something we all consider normal
There will always be distinct factors that determine all values in society
What should we think about social class?
Everybody has value in society
Everybody plays their part in society
Everybody deserves to be valued on similar levels
Nobody deserves to be looked down at if they contribute effort
The fresh scent of bacon, sizzling, crispy bacon gave an aroma to the air
Sam rolled out of bed to find his mother dressed in a navy blue blazer
She said to Sam, “Today’s a big day! I’ll be interviewing for a new job at the hospital”
Sam knew that she was trying her best because paying for Sam’s school was vital
Sam showed respect for his mother for being the guardian in their lives
She took care of Sam and his brother and they said it is the place she most thrives
Sam was 16, a young black man, He lived in the inner city of Milwaukee then
He walked miles to school each day past homeless people surrounding a lit trash-can
Sam was a junior in high school who had few friends on his football team
He played linebacker, a position he wanted in the NFL, but only he could dream
He was a great student and a person too, He knew how to treat a lady
But Sam had a deep and personal issue, He was targeted by people daily
It was his junior year, he was so excited to finally have a start
He dreamt of playing football and it followed in his heart
Ben tossed and turned and finally woke up to his phone by it vibrating
He sat up in bed and went downstairs where his father was patiently waiting
Ben’s dad looked at him, grabbed his water, and then said, “Son, it’s time”
They ran over to Ben’s high school
and by the bleachers that Ben began to climb
Ben’s dad was an assistant football coach on his son’s team
He wanted Ben to play college football, his father’s own unfulfilled dream
Ben was a stellar student and an athlete without anything holding him back
He didn’t say much seeming to be so respectful, but he was holding back an angry attack
Ben bottled up his emotions watching fights arise from his brother with drug addiction
Ben was so close to a nervous breakdown, but wouldn’t let depressed fit his own description
He woke up late for school with no time to spare
He was entering his junior year
A boy to a man, he had no fear
Will slicked back his hair and put on his new Lacoste shirt
Sat in seat of his new car and sped off kicking up dirt
Multi-sport athlete, a man that some people called “top sh*t”
People were scared to talk to him, thinking they were unfit
Varsity jacket with the captain’s patch and his Yeezy’s on
Will lived by himself always finding his father gone
He had no parental figure in his life but acted like he didn’t care
Will stopped the feeling by inviting many to his father’s mansion, and having parties there
In too deep, drowning in liquor and glory
Waking up with someone different was an occasional morning
Will basked in his popularity and his greatness
But truly on the inside, his aspirations in life were aimless
School Environment
Judging the rich
Judging the poor
Judging those who say they are more
Judging the strong
Judging the weak
Judging those who are afraid to speak
Judging those handed opportunity
Judging those with nothing
Judging those who will never amount to something
Judging the intelligent
Judging the uneducated
Judging those who are dilemma created
Judging the predator
Judging the prey
Judging those with opportunity to make the decision sway
Judging the virtue
Judging the infamy
Judging those students who help support their family
We judge to show their weakness
We judge because of jealousy
We judge in terms of finance, money
We judge others personal issues
We judge others outcome
We judge until the hurt has begun
Stop judging the weak
Stop judging the strong
Stop judging the differences and get along
Stop the verbal abuse
Stop the hate
Stop judging each other as groupings of people, before we are divided, before it’s too late
The week had passed and it was Friday night, A great day for a football game
The fans roared at the team and it was a sight, the boys under the lights, in glory, in fame
The names of the starters announced over the stadium showed individuality one by one,
It let fans judge all those participating, and the best players to boast their name,
The announcers had pre-determined who had already won
The players wanted to prove that they of course were the team that was better
The referee called the captains of tonight's game to meet
Will, Ben, and Sam all went out across the field for the coin flip, together
A social equivalence that later on would never repeat
The team lined up on the sideline and took their helmets off, national anthem starting to play
The roar of the fans was bright and loud,
Some of the boys got ready on the sideline, others gathered to pray
The Game
Quarter to quarter it was a well fought fight,
Each team had the opportunity for victory in sight
Tie game with no excuse for failure,
The defense ran onto the field to make the win secure
The opposing team was down by 3 with time running short,
Sam went to the coach where came the defensive scheme report
The tension grew high, the eagerness showed,
The defense waited until they heard the whistle that the referee blowed
Time began to run down and the offense became prepared,
Now was the time for confidence and not to be scared
The quarterback hiked the ball and the play start,
Ben ripped past the line and felt confident in his heart
He rushed straight for the quarterback and Sam did too,
Misreading the coverage on the play the coach had just gone through
Sam crossed the line rushing for the quarterback along with Ben,
Unaware he was supposed to cover the receiver again
Ben reached the quarterback as he threw the ball,
Sam turned and saw the receiver running and knew he had to take the fall
With the ball in the air, Sam could only wait there and sit,
Hoping it was the ground, and not the opponent’s hands that the ball would hit
But Sam saw the ball in grasp of his hands and knew it was too late,
He had lost the game for them, the new kid, and he feared his own fate
Feeling useless
Feeling miserable
Feeling judged and invisible
Feeling the hate
Feeling the blame
Feeling the disregard flow through his name
Feeling attacked
Feeling ashamed
Feeling his reputation was permanently stained
Knowing his difference
Knowing his upbringing
Knowing he wasn’t what others would welcome, a theme reocurringcurring
Seeing what he lived through made him angry
Seeing the lifestyle of those fortunate made him jealous
Seeing the look in their eyes saying “you will never be like us”
Feeling embarrassed
Feeling disgraced
Feeling the lack of material goods others acquired that welcomed division of classes, a space
Supporting his mom
Supporting his little brother
Supporting the ability that it is O.K. to not be like the other
Sam picked himself up wiping the tears off of his face,
Judgment and fear, it had no place
He was proud of who he was, he loved his fight,
He loved the fact that he was different from many and not white
He earned this opportunity and knew he would not gain all respect,
He knew what he would face in school, in sports, overall, neglect
He worked hard with one reason,
He needed them to know from judgement he gained it, freedom
Let us not talk badly about us in groupings
or Hate
We are not supposed to attack our differences
We are supposed to love our uniqueness
Stop the judgement of those who have more or less
Why do we judge?
What causes us to hate the other?
What drives us to the point that we don’t interact with each other?
Stop viewing each other as superior or inferior
Directed to the rich stop being ignorant
Stop acting like you are better than others with more material goods and wealth
Directed to the poor
Stop judging those who have more than you
Stop acting like you have no control over who you become in life
Who controls what you do?
Who controls what you say?
You are all responsible for your actions
Just because you come from a well off family doesn’t mean you should be handed it all
Just because you come from nothing doesn’t mean you can’t become someone
We are all to blame for our differences no matter our background
Who is the real one to blame?
What causes the division of people?
Who is most divided?
What are we dividing ourselves for?
Classes have been divided since pre-agricultural societies rose
Classes are judged and divided
Classes are personal, institutional, and cultural
Classes are seen in all individuals
How are we divided?
How do we divide against those around us?
Dividing are those amongst us
Dividing between homes
Dividing between friends
Dividing between communities
What will preventing division help do?
What happens when we stop judgement?
What will bring everyone closer in a society?
A world without division eliminates classism
A world without classism meets everyone’s basic needs
A world without classism treats everyone with dignity and the respect they deserve
A world without classism supports development of all people to their full potential
A world without classism reduces major issues among differences in wealth and resources
A world without classism ensures that everyone has a voice
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What is classism?
That we hold prejudice against a social rank
That we judge those who have more or less
That we submit bias with who is valued from a societal standpoint
What are its origins?
Society in older times ranked others
Society painted the lifestyle of different classes
Society judges those who have less
How do we stop classism?
There is no end to classism
There are no ways to break these values held high
There will always be social barricades
There is no changing something we all consider normal
There will always be distinct factors that determine all values in society
What should we think about social class?
Everybody has value in society
Everybody plays their part in society
Everybody deserves to be valued on similar levels
Nobody deserves to be looked down at if they contribute effort
The fresh scent of bacon, sizzling, crispy bacon gave an aroma to the air
Sam rolled out of bed to find his mother dressed in a navy blue blazer
She said to Sam, “Today’s a big day! I’ll be interviewing for a new job at the hospital”
Sam knew that she was trying her best because paying for Sam’s school was vital
Sam showed respect for his mother for being the guardian in their lives
She took care of Sam and his brother and they said it is the place she most thrives
Sam was 16, a young black man, He lived in the inner city of Milwaukee then
He walked miles to school each day past homeless people surrounding a lit trash-can
Sam was a junior in high school who had few friends on his football team
He played linebacker, a position he wanted in the NFL, but only he could dream
He was a great student and a person too, He knew how to treat a lady
But Sam had a deep and personal issue, He was targeted by people daily
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