Racism Books

  • Ruby Bridges: Her Story
    Ruby Bridges, a young black girl, is the first to integrate an all-white school in New Orleans. She faces racism and adversity but perseveres.
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  • The Fish and the Seahorse
    For all the people who were ever victims of discrimination, racism, and slavery.
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  • Heart of Atlanta vs. United States
    Chloe wants to relax at the Heart of Atlanta Motel, but they don’t accept people of color. And she's not the only one being shunned. Will the people just stand by as they co…
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  • ABC's of Martin Luther King Jr.
    A brief biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his activism, achievements, and impact on civil rights in America.
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  • Racism
    A story about a black boy named Martin who faces discrimination, learns about racism, and becomes an advocate for change.
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  • Civil Rights Movement
    Charles, a white boy in 1963 Washington DC, witnesses the Civil Rights Movement and has a change of heart.
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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    The story follows the life of Jeffrey Magee, also known as Maniac, as he navigates through various challenges and encounters in his quest for a home.
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