Municipal energy management program/main energy efficiency methods
The municipality uses two energy sources. It is used to heat buildings liquid fuel, and for lighting them as well as for optimal operation of the employees of the facilities use electricity.
All facilities owned by the municipality have individual systems for steam heating using liquid fuel and systems are used to heat the facilities.
These systems are owned and controlled by the municipality. As far as the lighting of the facilities as well as the optimal functioning of the administration uses electricity.
Zero Energy Buildings
The fact that energy consumption in the construction fund is almost half of the total annual energy needs in countries, activities to mitigate energy problems in the construction sector are aimed at optimal replacement of non-renewable energy sources with renewable and reduce energy losses in buildings with increasing of the thermal insulation properties of the construction structures. As a result of this strategy, it is evident that the legal criteria for the maximum allowed heat losses in buildings are tightened, and they are categorized according to their energy properties: low energy, passive, zero energy.

Energy efficiency in public and traffic lighting
The City Council of Riceland replaced the traditional traffic light with LEDs (light emitting diodes) throughout the entire city, thus putting into practice the defined strategy in the Sustainable Energy Action Plan.
This action’s objectives were to reduce energy use of the traffic lights system of the City of Riceland while also contributing to road safety, reducing operation costs (both in energy use and required maintenance) resulting in reducing the related CO2 emissions.

Energy efficiency in local transport
As fossil fuels become more expensive, and as the threat of climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions increases, it is ever more important to consider alternatives in the fields of energy and transport.
In our municipality, 77% of citizens use green vehicles - a road motor vehicles that produces less harmful environmental impacts than comparable conventional internal combustion engine vehicles running on gasoline or diesel, or one that uses certain alternative fuels.

Why is saving energy important for the environment?
Energy efficiency brings a variety of benefits: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing demand for energy imports, and lowering our costs on a household and economy-wide level.
While renewable energy technologies also help accomplish these objectives, improving energy efficiency is the cheapest and often the most immediate way to reduce the use of fossil fuels. There are enormous opportunities for efficiency improvements in every sector of the economy, whether it is buildings, transportation, industry, or energy generation.
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Municipal energy management program/main energy efficiency methods
The municipality uses two energy sources. It is used to heat buildings liquid fuel, and for lighting them as well as for optimal operation of the employees of the facilities use electricity.
All facilities owned by the municipality have individual systems for steam heating using liquid fuel and systems are used to heat the facilities.
These systems are owned and controlled by the municipality. As far as the lighting of the facilities as well as the optimal functioning of the administration uses electricity.
Zero Energy Buildings
The fact that energy consumption in the construction fund is almost half of the total annual energy needs in countries, activities to mitigate energy problems in the construction sector are aimed at optimal replacement of non-renewable energy sources with renewable and reduce energy losses in buildings with increasing of the thermal insulation properties of the construction structures. As a result of this strategy, it is evident that the legal criteria for the maximum allowed heat losses in buildings are tightened, and they are categorized according to their energy properties: low energy, passive, zero energy.

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