Erasmus+ Project : 2018-1-UK-KA229-047929-4
This collaborative book contains good practices lessons plans, CDs with video lessons, photos from project activities, photos of project products, lists of resources used on different themes.
It will be published on paper and on-line to improve competences linked to professional profile (teaching, training)/strengthening the profile of teaching professions, including school teachers, school leaders and teachers educators.
It all started with just an idea. Are we, Europeans, so different from each others? Do we have common points?
Then a title arrived: S.A.M.E. and words to define each letter: Similitudes.Attitudes. Motivation. Emotions. It was inspired from a class reality. My class, your class, everybody s class.
Lots of similarities between our students, lots of common attitudes towards learning, school challenges, lots of emotions towards test papers, exams, school life in general. What motivate all of us in learning, in going before, in accepting us as we are , in accepting the others and collaborate for better results?
Then finding partners, people who share the same idea: open teachers who want to learn from each other, to share ideas, experiences, who are not afraid to involve their students in a new European experience of knowing each other, accepting and capitalize themselves and the others.
A short message on Etwinning and we are a 6 partners team. Adventure begin! It was not easy. Hours of Skype conferences. Getting to know each others, sharing ideas about what we can do, writing each part of the project, so our chosen coordinator to put on the project platform.
1.Who are we?
2.Project objectives
4.Project platforms
5.Project activities
6.Project mobilities
-selection criteria
-mobilities programm
-risks and problems
7.Project dissemination
8.Project links to
1.Who are we?
The history and the traditions of 137th Secondary school are based on the everyday aspirations for good educational results and the realization of our students in different universities and on the European labor market.
We are proud to see the success of our students who have finished their schooling in our school.
What we have achieved so far is a result of the non-stop spirit of seeking new things in the educational sphere.
-2008/2009 school year -approbation of the Bulgarian electronic educational product ENVISION;
-2011-approbation of the Bulgarian educational product-JUMPIDO;
-2017- we launched the first lessons related to the basics of robotics-in all stages;
-2010-2015-through the Comenius program we successfully implemented: 3 inter-school partnerships, we actively participated in 2 regional partnerships, organized and held a study visit;
-2015-2017- 137th Secondary school was an active partner in an international consortium, including the National School of Management in Bulgaria in Erasmus + CL @ SS Project. Through this partnership we introduced a methodology for learning through social competences;
-2016-2018 – we realized a project under Erasmus +, K1, "EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS AND MODERN BULGARIAN SCHOOL".
-2016-2020 - The team of 137th Secondary school realized Erasmus +, K2 projects: "G.R.E.E.N.", "Learning beyond the classroom walls", "S.A.M.E".
To the experience of our organization, we can add more than 28 eTwinning projects, almost all carriers of national and European quality labels.
"Pia Bratianu" Secondary school, from Bucharest, Romania
"Pia Brătianu" Secondary school is one of the best schools in Bucharest, searched by parents and students from all over the town and its surrounding areas. It functions in an old building (dating from 1922) donated in 1925 by Brătianu family (a noble familly) to The Instruction Ministry. So it s an historical monument.
It s a large school with 76 teachers who teache 49 classes (31 primary level).Most of the classes has around 30 students (a few with 35, few around 25).
Over time the school was involved in many local, national and international projects.
Our students collaborated with other europeen students in etwinning projects like The numbers travel around Europe, Take German! Talk to me!, Ich und meine Schule, Mult culture, in an ACES -Academy of Central European Schools project (I vote against violence) and in many strategic Erasmus+ partenership projects (Peace through Traditional Toys and Games, Let s improve, Mindstorm to Brainstorm, Mult culture- Promote Education for cultural heritage and of course, S.A.M.E.
11 Romanians teachers (6 primary school teachers, 2 secondary school teachers, 1 school counselor who is also the school psychologist, 2 headmasters, 200 students, their parents and relatives participate into project activities.
Adiyaman Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi
16 classrooms,168 students 8-16 yrs,19 staff. We have English, wood, Ceramic, Space, intelligent games, Robotic/software, Art of Marble, Origami workshops, Music, Drama Classroom, Z-Library. We aim to train and educate talented students using various activities, games and project based Learning, advanced education in Science, Art, after school classes. All programs are student- centred, individualised, interdisciplinary we encourage creativity, provide special education using different methods.
We support /encourage people from disadvantaged area of the town, those at the risk of social exclusion, lack of information and opportunities and aspirations. We aim for better opportunities for the disadvantaged. 3 teachers have been involved in EU projects previously. We develop knowledge and understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value. We aim to provide better education according to the needs of our pupils, increase performance of target groups and supply quality support of individuals.
Staff are ready for innovations, flexible and ready to exchange ideas with teachers across the world We support students to acquire basic life- skills, competences necessary for personal development, future employment and active European citizenship, encourage students to take part in social life/arrange activities, workshops, to integrate We encourage new hobbies, learning modern foreign languages; increase ICT skills to communicate on the internet, provide services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning.
Istituto Comprensivo "Pascoli Forgione"
The school was created in 2009/2010 as part of reorganization creating a Comprehensive School group.We work in a context typical of small towns. 800 students Kindergarten - to Lower Secondary and aim for consistent education of children 3-13. Students belong to diverse social, cultural/economic groups.We provide didactic educational continuity and consistent relevant information about children between all schools,
mapping progress from 3 yrs old to the final exams, exchanging information on characteristics of learning/evaluation of pupils and collaboration through "open teams" integrated projects particularly Citizenship, P.E, Music, Foreign Languages and Special Needs We are a Trinity Centre for language assessment In Sport, we collaborate with Local Sports Societies Kangaroo (English and Maths Competitions) We aim to establish Vertical Curriculum/Continuity to improve quality of learning.
We are Coordinators of a partnership of schools, applying for Ministerial projects improving development of teachers (workshops/training) Members of: Coloriamo il nostro futuro network (Citizenship/respect of rules for students elected to the City Council of boys /girls, active in the life of Municipality via their own Junior Mayor National Network ASpNET - UNESCO (projects based on intercultural and UNESCO priorities) Generazioni Connesse, supported by the Italian Ministry of Education -fighting cyberbullying at school The network Scuola Amica dell’ Unicef
- activating educational practices promoting knowledge/implementation of the UN Convention on Childrens' Rights Involved in Etwinning Projects - 5 recent projects used to integrate the curriculum with new methodologies, exchanging information /ideas with foreign partners and improve language learning skills We are A school of the territory - we interact intensively with local/national authorities, associations, families, volunteers, cultural institutions. The contact person, and school projects coordinator has an English and Spanish degree Headmistress:
A Regional Principal in another school with 2 Erasmus projects, A graduate in Law and many years experience as a Primary school Teacher, good relations with Local Town Authorities 1 teacher: good competences as digital animator of the school, organizing ICT CPD,10 teachers (Secondary) good skills in Humanistic/Scientific subjects, involved in different cross curricular school projects, all graduates with many years of teaching experience
4 graduate teachers with wide ranging special needs skills needed for children with disabilities/disadvantages 2 teachers with Artistic and Physical skills who are involved in projects related to crafts, Art exhibitions, health/physical activities,tournaments 3 graduate Teachers of Foreign Languages, English French,Spanish .
Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Navarro
Our school Cataventos da Paz, belongs to a group of schools, which the main school is the Secondary School Emídio Navarro. We have 2939 students, from 4 years old until 18, of which 6% are foreign and 40% receive economic aid. “Cataventos da Paz” is a Basic School, with the Preschool and primary levels, and has a Unit of Structured Education, for students with Autism. We have 300 students, from which, 6 have autism and 10 have special needs, from other Kinds.
In our school, we have 14 teachers, 2 special need teachers, 2 teachers assistants, 1 english teacher, 1 ICT teacher, and a Parents Association, to provide quality activities , after school. We have protocols with the community that provides us the possibility of ensuring the presence of therapists in our School (speech therapy, occupational therapy and Psychomotricity), as well as psychological sessions. We implement the national educational programs, in a dynamic perspective, in order to enrich and encourage our students sills, knowledge and performance.
School libraries, are learning contexts, used by students and it is also, highly valued all the activities involving the artistic dimensions and the development of projects. Almost every class integrates a student with special needs, with an adapted curriculum. This reality gave, the school community, the opportunity to learn how to deal with the different situations and gives us, as well, the knowledge and the flexibility to try different approaches. We are an inclusive school, with cultural diversity.
Been recognized as a school of success by the community, we have been receiving some children with other problems such as behavioural disStrong motivation, team work and multidisciplinarity, has been an advantage to cope with this new reality, towards an education of values, promoting real integration, and better academic results.
Appleby Primary School UK:
At Appleby we appreciate the importance of your child’s formative years at school and strive to create a setting that is warm, welcoming and supportive whilst challenging children to become independent life-long learners.
We have a caring and nurturing atmosphere coupled with high standards of education. Our teachers, pupils and their families form excellent positive relationships; working in partnership to learn together. Coupled with innovative and creative approach to the curriculum, this ensures that our pupils enjoy coming to school and are inspired with an appreciation of learning which will endure.
Committed to enriching opportunities and broadening horizons
David Spruce
HORIZONTAL: Social inclusion
Active inclusion - enabling every citizen to fully participate in society, with access to quality services - quality education, assisting combat of social exclusion, poverty, gender inequality
SCHOOL EDUCATION: Supporting schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage
All partner countries have migrants, a contributor to social exclusion. children of working migrants travel with families/stay with relatives causing emotional problems. A large % of under 18's have health disabilities/mental illness/ learning difficulties. Education attainment is low. Bullying results in social exclusion-73% of students report bullying at school, 88% reported name calling/made fun of in a hurtful way. 77% said they were excluded from groups or left out.
Another worring situation (that generated all the others) is that children spend increasingly less time with their parents who work all the time. children spend increasingly less time with their parents who work all time in order to afford/offer their children what they want, but they forgot about quality time spent into their families. In schools from larger towns, students stay in schools', after schools or other sport/cultural centres or clubs almost all day. They spend less then 2-3 hours with their parents during the evening.
Promote inclusion (disadvantaged students background ) by helping our students to know and accept themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, to highlights the strengths and transform weaknesses into strengths, by encouraging talent and innovation, by developing students analytical, communication, interpersonal, leadership, motivation and team work skills.
We will see: less bullying (students, parents or teachers) better school results; (compared throughout the project) more students initiatives registered in school life (Statistics compared throughout the project) better students access and participation in activities centered on developing social skills for better integration in school life;
*more registered participants into project activities *more students products (presentations, interviews, debates, drawings, arts creations, registered numbers in the project newsleter;
The project will lead to professional development of teachers and stronger motivation to improve teaching and learning. The teachers will have chance to compare educational systems and teaching practices, exchange ideas, transfer creative practice, diversification of learning situations, access to new teaching materials in real contexts.
Increase their teaching skills, learn about new teaching practices and motivate students to want to learn more. The Project will increase and sustain motivation of teachers and students, using new challenges, ideas and mutual support within the partnership.
During the project, students will be placed in various life situations, they will, with the support and guidance of professionals and peer groups, have the opportunity to:
solve life problems -collect and analyse data -make decisions for themselves and others -allow all team members to have autonomy in solving problems
-be open to discussion, democratic -listen actively and collaborate -be critical and also creative -practice diplomacy, empathy and flexibility -manage conflicts -have positives attitudes -be clear and concise -respect others opinions -give friendly feedback -prepare a speech and deliver it in public -formulate and defend a position
Communication was important for each of us before project start. In fact we built our project form communicating by Skype conferences and sharing ideas and materials by e-mails.
After the project start, communication started to be more intense. We used what s up for short and urgent messages, padlet to share/complete needed informations activities, ressources, mobilities etc, e-mails and the best of all, we communicate face to face during mobilities.
Project platforms
We used etwinning platform for a safe communication between us (, teachers, but also a facebook as a public page to disseminate informations to students, parents, stakeholders, to public in general (
Project activities
Every project start by having in mind activities that parteners decided and put it in the form approuved, but in time, others activities related with the first oned added.
To allways keep in mind proposed activities, our coordinator organise everything on our etwinning page in a padlet callendar. In fact it was easy for each partener to share his vision/materials/short films/photos related to P1, P2,...Pn from our project form. It s the simple way to have an evidence about what we did, what we have to do and, when the times to make the final report comes, to be a piece of cake for us.
Project mobilities
-selection criteria
-mobilities programm
-risks and problems
Mobilities in general suppose a lot of efforts for everybodies- hosts and guests, lot of thinking about who, why, when , how.
Each mobility had, on project etwinning page, it s folder, containing padlet forms for planning (project calendar, contact details, school adress, accomodation adress, financial details, itinerary, participants list, arrivals and departure informations, what do we need to prepare/bring, risks assessments), for showing students and teachers collaboration during the mobility, each partener reflexion about the mobility, mobility evaluation and how each of us disseminate the mobility in his school/country.
Links to ressources and tools that can be used for teaching:
Links to our work
Project dissemination
During time, we created lot of dissemination forms and events: flyers shared with students, parents, newsletters, newspaper, activities events.
Public tv s and newspapers were involved presenting informations, short interviews with teachers and students involved into the project.
Art and us
That s how i see my friend and colleague
Romanian stand in Adiyaman
At home or in class, food had to be healthy and bring joy, where ever we are.
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
Erasmus+ Project : 2018-1-UK-KA229-047929-4
This collaborative book contains good practices lessons plans, CDs with video lessons, photos from project activities, photos of project products, lists of resources used on different themes.
It will be published on paper and on-line to improve competences linked to professional profile (teaching, training)/strengthening the profile of teaching professions, including school teachers, school leaders and teachers educators.
It all started with just an idea. Are we, Europeans, so different from each others? Do we have common points?
Then a title arrived: S.A.M.E. and words to define each letter: Similitudes.Attitudes. Motivation. Emotions. It was inspired from a class reality. My class, your class, everybody s class.
Lots of similarities between our students, lots of common attitudes towards learning, school challenges, lots of emotions towards test papers, exams, school life in general. What motivate all of us in learning, in going before, in accepting us as we are , in accepting the others and collaborate for better results?
Then finding partners, people who share the same idea: open teachers who want to learn from each other, to share ideas, experiences, who are not afraid to involve their students in a new European experience of knowing each other, accepting and capitalize themselves and the others.
A short message on Etwinning and we are a 6 partners team. Adventure begin! It was not easy. Hours of Skype conferences. Getting to know each others, sharing ideas about what we can do, writing each part of the project, so our chosen coordinator to put on the project platform.
1.Who are we?
2.Project objectives
4.Project platforms
5.Project activities
6.Project mobilities
-selection criteria
-mobilities programm
-risks and problems
7.Project dissemination
8.Project links to
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