It is the near future on a stormy night, flying cars zooming by, high-tech computers and vr sets, one man got a big idea. This idea could be big. What if he made a realistic game with fantasy elements mixed in, alongside some sci-fi. Epic battles, tales of legends, and more! He gathered a small team. Life: The Game gathered a large amount of hackers. A huge amount, so much that some hackers were even considered villains. Life: The Game finally got to be a peaceful simulation game. But, a couple years later, a huge saga unfolds. The game would never be the same, the epic tale of The Error unfolds...
Have you ever played a video game? Well, one developer was working on something massive. Dropping subtle hints every month. One day, it released, Life: The Video Game. Of course, there were trolls and hackers but there were villains too. There was a goofy monkey that kept messing things up with plans to take over the world. There was a man named Lance who was way more serious than the goofy monkey and had devious plans to take over the whole game and all of the servers. But, one villain outmatched them all. He was very mysterious and ancient in Life: The Video Game. He had many names. His nickname and username was Anonymous Phone, the players called him "The Error". His real name was Kevin Bond. A greedy employee who worked at the studios of Life: The Video Game.
Anonymous Phone had a friend named Anonymous Receiver. How did Anonymous Phone become such a threat in the virtual world. It all started with spy 2 years ago and uncovered some secret documents of ancient errors in Life: The Game. This video game has been around for a long time. A long, long, long time ago, the Error and his accomplice , a 500 IQ genius, worked on a weapon. It was an ordinary gun but the culmination of The Error's Saga would not come for many, many years. Every was the extraordinary laser gun was not that powerful compared the Error's full power many years later. How did the Error get so powerful. An accident occurred. But, lets not get too ahead ourselves. Kevin Bond was very poor. He was an orphan for unknown reasons.
No one knows what happened to his family. He didn't have any relatives either. Since his birth he was shrouded in mystery. Ever since he turned 18, he got a job and raised enough money for a house and a computer. He heard of a video game called "Life: The Video Game". He bought it for a whopping 4000 dollars. Kevin Bond worked extra hours to earn his cash back. Kevin Bond was basically and simply... broke. Kevin Bond looked up how much the owner of Life the Game made and it was 50 billion dollars a week. Kevin Bond wanted that much money. He would be rolling in dough for the rest of his life! He could buy a Lamborghini, a mansion, and swimming pool, and more! Alas, taking over a video game was extremely hard. Especially, a video game that made 50 billion dollars a week. He decided the best option
was to become an employee. He was employed by the owner after taking several tests. He had to go through a spy test just to make sure he wasn't a spy. He had to take many multiple choice tests and learn programming. Finally, he was employed by the owner. He realized that he had barely gotten any closer to taking over the game. The owner was in a top secret room on the 101th story. The secret story of the HQ. Then suddenly, alarms started blaring. A spy had broken in to HQ. Kevin Bond realized if he stopped the spy, the owner may make him top employee. The spy had passed through all the tests. He was an excellent spy who exceled in basically single thing in the world. Kevin Bond kicked the spy and the spy dodged and jumped on a conveyer that had a bunch of boxes on it. The spy started throwing boxes
at Kevin Bond. But, Kevin Bond dodged and then came to a realization that there were two boxes flying towards him. One box hit him in the head and the other on the shoe. Kevin Bond flipped over and the spy threw him on the conveyer. Kevin Bond fell off the conveyer. They were in a top secret conveyer room. The spy got on the conveyer. The fall below looked endless. The room was filled with diagonal conveyers and horizontal conveyers. Each conveyer lead to a cannon. The boxes contained copies of Life: The Game. The cannon shot the box to a house and into the mailbox. Well, sometimes it crushes the mailbox. The walls were black and the ceiling was black. The room was huge and Kevin Bond was on a conveyer. The spy tried to kick Kevin off but Kevin dodged. The spy realized he was about to fall into a cannon.
"I cannot wait for my shipment on Life: The Game" said a police officer "Lets see if this game really is fishy...". The police looked at his mailbox and saw a spy on it. The mailbox was smashed into pieces. The spy looked seriously injured. "Yeah, the corporation is definitely fishy". Kevin Bond had defeated the spy. Kevin had no idea where the spy was shipped to but he told the owner about his accomplishment. Kevin then was allowed on the 101th story. Kevin stole the computer on the 101th story and moved to an office on the 75th story in the HQ. Meanwhile, on the 1st story of Life: the game HQ, a man was bored. He joined the main server. Suddenly, Lance was talking to his minions. Yes, you can buy minions for real money. The minions are non-playable characters built to happily serve their master.
Lance was getting desperate. His plans were always foiled by his brother, Alfro. Lance called all 1 million of his minions to come over. "I have the best plan" said Lance "I will take over my brother's server!". Lance pulled up a presentation on his laptop in-game. "I have planted a plant that will infect his server" said Lance "You minions need to take over the server and capture Alfro". Kevin Bond was listening in on the conversation. Kevin Bond found Lance's top secret weapon, a plasma gun. But, there was a figure guarding it. "Who are you" yelled Kevin. "I am here to help you" said the figure "I am practically a genius". "What will you help me with?" asked Kevin. "This plasma gun can be powered up to cause tsunami waves, travel through time, and use psychokinesis".
"You need the 2 power orbs, they are both in a secret laboratory". "Where is the laboratory?" asked Kevin. "It is literally the building to the right of the this one" said the mysterious figure "But, be careful. Messing with that kind of energy is no joke. It can be seriously dangerous. Be careful.". It was a quiet night. A scientist looked out the window and looked up at the moon. "What a boring night" said the scientist. Suddenly, the door flung open. "What did you say" said Kevin Bond. "INTRUDER" screamed the scientist. Kevin Bond stood next to window and shattered it and then threw the scientist out the window. The scientist lost some health points when he was thrown out the window. Kevin Bond was reaching for the power orbs when suddenly he was kicked by a scientist. Kevin Bond absorbed the power orbs into the plasma gun.
The gun was psychokinetic. He picked up the scientist with his mind and slammed him against the wall. The scientist literally had 1 health point left. The scientist touched the wall and then the scientist got a game over. "I wonder what other powers that gun has" said Kevin. "Not so fast, Kevin!" said a figure. It was the owner of Life: The Game. "You have been causing trouble, luckily, you cannot fix that gun". Time to show off this guns power, thought Kevin. Suddenly, the gun shot out a dart. "Its just a dart, it can't do anything" said the owner. But then, the dart started flickering and then it exploded. The owner blasted against the wall. "That's enough, Kevin!" yelled the owner "I will ban you". Kevin did not want to get banned. He tried to shoot another dart at the wall to make the owner get a game over. But, the plasma gun was faced toward the other way.
Kevin didn't realized he accidently shot a dart at himself. The explosion was no ordinary explosion. It was a purple explosion that sent people back in time. "Where did Kevin go?" shouted the owner. Kevin was back in Ancient Greece. "Uh, hi..." said a mysterious figure. "Wait a minute, didn't I see you back at Lance's base, 'the genius'." said Kevin, confused. "Well, I accidently, touched Lance's machine and it sent me here" said the figure "My name is Miles and I worked on the 1st story of Life: The Game". "Listen, Miles, I don't need you, I am sealing you away in the crystal" said Kevin. Suddenly, Miles dodged and grabbed the plasma gun. Miles shot a green explosion at Kevin. Kevin screamed "NOOOOOOO" and then disappeared. Remember the spy incident. Well, the spy incident that I talked about on the 2nd page of the book and
the spy incident with Kevin are 2 different things. The 2nd spy incident was with a spy called Markus. Markus was the best spy ever. In the real world, he chased after criminals who robbed banks. In Life the Game he was the best spy also who chases after Intergalactic Villains and Mythical Villains. Markus one day decided to look after ancient text. First, a little explaining. Kevin Bond was sealed inside a crystal for around 5000 years. Markus head about the ancient villain Kevin Bond. Are you confused about this. Well, you aren't alone. The programming of Life: The Game was too. A time error occurred. Having time travel in an Massive Multiplayer Online game is really difficult. Markus made a huge mistake by accidently discovering the plasma gun from 5000 years ago. Markus shot a green explosion out of Plasma Gun.
A man in a blue cape flew out of the explosion. "It has been a long time" said the man. Markus fled the cave. The man was basically a 3D shadow wearing a cloak. "I need a in-game name to go by" said the man. "How about 'The Error', it sounds perfect" said The Error. The Error shot lightning out of his cloak. The Error let out a classic evil laugh. Meanwhile, Lance was banging his head on a desk. "WHY IS NOTHING WORKING" shouted Lance. Suddenly, a figure teleported behind Lance. "Listen up, wanna-be villain, I will be taking your place." said The Error. "WHAT?" exclaimed Lance. "Goodbye, wanna-be villain" said The Error. Lance woke up in a black void. The Error suddenly teleported to the Black Void. "Welcome in-between time, enjoy your stay" said The Error. The Error teleported back.
"I am so weak" said The Error "I wonder if the 'fairy tale' is true". Life: The Game loved April Fools day. One prank went way to far. An admin created a created called "Wormy". It spawned in the world and it was basically like a scary movie. Wormy's AI would walk up to you and if you touch Wormy, it would absorb your power and it would be game over for you. The admins locked up Wormy away. The Error's sinister plan was to steal Wormy and absorb its power. The Error infiltrated the secret base where Wormy was being kept. It was guarded by a man who looked old and a teenager who looked like a military officer. The old man loved to tell stories but the teenager look irritated. "When I was in High School, I accidently got on an elementary bus, I waited for an hour. The bus took off and then I realized I was
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It is the near future on a stormy night, flying cars zooming by, high-tech computers and vr sets, one man got a big idea. This idea could be big. What if he made a realistic game with fantasy elements mixed in, alongside some sci-fi. Epic battles, tales of legends, and more! He gathered a small team. Life: The Game gathered a large amount of hackers. A huge amount, so much that some hackers were even considered villains. Life: The Game finally got to be a peaceful simulation game. But, a couple years later, a huge saga unfolds. The game would never be the same, the epic tale of The Error unfolds...
Have you ever played a video game? Well, one developer was working on something massive. Dropping subtle hints every month. One day, it released, Life: The Video Game. Of course, there were trolls and hackers but there were villains too. There was a goofy monkey that kept messing things up with plans to take over the world. There was a man named Lance who was way more serious than the goofy monkey and had devious plans to take over the whole game and all of the servers. But, one villain outmatched them all. He was very mysterious and ancient in Life: The Video Game. He had many names. His nickname and username was Anonymous Phone, the players called him "The Error". His real name was Kevin Bond. A greedy employee who worked at the studios of Life: The Video Game.
Anonymous Phone had a friend named Anonymous Receiver. How did Anonymous Phone become such a threat in the virtual world. It all started with spy 2 years ago and uncovered some secret documents of ancient errors in Life: The Game. This video game has been around for a long time. A long, long, long time ago, the Error and his accomplice , a 500 IQ genius, worked on a weapon. It was an ordinary gun but the culmination of The Error's Saga would not come for many, many years. Every was the extraordinary laser gun was not that powerful compared the Error's full power many years later. How did the Error get so powerful. An accident occurred. But, lets not get too ahead ourselves. Kevin Bond was very poor. He was an orphan for unknown reasons.
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