When you think of bees I'm sure you think about honey and stings, but there is a larger story behind these little creatures. A story that could change the world around you. Let's take a deeper look into the small world of the need for bees.
It all starts with a single queen bee of a beehive. A single queen bee produces up to 2,000 eggs in a single day. In a matter of three to two days, a whole new batch of bees is born in the busy beehive.
Bees are born straight into work from the day they hatch. Many people believe bees just pollinate and make honey, but there are a lot of many different tasks that are performed throughout the hive to make it run smoothly. Bees perform tasks such as feeding the queen, keeping the hive clean and well in order. As already known the most important job to be performed by a bee is pollinating.
When bees pollinate they pass along pollen from flower to flower making fertilization possible. When fertilization is possible nuts and other fruits are produced. Without plants being fertilized they soon die. Leaving the food chain to be out of the regular flow.
Without bees not only are the flowers not getting fertilization to reproduce fruits and vegetables, but plants are also dying. The plants that give up clean oxygen. Bees make up 30 billion dollars a year in crops thanks to their pollinating and fertilization. A world with put the use of bees wouldn't be much of a world
One of the leading ways of bee deaths across the globe is humans. With the uses of pesticides sprayed on the plants, the bees are coming to pollinate and are met with the deadly pesticides. An average of 200-400 bees is killed per day from pesticides they come in contact with.
Along with pesticides being a fault for the loss of bees the issue of habitat loss. Most bee haves is located inside hollow trees away from predators. Forests are being cut down every day and bees are losing their hies leaving collisions at a time disappearing.
There are many bee based organizations set up to help the survival rates of bees such as the "Bumble Bee Conservation Trust" and the "Planet Bee" group they are put into place to help raise help and awareness for the bees.
As humans, we need to do everything in our power to help the who help run the world around. Simple things such as not using pesticides in your garden and not cutting into their habits can make a huge difference in the populations.
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When you think of bees I'm sure you think about honey and stings, but there is a larger story behind these little creatures. A story that could change the world around you. Let's take a deeper look into the small world of the need for bees.
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