Food Production Books

  • The ABCs of Omnivore's Dilemma
    An informative alphabet book that introduces various topics related to agriculture, food production, and sustainability.
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  • Where Does our Food Come From?
    An informative book that introduces children to the sources of food and different types of food production.
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  • In the Neolithic Age with Nick and Nel
    A comparison of life in the Paleolithic and Neolithic times, focusing on changes in housing, food production, and community size.
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  • SDGs and Me
    Gary loses his job and home due to rising rent costs in America. He is unable to afford a home and food.
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  • Green Revolution
    The story provides facts about the Green Revolution in India, its impact on food production and poverty alleviation.
  • The Need For Bees
    A detailed exploration of the importance of bees, their role in pollination and food production, and the threats they face from pesticides and habitat loss.
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  • Sheep to Wool
    The process of sheep wool production, cleaning, and usage in clothing is explained.
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  • ABC Book Of World War II
    A list of key terms and events from World War II, including allies, battles, and important figures.
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